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tip_balloon.js v. 1.81
The latest version is available at
or http://www.devira.com
or http://www.walterzorn.de
Initial author: Walter Zorn
Last modified: 2.2.2009
Extension for the tooltip library wz_tooltip.js.
Implements balloon tooltips.
// Make sure that the core file wz_tooltip.js is included first
if(typeof config == "undefined")
alert("Error:\nThe core tooltip script file 'wz_tooltip.js' must be included first, before the plugin files!");
// Here we define new global configuration variable(s) (as members of the
// predefined "config." class).
// From each of these config variables, wz_tooltip.js will automatically derive
// a command which can be passed to Tip() or TagToTip() in order to customize
// tooltips individually. These command names are just the config variable
// name(s) translated to uppercase,
// e.g. from config. Balloon a command BALLOON will automatically be
// created.
//=================== GLOBAL TOOLTIP CONFIGURATION =========================//
config. Balloon = false // true or false - set to true if you want this to be the default behaviour
config. BalloonImgPath = "view/javascript/tip_balloon/" // Path to images (border, corners, stem), in quotes. Path must be relative to your HTML file.
// Sizes of balloon images
config. BalloonEdgeSize = 6 // Integer - sidelength of quadratic corner images
config. BalloonStemWidth = 15 // Integer
config. BalloonStemHeight = 19 // Integer
config. BalloonStemOffset = -7 // Integer - horizontal offset of left stem edge from mouse (recommended: -stemwidth/2 to center the stem above the mouse)
config. BalloonImgExt = "gif";// File name extension of default balloon images, e.g. "gif" or "png"
// Create a new tt_Extension object (make sure that the name of that object,
// here balloon, is unique amongst the extensions available for wz_tooltips.js):
var balloon = new tt_Extension();
// Implement extension eventhandlers on which our extension should react
balloon.OnLoadConfig = function()
// Turn off native style properties which are not appropriate
balloon.padding = Math.max(tt_aV[PADDING] - tt_aV[BALLOONEDGESIZE], 0);
balloon.width = tt_aV[WIDTH];
// balloon.width += (balloon.padding << 1);
tt_aV[WIDTH] = 0;
tt_aV[PADDING] = 0;
tt_aV[BGCOLOR] = "";
tt_aV[BGIMG] = "";
tt_aV[SHADOW] = false;
// Append slash to img path if missing
if(tt_aV[BALLOONIMGPATH].charAt(tt_aV[BALLOONIMGPATH].length - 1) != '/')
return true;
return false;
balloon.OnCreateContentString = function()
return false;
var aImg, sImgZ, sCssCrn, sVaT, sVaB, sCss0;
// Cache balloon images in advance:
// Either use the pre-cached default images...
if(tt_aV[BALLOONIMGPATH] == config.BalloonImgPath)
aImg = balloon.aDefImg;
// ...or load images from different directory
aImg = Balloon_CacheImgs(tt_aV[BALLOONIMGPATH], tt_aV[BALLOONIMGEXT]);
sCss0 = 'padding:0;margin:0;border:0;line-height:0;overflow:hidden;';
sCssCrn = ' style="position:relative;width:' + tt_aV[BALLOONEDGESIZE] + 'px;' + sCss0 + 'overflow:hidden;';
sVaT = 'vertical-align:top;" valign="top"';
sVaB = 'vertical-align:bottom;" valign="bottom"';
sImgZ = '" style="' + sCss0 + '" />';
tt_sContent = '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:auto;padding:0;margin:0;left:0;top:0;"><tr>'
// Left-top corner
+ '<td' + sCssCrn + sVaB + '>'
+ '<img src="' + aImg[1].src + '" width="' + tt_aV[BALLOONEDGESIZE] + '" height="' + tt_aV[BALLOONEDGESIZE] + sImgZ
+ '</td>'
// Top border
+ '<td valign="bottom" style="position:relative;' + sCss0 + '">'
+ '<img id="bALlOOnT" style="position:relative;top:1px;z-index:1;display:none;' + sCss0 + '" src="' + aImg[9].src + '" width="' + tt_aV[BALLOONSTEMWIDTH] + '" height="' + tt_aV[BALLOONSTEMHEIGHT] + '" />'
+ '<div style="position:relative;z-index:0;top:0;' + sCss0 + 'width:auto;height:' + tt_aV[BALLOONEDGESIZE] + 'px;background-image:url(' + aImg[2].src + ');">'
+ '</div>'
+ '</td>'
// Right-top corner
+ '<td' + sCssCrn + sVaB + '>'
+ '<img src="' + aImg[3].src + '" width="' + tt_aV[BALLOONEDGESIZE] + '" height="' + tt_aV[BALLOONEDGESIZE] + sImgZ
+ '</td>'
+ '</tr><tr>'
// Left border (background-repeat fix courtesy Dirk Schnitzler)
+ '<td style="position:relative;background-repeat:repeat;' + sCss0 + 'width:' + tt_aV[BALLOONEDGESIZE] + 'px;background-image:url(' + aImg[8].src + ');">'
// Redundant image for bugous old Geckos which won't auto-expand TD height to 100%
+ '<img width="' + tt_aV[BALLOONEDGESIZE] + '" height="100%" src="' + aImg[8].src + sImgZ
+ '</td>'
// Content
+ '<td id="bALlO0nBdY" style="position:relative;line-height:normal;background-repeat:repeat;'
+ ';background-image:url(' + aImg[0].src + ')'
+ ';color:' + tt_aV[FONTCOLOR]
+ ';font-family:' + tt_aV[FONTFACE]
+ ';font-size:' + tt_aV[FONTSIZE]
+ ';font-weight:' + tt_aV[FONTWEIGHT]
+ ';text-align:' + tt_aV[TEXTALIGN]
+ ';padding:' + balloon.padding + 'px'
+ ';width:' + ((balloon.width > 0) ? (balloon.width + 'px') : 'auto')
+ ';">' + tt_sContent + '</td>'
// Right border
+ '<td style="position:relative;background-repeat:repeat;' + sCss0 + 'width:' + tt_aV[BALLOONEDGESIZE] + 'px;background-image:url(' + aImg[4].src + ');">'
// Image redundancy for bugous old Geckos that won't auto-expand TD height to 100%
+ '<img width="' + tt_aV[BALLOONEDGESIZE] + '" height="100%" src="' + aImg[4].src + sImgZ
+ '</td>'
+ '</tr><tr>'
// Left-bottom corner
+ '<td' + sCssCrn + sVaT + '>'
+ '<img src="' + aImg[7].src + '" width="' + tt_aV[BALLOONEDGESIZE] + '" height="' + tt_aV[BALLOONEDGESIZE] + sImgZ
+ '</td>'
// Bottom border
+ '<td valign="top" style="position:relative;' + sCss0 + '">'
+ '<div style="position:relative;left:0;top:0;' + sCss0 + 'width:auto;height:' + tt_aV[BALLOONEDGESIZE] + 'px;background-image:url(' + aImg[6].src + ');"></div>'
+ '<img id="bALlOOnB" style="position:relative;top:-1px;left:2px;z-index:1;display:none;' + sCss0 + '" src="' + aImg[10].src + '" width="' + tt_aV[BALLOONSTEMWIDTH] + '" height="' + tt_aV[BALLOONSTEMHEIGHT] + '" />'
+ '</td>'
// Right-bottom corner
+ '<td' + sCssCrn + sVaT + '>'
+ '<img src="' + aImg[5].src + '" width="' + tt_aV[BALLOONEDGESIZE] + '" height="' + tt_aV[BALLOONEDGESIZE] + sImgZ
+ '</td>'
+ '</tr></table>';//alert(tt_sContent);
return true;
balloon.OnSubDivsCreated = function()
var bdy = tt_GetElt("bALlO0nBdY");
// Insert a TagToTip() HTML element into the central body TD
if (tt_t2t && !tt_aV[COPYCONTENT] && bdy)
tt_MovDomNode(tt_t2t, tt_GetDad(tt_t2t), bdy);
balloon.iStem = tt_aV[ABOVE] * 1;
balloon.aStem = [tt_GetElt("bALlOOnT"), tt_GetElt("bALlOOnB")];
balloon.aStem[balloon.iStem].style.display = "inline";
if (balloon.width < -1)
return true;
return false;
// Display the stem appropriately
balloon.OnMoveAfter = function()
var iStem = (tt_aV[ABOVE] != tt_bJmpVert) * 1;
// Tooltip position vertically flipped?
if(iStem != balloon.iStem)
// Display opposite stem
balloon.aStem[balloon.iStem].style.display = "none";
balloon.aStem[iStem].style.display = "inline";
balloon.iStem = iStem;
balloon.aStem[iStem].style.left = Balloon_CalcStemX() + "px";
return true;
return false;
function Balloon_CalcStemX()
var x = tt_musX - tt_x + tt_aV[BALLOONSTEMOFFSET] - tt_aV[BALLOONEDGESIZE];
return Math.max(Math.min(x, tt_w - tt_aV[BALLOONSTEMWIDTH] - (tt_aV[BALLOONEDGESIZE] << 1) - 2), 2);
function Balloon_CacheImgs(sPath, sExt)
var asImg = ["background", "lt", "t", "rt", "r", "rb", "b", "lb", "l", "stemt", "stemb"],
n = asImg.length,
aImg = new Array(n),
img = aImg[n] = new Image();
img.src = sPath + asImg[n] + "." + sExt;
return aImg;
function Balloon_MaxW(bdy)
if (bdy)
var iAdd = tt_bBoxOld ? (balloon.padding << 1) : 0, w = tt_GetDivW(bdy);
if (w > -balloon.width + iAdd)
bdy.style.width = (-balloon.width + iAdd) + "px";
// This mechanism pre-caches the default images specified by
// congif.BalloonImgPath, so, whenever a balloon tip using these default images
// is created, no further server connection is necessary.
function Balloon_PreCacheDefImgs()
// Append slash to img path if missing
if(config.BalloonImgPath.charAt(config.BalloonImgPath.length - 1) != '/')
config.BalloonImgPath += "/";
// Preload default images into array
balloon.aDefImg = Balloon_CacheImgs(config.BalloonImgPath, config.BalloonImgExt);