2013-09-04 14:02:11 +02:00
< ? php
2013-08-30 15:21:19 +02:00
$_ [ 'text_60_minutes' ] = " 60 mins " ;
$_ [ 'text_action' ] = " Acción " ;
$_ [ 'text_active_incoming_queue' ] = " activo + cola entrante " ;
$_ [ 'text_active_incoming_queue_sender' ] = " activo + cola entrante vs. remitente " ;
$_ [ 'text_ad_sync_status' ] = " Estado de sincronización AD " ;
$_ [ 'text_add' ] = " Agregar " ;
$_ [ 'text_add_new_email_address' ] = " Nueva dirección de email " ;
$_ [ 'text_add_new_domain' ] = " Nuevo dominio " ;
$_ [ 'text_add_new_entry' ] = " Nueva entrada " ;
$_ [ 'text_add_new_group' ] = " Agregar grupo " ;
$_ [ 'text_add_new_rule' ] = " Agergar regla " ;
$_ [ 'text_add_new_user_alias' ] = " Agergar nuevo usuario " ;
$_ [ 'text_add_policy' ] = " Agergar nueva política " ;
$_ [ 'text_administration' ] = " Administración " ;
$_ [ 'text_admin_user' ] = " Usuario administrador " ;
$_ [ 'text_advanced' ] = " Avanzado " ;
$_ [ 'text_advanced_search' ] = " Búsqueda avanzada " ;
$_ [ 'text_all' ] = " todo " ;
$_ [ 'text_any' ] = " cualquier " ;
$_ [ 'text_applied' ] = " Aplicado " ;
$_ [ 'text_apply_changes' ] = " Aplicar cambios " ;
$_ [ 'text_archive_size' ] = " Tamaño de archivo " ;
$_ [ 'text_archived_messages' ] = " Mensajes archivados " ;
$_ [ 'text_archiving_rules' ] = " Reglas de archivado " ;
$_ [ 'text_attachment' ] = " Adjunto " ;
2013-11-11 11:34:00 +01:00
$_ [ 'text_attachment_name' ] = " Nombre de adjunto " ;
2013-08-30 15:21:19 +02:00
$_ [ 'text_attachment_size' ] = " Tamaño de adjunto " ;
$_ [ 'text_attachment_type' ] = " Tipo de adjunto " ;
$_ [ 'text_audit' ] = " Auditar " ;
$_ [ 'text_back' ] = " Atrás " ;
$_ [ 'text_background_colour' ] = " Color de fondo " ;
$_ [ 'text_body' ] = " Cuerpo " ;
$_ [ 'text_branding_logo' ] = " Logo de marca " ;
$_ [ 'text_branding_text' ] = " Texto de marca " ;
$_ [ 'text_branding_url' ] = " URL de marca " ;
$_ [ 'text_bulk_edit_selected_uids' ] = " Editar en masa uids seleccionados " ;
$_ [ 'text_bulk_restore_selected_emails' ] = " Editar en masa emails seleccionados " ;
$_ [ 'text_bulk_update_selected_uids' ] = " Actualizar en masa uids seleccionados " ;
$_ [ 'text_cancel' ] = " Cancelar " ;
$_ [ 'text_change_user_settings' ] = " cambiar configuración de usuario " ;
$_ [ 'text_clienthost' ] = " Host cliente " ;
$_ [ 'text_close' ] = " Cerrar " ;
$_ [ 'text_colour' ] = " Color " ;
$_ [ 'text_compressed' ] = " comprimido " ;
$_ [ 'text_confirm_to_reset_counters' ] = " Confirmar reinicio de contadores " ;
$_ [ 'text_connection_failed' ] = " Fallo de conexión " ;
$_ [ 'text_connection_ok' ] = " Conexión OK " ;
$_ [ 'text_contact_support' ] = " Contactar soporte " ;
$_ [ 'text_content_filter' ] = " Filtro de contenido " ;
$_ [ 'text_conversation_available' ] = " Conversación disponible " ;
$_ [ 'text_copied' ] = " Copiado " ;
$_ [ 'text_counters' ] = " Contadores " ;
$_ [ 'text_cpu_load' ] = " Carga de CPU " ;
$_ [ 'text_cpu_usage' ] = " Uso de CPU " ;
$_ [ 'text_customers' ] = " Clientes " ;
$_ [ 'text_daily_quarantine_report' ] = " Reporte diario de cuarentena " ;
$_ [ 'text_daily_quarantine_report_status' ] = " Estado de reporte diario de cuarentena " ;
$_ [ 'text_daily_report' ] = " Informe diario " ;
$_ [ 'text_daily_piler_report' ] = " Reporte diario de piler " ;
$_ [ 'text_database_emails' ] = " Direcciones de email en base de datos de piler " ;
$_ [ 'text_date' ] = " Fecha " ;
$_ [ 'text_date_from' ] = " Fecha desde " ;
$_ [ 'text_date_to' ] = " Fecha hasta " ;
$_ [ 'text_days' ] = " Días " ;
$_ [ 'text_days2' ] = " días " ;
$_ [ 'text_days_to_retain' ] = " Días a retener " ;
$_ [ 'text_deferred_queue' ] = " cola diferida " ;
$_ [ 'text_deferred_queue_sender' ] = " cola diferida vs. remitente " ;
$_ [ 'text_delay' ] = " Retraso " ;
$_ [ 'text_deleted_users' ] = " borrado " ;
$_ [ 'text_deliver' ] = " Entregar " ;
$_ [ 'text_delivered' ] = " Entregado " ;
$_ [ 'text_deliver_and_train_selected_messages' ] = " Entregar y entrenar mensajes seleccionados " ;
$_ [ 'text_deliver_and_train_selected_messages_as_ham' ] = " Entregar y entrenar mensajes seleccionados AS HAM " ;
$_ [ 'text_deliver_selected_messages' ] = " Entregar mensajes seleccionados " ;
$_ [ 'text_description' ] = " Descripción " ;
$_ [ 'text_direction' ] = " Dirección " ;
$_ [ 'text_disk_usage' ] = " Uso de disco " ;
$_ [ 'text_disable' ] = " Deshabilitar " ;
$_ [ 'text_disabled' ] = " deshabilitado " ;
$_ [ 'text_dn_asterisk_means_skip_sync' ] = " Asterisco (*) significa que esta entrada de usuario no será parte de la sincronización AD " ;
$_ [ 'text_domain' ] = " Dominio " ;
$_ [ 'text_domains' ] = " Dominios(s) " ;
$_ [ 'text_domainname' ] = " Nombre de dominio " ;
$_ [ 'text_download_attachment2' ] = " descargar adjunto " ;
$_ [ 'text_download_message' ] = " Descargar mensaje (EML) " ;
$_ [ 'text_download_message2' ] = " descargar mensaje " ;
$_ [ 'text_edit' ] = " Editar " ;
$_ [ 'text_edit_entry' ] = " Editar entrada " ;
$_ [ 'text_edit_group' ] = " Editar grupo " ;
$_ [ 'text_edit_user' ] = " Editar usuario " ;
$_ [ 'text_edit_or_view' ] = " Editar/ver " ;
$_ [ 'text_email' ] = " Dirección email " ;
$_ [ 'text_email_addresses' ] = " Direcciones de email " ;
$_ [ 'text_email_aliases' ] = " Aliases de email " ;
$_ [ 'text_email_in_unknown_domain' ] = " La dirección de email es de dominio desconocido " ;
$_ [ 'text_empty_search_criteria' ] = " 'Criterio vacío' " ;
2015-01-23 10:03:44 +01:00
$_ [ 'text_empty_search_result' ] = " Resultado de búsqueda vacío. Trate utilizar el caracter de wildcard (*) luego de una semi-palabra (min. " . MIN_PREFIX_LEN . " characters), eg. duplic* para encontrar \" duplicar \" , \" duplicado \" , etc. " ;
2013-08-30 15:21:19 +02:00
$_ [ 'text_enable' ] = " Habilitar " ;
$_ [ 'text_enabled' ] = " habilitado " ;
$_ [ 'text_enter_one_email_address_per_line' ] = " Ingrese una dirección de email por línea " ;
$_ [ 'text_enter_one_group_per_line' ] = " Ingreser un grupo por línea " ;
$_ [ 'text_enter_search_terms' ] = " Ingreser sus términos de búsqueda " ;
$_ [ 'text_error' ] = " Error " ;
$_ [ 'text_exact_domain_name_or_email_address' ] = " dirección de email o nombre de dominio exactos " ;
$_ [ 'text_exclude' ] = " Excluir " ;
$_ [ 'text_existing_domains' ] = " Dominios existentes " ;
$_ [ 'text_existing_email' ] = " Email existente " ;
$_ [ 'text_existing_folders' ] = " Carpetas existentes " ;
$_ [ 'text_existing_groups' ] = " Grupos existentes " ;
$_ [ 'text_existing_policies' ] = " Políticas existentes " ;
$_ [ 'text_existing_entries' ] = " Entradas existentes " ;
$_ [ 'text_existing_rules' ] = " Reglas existentes " ;
$_ [ 'text_existing_user' ] = " Usuario existente " ;
$_ [ 'text_existing_users' ] = " Usuarios existentes " ;
$_ [ 'text_expert' ] = " Experto " ;
$_ [ 'text_expert_search' ] = " Búsqueda experta " ;
$_ [ 'text_failed' ] = " falló " ;
$_ [ 'text_failed_to_add' ] = " Falló al añadir " ;
$_ [ 'text_failed_to_change_password' ] = " Falló al cambiar contraseña " ;
$_ [ 'text_failed_to_deliver' ] = " Falló al entregar " ;
$_ [ 'text_failed_to_mark_for_removal' ] = " Falló al marcar para remover " ;
$_ [ 'text_failed_to_modify' ] = " Falló al modificar " ;
$_ [ 'text_failed_to_remove' ] = " Falló al remover " ;
$_ [ 'text_failed_to_restore' ] = " Falló al restaurar " ;
$_ [ 'text_failed_to_update' ] = " Falló al renovar " ;
$_ [ 'text_first' ] = " Primero " ;
$_ [ 'text_folder' ] = " Carpeta " ;
$_ [ 'text_folders' ] = " Carpetas " ;
$_ [ 'text_from' ] = " De " ;
$_ [ 'text_from_domain' ] = " De dominio " ;
$_ [ 'text_group_id' ] = " ID de grupo " ;
$_ [ 'text_groupname' ] = " Nombre de grupo " ;
$_ [ 'text_groups' ] = " Grupos " ;
$_ [ 'text_group_management' ] = " Administración de grupo " ;
$_ [ 'text_group_membership' ] = " Membresía de grupo " ;
$_ [ 'text_health' ] = " Salud " ;
$_ [ 'text_health_monitor' ] = " Monitor de salud " ;
$_ [ 'text_help' ] = " Ayuda " ;
$_ [ 'text_history' ] = " Historia " ;
$_ [ 'text_home' ] = " Inicio " ;
$_ [ 'text_image' ] = " imagen " ;
$_ [ 'text_import' ] = " Importar " ;
$_ [ 'text_import_job_delete_confirm_message' ] = " Desea borrar tarea de importación " ;
$_ [ 'text_import_users' ] = " Importar usuarios " ;
$_ [ 'text_import_users_from_LDAP' ] = " Importar usuarios de LDAP " ;
$_ [ 'text_inbound' ] = " entrante " ;
$_ [ 'text_indexer_job' ] = " Trabajo de indexador " ;
$_ [ 'text_install_sudo_apply' ] = " Añada lo siguiente a /etc/sudoers: 'www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/rc.piler reload' " ;
$_ [ 'text_internal' ] = " internalo " ;
$_ [ 'text_invalid_data' ] = " Data inválida " ;
$_ [ 'text_invalid_email' ] = " Email inválido " ;
$_ [ 'text_invalid_email_or_password' ] = " Email o contraseña inválidos " ;
$_ [ 'text_invalid_gid' ] = " Gid inválido " ;
$_ [ 'text_invalid_password' ] = " Contraseña inválida " ;
$_ [ 'text_invalid_policy_group' ] = " Política de grupo inválida " ;
$_ [ 'text_invalid_policy_name' ] = " Nombre de política inválida " ;
$_ [ 'text_invalid_policy_setting' ] = " Ajuste de política inválida " ;
$_ [ 'text_invalid_uid' ] = " Uid inválida " ;
$_ [ 'text_invalid_username' ] = " Nombre de usuario inválido " ;
$_ [ 'text_ipaddr' ] = " Dirección IP " ;
$_ [ 'text_language' ] = " Languaje " ;
$_ [ 'text_last' ] = " Último " ;
$_ [ 'text_last_activity' ] = " Última actividad " ;
$_ [ 'text_last_update' ] = " Última actualización " ;
$_ [ 'text_latest_emails' ] = " Últimos emails " ;
$_ [ 'text_ldap' ] = " LDAP " ;
$_ [ 'text_ldap_auditor_member_dn' ] = " Miembro auditor DN " ;
$_ [ 'text_ldap_base_dn' ] = " LDAP base DN " ;
$_ [ 'text_ldap_bind_dn' ] = " LDAP bind DN " ;
$_ [ 'text_ldap_bind_pw' ] = " LDAP bind contraseña " ;
$_ [ 'text_ldap_host' ] = " Host LDAP " ;
$_ [ 'text_ldap_type' ] = " Tipo LDAP " ;
$_ [ 'text_load' ] = " Cargar " ;
$_ [ 'text_loading' ] = " cargando " ;
$_ [ 'text_logged_in' ] = " Sesión iniciada " ;
$_ [ 'text_logged_out' ] = " Usted ha cerrado la sesión " ;
$_ [ 'text_login' ] = " Iniciar sesión " ;
$_ [ 'text_login2' ] = " iniciar sesión " ;
$_ [ 'text_login_failed' ] = " Falló el inicio de sesión " ;
$_ [ 'text_login_via_google' ] = " Iniciar sesión a través de una cuenta Google " ;
$_ [ 'text_logout' ] = " Cerrar sesión " ;
$_ [ 'text_logout2' ] = " cerrar sesión " ;
$_ [ 'text_maillog_status' ] = " estado del colector de logs de mails " ;
$_ [ 'text_main_title' ] = " IU web clapf " ;
$_ [ 'text_mapped_domain' ] = " Dominio mapeado " ;
$_ [ 'text_marked_for_removal' ] = " Mensaje marcado para remover " ;
$_ [ 'text_memory_usage' ] = " Uso de memoria " ;
$_ [ 'text_message' ] = " mensaje " ;
$_ [ 'text_messages' ] = " mensajes " ;
$_ [ 'text_message_text' ] = " Texto del mensaje " ;
$_ [ 'text_min_2_chars' ] = " Al menos 2 caractéres " ;
$_ [ 'text_missing_data' ] = " Data faltante " ;
$_ [ 'text_missing_password' ] = " Contraseña faltante " ;
$_ [ 'text_modify' ] = " Modificar " ;
$_ [ 'text_monitor' ] = " Monitor " ;
$_ [ 'text_months' ] = " meses " ;
$_ [ 'text_monthly_report' ] = " Reporte mensual " ;
$_ [ 'text_new_users' ] = " nuevo " ;
$_ [ 'text_next' ] = " Próximo " ;
$_ [ 'text_no_domain_found' ] = 'Dominio no encontrado' ;
$_ [ 'text_no_email_found' ] = 'Email no encontrado' ;
$_ [ 'text_no_message_in_the_quarantine' ] = " Ningún mensaje en cuarentena cumple el criterio de búsqueda " ;
$_ [ 'text_no_records' ] = " No hay records " ;
$_ [ 'text_no_sender' ] = " no hay remitente " ;
$_ [ 'text_no_spam_message_in_the_quarantine_yet' ] = " No hay mensajes de spam en cuarentena todavía " ;
$_ [ 'text_no_subject' ] = " no hay asunto " ;
$_ [ 'text_no_such_policy' ] = " No hay tal política " ;
$_ [ 'text_non_existent_queue_directory' ] = " El directorio de cola que ha especificado no existe " ;
$_ [ 'text_non_existing_user' ] = " Usuario no existente " ;
$_ [ 'text_notes' ] = " Notas " ;
$_ [ 'text_not_found' ] = " No encontrado " ;
$_ [ 'text_not_running' ] = " no está corriendo " ;
$_ [ 'text_not_spam' ] = " no es spam " ;
$_ [ 'title_not_found' ] = " Página no encontrada " ;
$_ [ 'text_number_of_messages_in_quarantine' ] = " Número de mensajes en cuarentena que cumplen su criterio de búsqueda " ;
$_ [ 'text_number_of_spam_messages_in_quarantine' ] = " Número de mensajes de spam en cuarentena que cumplen su criterio de búsqueda " ;
$_ [ 'text_off' ] = " apagado " ;
$_ [ 'text_on' ] = " encendido " ;
$_ [ 'text_online_users' ] = " Usuarios conectados " ;
$_ [ 'text_other' ] = " otros " ;
$_ [ 'text_outbound' ] = " saliente " ;
$_ [ 'text_password' ] = " Contraseña " ;
$_ [ 'text_password_again' ] = " Contraseña nuevamente " ;
$_ [ 'text_password_changed' ] = " Contraseña cambiada " ;
$_ [ 'text_password_mismatch' ] = " Contraseña no coincide " ;
$_ [ 'text_page_length' ] = " Largo de página " ;
$_ [ 'text_periodic_purge' ] = " Purga periódica " ;
$_ [ 'text_policy' ] = " Política " ;
$_ [ 'text_policy_group' ] = " Grupo de política " ;
$_ [ 'text_policy_name' ] = " Nombre de política " ;
$_ [ 'text_previous' ] = " Previo " ;
$_ [ 'text_processed_emails' ] = " Emails procesados " ;
$_ [ 'text_progress' ] = " Progreso " ;
$_ [ 'text_purge_all_messages_from_quarantine' ] = " Purgar sus propios mensajes de cuarentena " ;
$_ [ 'text_purge_selected_messages' ] = " Purgar mensajes seleccionados " ;
$_ [ 'text_purged' ] = " Purgado " ;
$_ [ 'text_queue_status' ] = " Estado de cola " ;
$_ [ 'text_quick_search' ] = " Búsqueda rápida " ;
$_ [ 'text_realname' ] = " Nombre real " ;
$_ [ 'text_recipient' ] = " Recipiente " ;
$_ [ 'text_ref' ] = " Referencia " ;
$_ [ 'text_refresh_period' ] = " Período de refresco " ;
$_ [ 'text_relay_details' ] = " Detalles de relay " ;
$_ [ 'text_relay_status' ] = " Estado de relay " ;
$_ [ 'text_remove' ] = " Remover " ;
2016-02-06 21:14:00 +01:00
$_ [ 'text_removed' ] = " Remover " ;
2013-08-30 15:21:19 +02:00
$_ [ 'text_remove_domain' ] = " Remover dominio " ;
$_ [ 'text_remove_message' ] = " Remover mensaje " ;
$_ [ 'text_remove_message2' ] = " remover mensaje " ;
$_ [ 'text_remove_selected_uids' ] = " Remover uids seleccionados " ;
$_ [ 'text_remove_policy' ] = " Remover política " ;
$_ [ 'text_remove_rule' ] = " Remover regla " ;
$_ [ 'text_remove_this_policy' ] = " Remover esta política " ;
$_ [ 'text_remove_this_group' ] = " Remover este grupo " ;
$_ [ 'text_remove_this_user' ] = " Remover este usuario " ;
$_ [ 'text_reset_counters' ] = " Reiniciar contadores " ;
$_ [ 'text_restore' ] = " Restaurar " ;
$_ [ 'text_restored' ] = " Restaurado " ;
$_ [ 'text_restore_message' ] = " restaurar mensaje " ;
$_ [ 'text_restore_to_mailbox' ] = " Restaurar mensaje a casilla de correo " ;
$_ [ 'text_restored' ] = " Restaurado " ;
$_ [ 'text_result' ] = " Resultado " ;
$_ [ 'text_retention_days' ] = " Días de retención " ;
$_ [ 'text_retention_rules' ] = " Reglas de retención " ;
$_ [ 'text_role' ] = " Rol " ;
$_ [ 'text_running' ] = " corriendo " ;
$_ [ 'text_save' ] = " Guardar " ;
$_ [ 'text_saved' ] = " Guardado " ;
$_ [ 'text_save_search' ] = " guardar búsqueda " ;
$_ [ 'text_save_search_terms' ] = " Guardar términos de búsqueda " ;
$_ [ 'text_saved_search_terms' ] = " Términos de búsqueda guardados " ;
$_ [ 'text_search' ] = " Buscar " ;
$_ [ 'text_search2' ] = " buscar " ;
$_ [ 'text_search_emails' ] = " Buscar direcciones de email " ;
$_ [ 'text_search_email_to_add' ] = " Buscar email a añadir " ;
$_ [ 'text_search_folders' ] = " Buscar carpetas " ;
$_ [ 'text_search_folder_to_add' ] = " Buscar carpeta a añadir " ;
$_ [ 'text_search_groups' ] = " Buscar grupos " ;
$_ [ 'text_search_group_to_add' ] = " Buscar grupos a añadir " ;
$_ [ 'text_search_terms' ] = " Términos de búsqueda " ;
$_ [ 'text_select_action' ] = " Seleccionar acción " ;
$_ [ 'text_select_all' ] = " Seleccionar todo " ;
$_ [ 'text_select_image' ] = " Seleccionar imagen " ;
$_ [ 'text_select_recipients' ] = " Seleccionar recipientes " ;
$_ [ 'text_sender' ] = " Remitente " ;
$_ [ 'text_sending_domains' ] = " dominios remitentes " ;
$_ [ 'text_server_name' ] = " Nombre de servidor " ;
$_ [ 'text_server_operating_system' ] = " Sistema Operativo " ;
$_ [ 'text_set' ] = " Ajustar " ;
$_ [ 'text_settings' ] = " Ajustes " ;
$_ [ 'text_simple' ] = " Simple " ;
$_ [ 'text_simple_search' ] = " Búsqueda simple " ;
$_ [ 'text_size' ] = " Tamaño " ;
$_ [ 'text_smtp_status' ] = " Estado de SMTP " ;
$_ [ 'text_spam' ] = " Spam " ;
$_ [ 'text_spam2' ] = " spam " ;
$_ [ 'text_statistics' ] = " Estadísticas " ;
$_ [ 'text_status' ] = " Estado " ;
$_ [ 'text_subject' ] = " Asunto " ;
$_ [ 'text_submit' ] = " Enviar " ;
$_ [ 'text_successful' ] = " Éxito " ;
$_ [ 'text_successfully_added' ] = " Agregado exitosamente " ;
$_ [ 'text_successfully_delivered' ] = " Entregado exitosamente " ;
$_ [ 'text_successfully_modified' ] = " Modificado exitosamente " ;
$_ [ 'text_successfully_removed' ] = " Removido exitosamente " ;
$_ [ 'text_successfully_trained' ] = " Entrenado exitosamente " ;
$_ [ 'text_successfully_updated' ] = " Modificado exitosamente " ;
$_ [ 'text_support_link' ] = " Enlace de soporte " ;
$_ [ 'text_swap_usage' ] = " Uso de swap " ;
$_ [ 'text_tag_selected_messages' ] = " Etiquetar mensajes seleccionados " ;
$_ [ 'text_tagged' ] = " Etiquetados " ;
$_ [ 'text_tags' ] = " Etiquetas " ;
$_ [ 'text_test_connection' ] = " Probar conexión " ;
$_ [ 'text_text' ] = " Texto " ;
$_ [ 'text_text_colour' ] = " Color de texto " ;
$_ [ 'text_text2' ] = " texto " ;
$_ [ 'text_theme' ] = " Tema " ;
$_ [ 'text_time' ] = " Tiempo " ;
$_ [ 'text_to' ] = " Para " ;
$_ [ 'text_to_domain' ] = " Para dominio " ;
$_ [ 'text_too_short_password' ] = " Contraseña muy corta " ;
$_ [ 'text_total' ] = " total " ;
$_ [ 'text_total_ratio' ] = " ratio total " ;
$_ [ 'text_total_query_time' ] = " Tiempo total de consulta SQL " ;
$_ [ 'text_total_users' ] = " total " ;
$_ [ 'text_type' ] = " Tipo " ;
$_ [ 'text_uids' ] = " uids " ;
$_ [ 'text_unauthorized_domain' ] = " Domnio no autorizado " ;
$_ [ 'text_unauthorized_download_attachment' ] = " descarga de adjunto no autorizada " ;
$_ [ 'text_unauthorized_remove_message' ] = " eliminación de mensaje no autorizada " ;
$_ [ 'text_unauthorized_view_message' ] = " visión de mensaje no autorizada " ;
$_ [ 'text_unknown' ] = " desconocido " ;
$_ [ 'text_update_retention_within_this_domain' ] = " Renover valores de rentención en este dominio " ;
$_ [ 'text_update_selected_uids' ] = " Actualizar uids seleccionados " ;
$_ [ 'text_updated_records' ] = " Actualizar records " ;
$_ [ 'text_uptime' ] = " Tiempo de actividad " ;
$_ [ 'text_user' ] = " Usuario " ;
$_ [ 'text_users' ] = " Usuarios " ;
$_ [ 'text_user_id' ] = " ID de usuario " ;
$_ [ 'text_user_auditor' ] = " Auditor " ;
$_ [ 'text_user_domainadmin' ] = " Administrador de dominio " ;
$_ [ 'text_user_management' ] = " Administración de usuario " ;
$_ [ 'text_user_masteradmin' ] = " Administrador maestro " ;
$_ [ 'text_user_read_only_admin' ] = " Administrador de solo lectura " ;
$_ [ 'text_user_regular' ] = " Usuario regular " ;
$_ [ 'text_userlist' ] = " Lista de usuario " ;
$_ [ 'text_username' ] = " Nombre de usuario " ;
$_ [ 'text_users_quarantine' ] = " Cuarentena de usuario " ;
$_ [ 'text_view_formatted_email' ] = " Ver email formateado " ;
$_ [ 'text_view_header' ] = " Ver encabezado " ;
$_ [ 'text_view_headers' ] = " Ver encabezados " ;
$_ [ 'text_view_journal' ] = " diario " ;
$_ [ 'text_view_journal_envelope' ] = " Ver sobre " ;
$_ [ 'text_view_message' ] = " Ver mensaje " ;
$_ [ 'text_view_message2' ] = " ver mensaje " ;
$_ [ 'text_view_progress' ] = " ver progreso " ;
$_ [ 'text_view_raw_email' ] = " Ver email crudo " ;
$_ [ 'text_view_user_quarantine' ] = " Ver cuarentena de usuario " ;
$_ [ 'text_warning_about_default_policy' ] = " La poliítica por defecto puede ser definida en clapf.conf " ;
$_ [ 'text_whitelist' ] = " Lista blanca " ;
$_ [ 'text_whitelist_settings' ] = " Ajustes de lista blanca " ;
$_ [ 'text_with_attachment' ] = " con adjunto(s) " ;
$_ [ 'text_without_attachment' ] = " sin adjunto " ;
$_ [ 'text_years' ] = " años " ;
$_ [ 'text_you_are' ] = " Sos " ;
$_ [ 'text_you_are_not_admin' ] = " No sos usuario administrador " ;
$_ [ 'rcvd' ] = " mensajes recibidos " ;
$_ [ 'virus' ] = " mensajes infectados " ;
$_ [ 'duplicate' ] = " mensajes duplicados " ;
$_ [ 'ignore' ] = " mensajes ignorados " ;
$_ [ 'counters_last_update' ] = " contadores actualizados " ;
$_ [ 'text_24_hours' ] = " 24 horas " ;
$_ [ 'text_1_week' ] = " 1 semana " ;
$_ [ 'text_30_days' ] = " 30 días " ;
$_ [ 'text_access_settings' ] = 'Ajustes de acceso' ;
$_ [ 'text_access_setting_explanation' ] = " Siempre tienes que ser dueño de tu propioa dirección de email. Para accesos de auditor para grupos o dominios específicos, por favor contacte al administrador de archivo. " ;
$_ [ 'text_display_settings' ] = 'Ajustes de visualización' ;
$_ [ 'text_change_password' ] = " Cambiar contraseña " ;
$_ [ 'text_none_found' ] = " Ninguno encontrado " ;
$_ [ 'text_primary_domain' ] = " Dominio primario " ;
$_ [ 'text_search_domains' ] = " Buscar dominios " ;
$_ [ 'text_search_domain_to_add' ] = " Buscar dominios a agregar " ;
$_ [ 'text_space_projection' ] = 'Proyección de espacios' ;
$_ [ 'text_average_messages_day' ] = 'Cantidad promedio de mensajes por día' ;
$_ [ 'text_average_message_size' ] = 'Mensaje promedio + Metadata + Tamaño de índice' ;
$_ [ 'text_average_size_day' ] = 'Tamaño promedio por día' ;
$_ [ 'text_partition_full' ] = 'Partición proyectada a llenarse en' ;
$_ [ 'text_usage_trend' ] = 'Tendencia de uso' ;
$_ [ 'text_usage_increasing' ] = 'Incrementando' ;
$_ [ 'text_usage_decreasing' ] = 'Decrementando' ;
$_ [ 'text_usage_neutral' ] = 'Neutral' ;
$_ [ 'text_accounting' ] = 'Contabilidad de arrchivo' ;
$_ [ 'text_accounting_email' ] = 'Contabilidad Por-Email' ;
$_ [ 'text_accounting_domain' ] = 'Contabilidad Por-Dominio' ;
$_ [ 'text_options' ] = 'Opciones' ;
$_ [ 'text_spam_flag' ] = 'Mensaje etiquietado como SPAM' ;
$_ [ 'text_attachment_flag' ] = 'El mensaje tiene adjunto' ;
$_ [ 'text_notes_flag' ] = 'El mensaje tiene notas' ;
$_ [ 'text_tag_flag' ] = 'Mensaje etiquietado' ;
$_ [ 'text_verified_flag' ] = 'Mensaje verificado' ;
$_ [ 'text_unverified_flag' ] = 'El mensaje falló la verificación' ;
$_ [ 'text_bulk_download' ] = 'Descargar en masas mensajes seleccionados' ;
$_ [ 'text_clear' ] = 'Despejar' ;
$_ [ 'text_select_letter' ] = 'Seleccionar direcciones por letra' ;
$_ [ 'text_working' ] = 'Trabajando...' ;
$_ [ 'text_use_browser_settings' ] = 'Usar ajustes de navegador' ;
$_ [ 'text_sent' ] = 'Enviado' ;
$_ [ 'text_received' ] = 'Recibido' ;
$_ [ 'text_oldest_record' ] = 'Record más viejo' ;
$_ [ 'text_newest_record' ] = 'Record más nuevo' ;
$_ [ 'text_items' ] = 'Items' ;
$_ [ 'text_average_size' ] = 'Tamaño promedio' ;
$_ [ 'text_return_to' ] = 'Devolver a' ;
$_ [ 'text_error_message' ] = 'Por favor corrija los mensajes a continuación y envíe nuevamente.' ;
$_ [ 'text_field_required' ] = 'Este campo es requerido.' ;
$_ [ 'text_field_length' ] = 'Este campo requiere más de ? caracteres.' ;
$_ [ 'text_field_domain' ] = 'Este campo debe ser un dominio válido (ie - domain.com).' ;
$_ [ 'text_field_colour' ] = 'Este campo debe ser un código válido de color (ie - #fcfcfc).' ;
$_ [ 'text_delete' ] = 'Borrar' ;
$_ [ 'text_confirm' ] = 'Confirmar' ;
$_ [ 'text_user_delete_confirm_message' ] = 'Desea borrar el usuario' ;
$_ [ 'text_domain_delete_confirm_message' ] = 'Desea borrar el dominio' ;
$_ [ 'text_group_delete_confirm_message' ] = 'Desea borrar el grupo' ;
$_ [ 'text_ldap_delete_confirm_message' ] = 'Desea borrar la entrada LDAP' ;
$_ [ 'text_customer_delete_confirm_message' ] = 'Desea borrar el cliente' ;
$_ [ 'text_with_selected' ] = 'Con seleccionado' ;
2013-11-16 15:34:30 +01:00
$_ [ 'text_download_all_hits_as_eml' ] = " Download all as EML " ;
$_ [ 'text_download_selected_hits_as_pdf' ] = " Download selected as PDF " ;
2013-10-04 12:15:05 +02:00
$_ [ 'text_archive_size_before_compression' ] = " Archive size before compression " ;
2013-10-16 14:55:17 +02:00
$_ [ 'text_create_new_secret' ] = " Create new secret " ;
$_ [ 'text_enter_google_authenticator_code' ] = " Enter Google Authenticator code " ;
$_ [ 'text_google_authenticator_code' ] = " Google Authenticator code " ;
$_ [ 'text_google_authenticator_settings' ] = " G oogle Authenticator settings " ;
$_ [ 'text_invalid_pin_code' ] = " Invalid pin code " ;
$_ [ 'text_qr_code' ] = " QR " ;
$_ [ 'text_refresh_qr_code' ] = " Refresh QR code " ;
2013-11-15 22:02:44 +01:00
$_ [ 'text_print_message' ] = " Print " ;
2013-12-19 13:23:51 +01:00
$_ [ 'text_forward_selected_emails_to' ] = " Forward selected emails to " ;
2014-01-23 21:39:47 +01:00
$_ [ 'text_search_expression' ] = " Search expression " ;
2014-01-24 14:23:49 +01:00
$_ [ 'text_automated_search' ] = " Automated search " ;
$_ [ 'text_delete_confirm_message' ] = " Do you wish to delete " ;
$_ [ 'text_existing' ] = " Existing " ;
$_ [ 'text_new' ] = " new " ;
2013-09-30 16:40:01 +02:00
2014-08-19 15:00:31 +02:00
$_ [ 'text_cumulative_counts' ] = " Cumulative counts " ;
$_ [ 'text_message_disposition' ] = " Message Disposition " ;
2014-09-09 15:30:26 +02:00
$_ [ 'text_assigned_email_addresses' ] = " Assigned email addresses " ;
2014-09-10 11:18:08 +02:00
$_ [ 'text_storage' ] = " Storage " ;
2015-03-29 16:27:44 +02:00
$_ [ 'text_legal_hold' ] = " Legal hold " ;
2014-08-19 15:00:31 +02:00
2015-07-07 14:12:35 +02:00
$_ [ 'text_compliance_warning' ] = 'The delete feature is enabled, therefore the archive is NOT compliant!' ;
2015-09-03 14:41:52 +02:00
$_ [ 'text_folder_rules' ] = " Folder rules " ;
2016-02-10 14:57:30 +01:00
$_ [ 'text_private' ] = " Private " ;
2019-07-14 21:58:18 +02:00
$_ [ 'text_delete_reason' ] = " Reason of removal " ;
$_ [ 'text_need_to_approve_removal' ] = " Need to approve removal " ;
$_ [ 'text_deleted' ] = " Deleted " ;
2019-08-20 19:08:31 +02:00
$_ [ 'text_reason_of_rejection' ] = " Reason of rejection " ;
$_ [ 'text_reject' ] = " Reject " ;
2019-07-14 21:58:18 +02:00
$_ [ 'text_user_data_officer' ] = " Data officer " ;
2019-12-18 15:29:28 +01:00
$_ [ 'text_no_selected_message' ] = " no selected message " ;
2020-03-15 11:10:24 +01:00
$_ [ 'text_create_note' ] = " Create note " ;
2020-11-01 08:23:08 +01:00
$_ [ 'text_wildcard_domains' ] = " Wildcard domains " ;