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synced 2025-02-10 16:56:20 +01:00
475 lines
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475 lines
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function roundcube_browser() {
var a = navigator;
this.ver = parseFloat(a.appVersion);
this.appver = a.appVersion;
this.agent = a.userAgent;
this.agent_lc = a.userAgent.toLowerCase();
this.name = a.appName;
this.vendor = a.vendor ? a.vendor : "";
this.vendver = a.vendorSub ? parseFloat(a.vendorSub) : 0;
this.product = a.product ? a.product : "";
this.platform = String(a.platform).toLowerCase();
this.lang = a.language ? a.language.substring(0, 2) : a.browserLanguage ? a.browserLanguage.substring(0, 2) : a.systemLanguage ? a.systemLanguage.substring(0, 2) : "en";
this.win = this.platform.indexOf("win") >= 0;
this.mac = this.platform.indexOf("mac") >= 0;
this.linux = this.platform.indexOf("linux") >= 0;
this.unix = this.platform.indexOf("unix") >= 0;
this.dom = document.getElementById ? !0 : !1;
this.dom2 = document.addEventListener && document.removeEventListener;
this.ie4 = (this.ie = document.all && !window.opera) && !this.dom;
this.ie5 = this.dom && this.appver.indexOf("MSIE 5") > 0;
this.ie8 = this.dom && this.appver.indexOf("MSIE 8") > 0;
this.ie7 = this.dom && this.appver.indexOf("MSIE 7") > 0;
this.ie6 = this.dom && !this.ie8 && !this.ie7 && this.appver.indexOf("MSIE 6") > 0;
this.mz = this.dom && this.ver >= 5;
this.ns6 = (this.ns = this.ver < 5 && this.name == "Netscape" || this.ver >= 5 && this.vendor.indexOf("Netscape") >= 0) && parseInt(this.vendver) == 6;
this.ns7 = this.ns && parseInt(this.vendver) == 7;
this.chrome = this.agent_lc.indexOf("chrome") > 0;
this.safari = !this.chrome && (this.agent_lc.indexOf("safari") > 0 || this.agent_lc.indexOf("applewebkit") > 0);
this.konq = this.agent_lc.indexOf("konqueror") > 0;
this.iphone = this.safari && this.agent_lc.indexOf("iphone") > 0;
this.ipad = this.safari && this.agent_lc.indexOf("ipad") > 0;
if ((this.opera = window.opera ? !0 : !1) && window.RegExp) this.vendver = /opera(\s|\/)([0-9\.]+)/.test(this.agent_lc) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$2) : -1;
else if (this.chrome && window.RegExp) this.vendver = /chrome\/([0-9\.]+)/.test(this.agent_lc) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1) : 0;
else if (!this.vendver && this.safari) this.vendver = /(safari|applewebkit)\/([0-9]+)/.test(this.agent_lc) ? parseInt(RegExp.$2) : 0;
else if (!this.vendver && this.mz || this.agent.indexOf("Camino") > 0) this.vendver = /rv:([0-9\.]+)/.test(this.agent) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1) : 0;
else if (this.ie && window.RegExp) this.vendver = /msie\s+([0-9\.]+)/.test(this.agent_lc) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1) : 0;
else if (this.konq && window.RegExp) this.vendver = /khtml\/([0-9\.]+)/.test(this.agent_lc) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1) : 0;
if (this.safari && /;\s+([a-z]{2})-[a-z]{2}\)/.test(this.agent_lc)) this.lang = RegExp.$1;
this.dhtml = this.ie4 && this.win || this.ie5 || this.ie6 || this.ns4 || this.mz;
this.vml = this.win && this.ie && this.dom && !this.opera;
this.pngalpha = this.mz || this.opera && this.vendver >= 6 || this.ie && this.mac && this.vendver >= 5 || this.ie && this.win && this.vendver >= 5.5 || this.safari;
this.opacity = this.mz || this.ie && this.vendver >= 5.5 && !this.opera || this.safari && this.vendver >= 100;
this.cookies = a.cookieEnabled;
this.xmlhttp_test = function () {
var a = new Function("try{var o=new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');return true;}catch(err){return false;}");
return this.xmlhttp = window.XMLHttpRequest || window.ActiveXObject && a()
this.set_html_class = function () {
var a = " js";
this.ie ? (a += " ie", this.ie5 ? a += " ie5" : this.ie6 ? a += " ie6" : this.ie7 ? a += " ie7" : this.ie8 && (a += " ie8")) : this.opera ? a += " opera" : this.konq ? a += " konqueror" : this.safari && (a += " safari");
this.chrome ? a += " chrome" : this.iphone ? a += " iphone" : this.ipad ? a += " ipad" : this.ns6 ? a += " netscape6" : this.ns7 && (a += " netscape7");
document.documentElement && (document.documentElement.className += a)
function rcube_layer(a, b) {
this.name = a;
this.create = function (c) {
var b = c.x ? c.x : 0,
e = c.y ? c.y : 0,
f = c.width,
g = c.height,
i = c.zindex,
j = c.vis,
c = c.parent,
h = document.createElement("DIV");
with(h) {
a = this.name;
with(style) position = "absolute", visibility = j ? j == 2 ? "inherit" : "visible" : "hidden", left = b + "px", top = e + "px", f && (width = f.toString().match(/\%$/) ? f : f + "px"), g && (height = g.toString().match(/\%$/) ? g : g + "px"), i && (zIndex = i)
c ? c.appendChild(h) : document.body.appendChild(h);
this.elm = h
b != null ? (this.create(b), this.name = this.elm.id) : this.elm = document.getElementById(a);
if (!this.elm) return !1;
this.css = this.elm.style;
this.event = this.elm;
this.width = this.elm.offsetWidth;
this.height = this.elm.offsetHeight;
this.x = parseInt(this.elm.offsetLeft);
this.y = parseInt(this.elm.offsetTop);
this.visible = this.css.visibility == "visible" || this.css.visibility == "show" || this.css.visibility == "inherit" ? !0 : !1;
this.move = function (a, b) {
this.x = a;
this.y = b;
this.css.left = Math.round(this.x) + "px";
this.css.top = Math.round(this.y) + "px"
this.resize = function (a, b) {
this.css.width = a + "px";
this.css.height = b + "px";
this.width = a;
this.height = b
this.show = function (a) {
a == 1 ? (this.css.visibility = "visible", this.visible = !0) : a == 2 ? (this.css.visibility = "inherit", this.visible = !0) : (this.css.visibility = "hidden", this.visible = !1)
this.write = function (a) {
this.elm.innerHTML = a
var rcube_event = {
get_target: function (a) {
return (a = a || window.event) && a.target ? a.target : a.srcElement
get_keycode: function (a) {
return (a = a || window.event) && a.keyCode ? a.keyCode : a && a.which ? a.which : 0
get_button: function (a) {
return (a = a || window.event) && typeof a.button != "undefined" ? a.button : a && a.which ? a.which : 0
get_modifier: function (a) {
var b = 0,
a = a || window.event;
if (bw.mac && a) return b += (a.metaKey && CONTROL_KEY) + (a.shiftKey && SHIFT_KEY), b;
if (a) return b += (a.ctrlKey && CONTROL_KEY) + (a.shiftKey && SHIFT_KEY), b
get_mouse_pos: function (a) {
if (!a) a = window.event;
var b = a.pageX ? a.pageX : a.clientX,
c = a.pageY ? a.pageY : a.clientY;
document.body && document.all && (b += document.body.scrollLeft, c += document.body.scrollTop);
a._offset && (b += a._offset.left, c += a._offset.top);
return {
x: b,
y: c
add_listener: function (a) {
if (a.object && a.method) {
if (!a.element) a.element = document;
if (!a.object._rc_events) a.object._rc_events = [];
var b = a.event + "*" + a.method;
a.object._rc_events[b] || (a.object._rc_events[b] = function (c) {
return a.object[a.method](c)
a.element.addEventListener ? a.element.addEventListener(a.event,
a.object._rc_events[b], !1) : a.element.attachEvent ? (a.element.detachEvent("on" + a.event, a.object._rc_events[b]), a.element.attachEvent("on" + a.event, a.object._rc_events[b])) : a.element["on" + a.event] = a.object._rc_events[b]
remove_listener: function (a) {
if (!a.element) a.element = document;
var b = a.event + "*" + a.method;
a.object && a.object._rc_events && a.object._rc_events[b] && (a.element.removeEventListener ? a.element.removeEventListener(a.event, a.object._rc_events[b], !1) : a.element.detachEvent ? a.element.detachEvent("on" + a.event, a.object._rc_events[b]) : a.element["on" + a.event] = null)
cancel: function (a) {
a = a ? a : window.event;
a.preventDefault && a.preventDefault();
a.stopPropagation && a.stopPropagation();
a.cancelBubble = !0;
return a.returnValue = !1
touchevent: function (a) {
return {
pageX: a.pageX,
pageY: a.pageY,
offsetX: a.pageX - a.target.offsetLeft,
offsetY: a.pageY - a.target.offsetTop,
target: a.target,
istouch: !0
function setCookie(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
a = a + "=" + escape(b) + (c ? "; expires=" + c.toGMTString() : "") + (d ? "; path=" + d : "") + (e ? "; domain=" + e : "") + (f ? "; secure" : "");
document.cookie = a
function getCookie(a) {
var b = document.cookie;
a += "=";
var c = b.indexOf("; " + a);
if (c == -1) {
if (c = b.indexOf(a), c != 0) return null
} else c += 2;
var d = document.cookie.indexOf(";", c);
if (d == -1) d = b.length;
return unescape(b.substring(c + a.length, d))
var bw = new roundcube_browser;
roundcube_browser.prototype.set_cookie = setCookie;
roundcube_browser.prototype.get_cookie = getCookie;
function rcube_webmail() {
this.env = {};
this.labels = {};
this.buttons = {};
this.buttons_sel = {};
this.gui_objects = {};
this.gui_containers = {};
this.commands = {};
this.command_handlers = {};
this.onloads = [];
this.messages = {};
this.ref = "rcmail";
var j = this;
this.dblclick_time = 500;
this.message_time = 2E3;
this.identifier_expr = RegExp("[^0-9a-z-_]", "gi");
this.mimetypes = "text/plain,text/html,text/xml,image/jpeg,image/gif,image/png,application/x-javascript,application/pdf,application/x-shockwave-flash".split(",");
this.env.keep_alive = 60;
this.env.request_timeout = 180;
this.env.draft_autosave = 0;
this.env.comm_path = "./";
this.env.blankpage = "program/blank.gif";
cache: !1,
error: function (a, b, d) {
j.http_error(a, b, d)
beforeSend: function (a) {
a.setRequestHeader("X-Roundcube-Request", j.env.request_token)
this.set_env = function (a, b) {
if (a != null && typeof a == "object" && !b) for (var d in a) this.env[d] = a[d];
else this.env[a] = b
this.add_label = function (a, b) {
this.labels[a] = b
this.register_button = function (a, b, d, e, f, g) {
this.buttons[a] || (this.buttons[a] = []);
b = {
id: b,
type: d
if (e) b.act = e;
if (f) b.sel = f;
if (g) b.over = g;
this.gui_object = function (a, b) {
this.gui_objects[a] = b
this.gui_container = function (a, b) {
this.gui_containers[a] = b
this.add_element = function (a, b) {
this.gui_containers[b] && this.gui_containers[b].jquery && this.gui_containers[b].append(a)
this.register_command = function (a, b, d) {
this.command_handlers[a] = b;
d && this.enable_command(a, !0)
this.add_onload = function (a) {
this.init = function () {
var a = this;
this.task = this.env.task;
if (!bw.dom || !bw.xmlhttp_test()) this.goto_url("error", "_code=0x199");
else {
for (var b in this.gui_containers) this.gui_containers[b] = $("#" + this.gui_containers[b]);
for (b in this.gui_objects) this.gui_objects[b] = rcube_find_object(this.gui_objects[b]);
this.loaded = !0;
this.pending_message && this.display_message(this.pending_message[0], this.pending_message[1]);
if (this.gui_objects.folderlist) this.gui_containers.foldertray = $(this.gui_objects.folderlist);
/*this.triggerEvent("init", {
task: this.task,
action: this.env.action
for (var d in this.onloads) if (typeof this.onloads[d] == "string") eval(this.onloads[d]);
else if (typeof this.onloads[d] == "function") this.onloads[d]();
* Roundcube splitter GUI class
* @constructor
function rcube_splitter(attrib)
this.p1id = attrib.p1;
this.p2id = attrib.p2;
this.id = attrib.id ? attrib.id : this.p1id + '_' + this.p2id + '_splitter';
this.orientation = attrib.orientation;
this.horizontal = (this.orientation == 'horizontal' || this.orientation == 'h');
this.offset = bw.ie6 ? 2 : 0;
this.pos = attrib.start ? attrib.start * 1 : 0;
this.relative = attrib.relative ? true : false;
this.drag_active = false;
this.init = function()
this.p1 = document.getElementById(this.p1id);
this.p2 = document.getElementById(this.p2id);
// create and position the handle for this splitter
this.p1pos = this.relative ? $(this.p1).position() : $(this.p1).offset();
this.p2pos = this.relative ? $(this.p2).position() : $(this.p2).offset();
if (this.horizontal) {
var top = this.p1pos.top + this.p1.offsetHeight;
this.layer = new rcube_layer(this.id, {x: 0, y: top, height: 10,
width: '100%', vis: 1, parent: this.p1.parentNode});
else {
var left = this.p1pos.left + this.p1.offsetWidth;
this.layer = new rcube_layer(this.id, {x: left, y: 0, width: 10,
height: '100%', vis: 1, parent: this.p1.parentNode});
this.elm = this.layer.elm;
this.elm.className = 'splitter '+(this.horizontal ? 'splitter-h' : 'splitter-v');
this.elm.unselectable = 'on';
// add the mouse event listeners
rcube_event.add_listener({element: this.elm, event:'mousedown', object:this, method:'onDragStart'});
if (bw.ie)
rcube_event.add_listener({element: window, event:'resize', object:this, method:'onResize'});
// read saved position from cookie
var cookie = bw.get_cookie(this.id);
if (cookie && !isNaN(cookie)) {
this.pos = parseFloat(cookie);
else if (this.pos) {
* Set size and position of all DOM objects
* according to the saved splitter position
this.resize = function()
if (this.horizontal) {
var lh = this.layer.height - this.offset * 2;
this.p1.style.height = Math.floor(this.pos - this.p1pos.top - lh / 2) + 'px';
this.p2.style.top = Math.ceil(this.pos + lh / 2) + 'px';
this.layer.move(this.layer.x, Math.round(this.pos - lh / 2 + 1));
if (bw.ie) {
var new_height = parseInt(this.p2.parentNode.offsetHeight, 10) - parseInt(this.p2.style.top, 10) - (bw.ie8 ? 2 : 0);
this.p2.style.height = (new_height > 0 ? new_height : 0) + 'px';
else {
this.p1.style.width = Math.floor(this.pos - this.p1pos.left - this.layer.width / 2) + 'px';
this.p2.style.left = Math.ceil(this.pos + this.layer.width / 2) + 'px';
this.layer.move(Math.round(this.pos - this.layer.width / 2 + 1), this.layer.y);
if (bw.ie) {
var new_width = parseInt(this.p2.parentNode.offsetWidth, 10) - parseInt(this.p2.style.left, 10) ;
this.p2.style.width = (new_width > 0 ? new_width : 0) + 'px';
* Handler for mousedown events
this.onDragStart = function(e)
// disable text selection while dragging the splitter
if (bw.konq || bw.chrome || bw.safari)
document.body.style.webkitUserSelect = 'none';
this.p1pos = this.relative ? $(this.p1).position() : $(this.p1).offset();
this.p2pos = this.relative ? $(this.p2).position() : $(this.p2).offset();
this.drag_active = true;
// start listening to mousemove events
rcube_event.add_listener({element:document, event:'mousemove', object:this, method:'onDrag'});
rcube_event.add_listener({element:document, event:'mouseup', object:this, method:'onDragStop'});
// enable dragging above iframes
$('iframe').each(function() {
$('<div class="iframe-splitter-fix"></div>')
.css({background: '#fff',
width: this.offsetWidth+'px', height: this.offsetHeight+'px',
position: 'absolute', opacity: '0.001', zIndex: 1000
* Handler for mousemove events
this.onDrag = function(e)
if (!this.drag_active)
return false;
var pos = rcube_event.get_mouse_pos(e);
if (this.relative) {
var parent = $(this.p1.parentNode).offset();
pos.x -= parent.left;
pos.y -= parent.top;
if (this.horizontal) {
if (((pos.y - this.layer.height * 1.5) > this.p1pos.top) && ((pos.y + this.layer.height * 1.5) < (this.p2pos.top + this.p2.offsetHeight))) {
this.pos = pos.y;
else {
if (((pos.x - this.layer.width * 1.5) > this.p1pos.left) && ((pos.x + this.layer.width * 1.5) < (this.p2pos.left + this.p2.offsetWidth))) {
this.pos = pos.x;
this.p1pos = this.relative ? $(this.p1).position() : $(this.p1).offset();
this.p2pos = this.relative ? $(this.p2).position() : $(this.p2).offset();
return false;
* Handler for mouseup events
this.onDragStop = function(e)
// resume the ability to highlight text
if (bw.konq || bw.chrome || bw.safari)
document.body.style.webkitUserSelect = 'auto';
// cancel the listening for drag events
rcube_event.remove_listener({element:document, event:'mousemove', object:this, method:'onDrag'});
rcube_event.remove_listener({element:document, event:'mouseup', object:this, method:'onDragStop'});
this.drag_active = false;
// remove temp divs
$('div.iframe-splitter-fix').each(function() { this.parentNode.removeChild(this); });
return bw.safari ? true : rcube_event.cancel(e);
* Handler for window resize events
this.onResize = function(e)
if (this.horizontal) {
var new_height = parseInt(this.p2.parentNode.offsetHeight, 10) - parseInt(this.p2.style.top, 10) - (bw.ie8 ? 2 : 0);
this.p2.style.height = (new_height > 0 ? new_height : 0) +'px';
else {
var new_width = parseInt(this.p2.parentNode.offsetWidth, 10) - parseInt(this.p2.style.left, 10);
this.p2.style.width = (new_width > 0 ? new_width : 0) + 'px';
* Saves splitter position in cookie
this.set_cookie = function()
var exp = new Date();
exp.setYear(exp.getFullYear() + 1);
bw.set_cookie(this.id, this.pos, exp);
} // end class rcube_splitter