#!/usr/bin/python3 import configparser import MySQLdb as dbapi import argparse import getpass import os import sys import syslog import time SQL_PURGE_SELECT_QUERY = "SELECT id, piler_id, size FROM " +\ "metadata WHERE deleted=0 AND retained < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) " +\ "AND id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM rcpt WHERE `to` IN " +\ "(SELECT email FROM legal_hold)) AND id NOT IN (SELECT " +\ "id FROM metadata WHERE `from` IN (SELECT email FROM " +\ "legal_hold))" opts = {} def read_options(filename="", opts={}): s = "[piler]\n" + open(filename, 'r').read() config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read_string(s) if config.has_option('piler', 'mysqlhost'): opts['dbhost'] = config.get('piler', 'mysqlhost') else: opts['dbhost'] = 'localhost' opts['username'] = config.get('piler', 'mysqluser') opts['password'] = config.get('piler', 'mysqlpwd') opts['database'] = config.get('piler', 'mysqldb') opts['storedir'] = config.get('piler', 'queuedir') opts['rtindex'] = config.getint('piler', 'rtindex', fallback=0) opts['sphxhost'] = config.get('piler', 'sphxhost', fallback='') opts['sphxport'] = config.getint('piler', 'sphxport', fallback=9306) opts['server_id'] = "%02x" % config.getint('piler', 'server_id') def is_purge_enabled(opts={}): cursor = opts['db'].cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT `value` FROM `option` WHERE `key`='enable_purge'") row = cursor.fetchone() if row and row[0] == '1': return True return False def purge_m_files(ids=[], opts={}): if len(ids) > 0: remove_m_files(ids, opts) # Set deleted=1 for aged metadata entries # as well as clean other tables if opts['dry_run'] is False: cursor = opts['db'].cursor() format = ", ".join(['%s'] * len(ids)) cursor.execute("UPDATE metadata SET deleted=1, subject=NULL, `from`=''," + "fromdomain='', message_id='' WHERE piler_id IN " + "(%s)" % (format), ids) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM rcpt WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM metadata " + "WHERE piler_id IN (%s))" % (format), ids) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM note WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM metadata " + "WHERE piler_id IN (%s))" % (format), ids) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM tag WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM metadata " + "WHERE piler_id IN (%s))" % (format), ids) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM private WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM metadata " + "WHERE piler_id IN (%s))" % (format), ids) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM folder_message WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM " + "metadata WHERE piler_id IN (%s))" % (format), ids) opts['db'].commit() def purge_attachments_by_piler_id(ids=[], opts={}): format = ", ".join(['%s'] * len(ids)) cursor = opts['db'].cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT i, piler_id, attachment_id, refcount FROM " + "v_attachment WHERE piler_id IN (%s)" % (format), ids) while True: rows = cursor.fetchall() if rows == (): break else: remove_attachment_files(rows, opts) def purge_attachments_by_attachment_id(opts={}): format = ", ".join(['%s'] * len(opts['referenced_attachments'])) cursor = opts['db'].cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT i, piler_id, attachment_id, refcount FROM " + "v_attachment WHERE refcount=0 AND i IN (%s)" % (format), opts['referenced_attachments']) while True: rows = cursor.fetchall() if rows == (): break else: for (id, piler_id, attachment_id, refcount) in rows: if opts['dry_run'] is False: unlink(get_attachment_file_path(piler_id, attachment_id, opts), opts) else: print(get_attachment_file_path(piler_id, attachment_id, opts)) def remove_attachment_files(rows=(), opts={}): remove_ids = [] referenced_ids = [] if rows == (): return # If refcount > 0, then save attachment.id, and handle later, # otherwise delete the attachment from the filesystem, and # attachment table for (id, piler_id, attachment_id, refcount) in rows: if refcount == 0: remove_ids.append(id) if opts['dry_run'] is False: unlink(get_attachment_file_path(piler_id, attachment_id, opts), opts) else: print(get_attachment_file_path(piler_id, attachment_id, opts)) else: referenced_ids.append(id) if remove_ids: if opts['dry_run'] is False: format = ", ".join(['%s'] * len(remove_ids)) cursor = opts['db'].cursor() cursor.execute("DELETE FROM attachment WHERE id IN (%s)" % (format), remove_ids) opts['db'].commit() else: print(remove_ids) opts['referenced_attachments'] = referenced_ids def remove_m_files(ids=[], opts={}): for i in range(0, len(ids)): if opts['dry_run'] is False: unlink(get_m_file_path(ids[i], opts), opts) opts['messages'] = opts['messages'] + 1 else: print(get_m_file_path(ids[i], opts)) def unlink(filename="", opts={}): if opts['verbose']: print("removing", filename) try: st = os.stat(filename) opts['purged_stored_size'] = opts['purged_stored_size'] + st.st_size opts['files'] = opts['files'] + 1 os.unlink(filename) except: pass def get_m_file_path(id='', opts={}): return "/".join([opts['storedir'], id[24:26], id[8:11], id[32:34], id[34:36], id + ".m"]) def get_attachment_file_path(piler_id='', attachment_id=0, opts={}): return "/".join([opts['storedir'], piler_id[24:26], piler_id[8:11], piler_id[32:34], piler_id[34:36], piler_id + ".a" + str(attachment_id)]) def purge_index_data(ids=[], opts={}): ''' Delete from index data in case of RT index ''' if opts['rtindex'] == 1 and opts['dry_run'] is False: cursor = opts['sphx'].cursor() a = "," . join([str(x) for x in ids]) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM piler WHERE id IN (%s)" % (a)) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", type=str, help="piler.conf path", default="/etc/piler/piler.conf") parser.add_argument("-b", "--batch-size", type=int, help="batch size " + "to delete", default=1000) parser.add_argument("-d", "--dry-run", help="dry run", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="verbose mode", action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() if getpass.getuser() not in ['root', 'piler']: print("Please run me as user 'piler'") sys.exit(1) opts['dry_run'] = args.dry_run opts['verbose'] = args.verbose opts['db'] = None opts['sphx'] = None opts['messages'] = 0 opts['files'] = 0 opts['size'] = 0 opts['purged_size'] = 0 opts['purged_stored_size'] = 0 opts['referenced_attachments'] = [] syslog.openlog(logoption=syslog.LOG_PID, facility=syslog.LOG_MAIL) read_options(args.config, opts) try: opts['db'] = dbapi.connect(opts['dbhost'], opts['username'], opts['password'], opts['database']) opts['sphx'] = dbapi.connect(host=opts['sphxhost'], port=opts['sphxport']) if is_purge_enabled(opts) is False: syslog.syslog("Purging emails is disabled") sys.exit(1) cursor = opts['db'].cursor() cursor.execute(SQL_PURGE_SELECT_QUERY) while True: rows = cursor.fetchmany(args.batch_size) if rows == (): break id = [x[0] for x in rows] piler_id = [x[1] for x in rows] size = [x[2] for x in rows] opts['purged_size'] = opts['purged_size'] + sum(size) purge_m_files(piler_id, opts) purge_attachments_by_piler_id(piler_id, opts) purge_index_data(id, opts) # It's possible that there's attachment duplication, thus # refcount > 0, even though after deleting the duplicates # (references) refcount becomes zero. if len(opts['referenced_attachments']) > 0: purge_attachments_by_attachment_id(opts) # Update the counter table if opts['dry_run'] is False: cursor.execute("UPDATE counter SET rcvd=rcvd-%s, size=size-%s, " + "stored_size=stored_size-%s", (str(opts['messages']), str(opts['purged_size']), str(opts['purged_stored_size']))) opts['db'].commit() except dbapi.DatabaseError as e: print("Error %s" % e) if opts['db']: opts['db'].close() summary = "Purged " + str(opts['messages']) + " messages, " +\ str(opts['files']) + " files, " +\ str(opts['purged_size']) + "/" +\ str(opts['purged_stored_size']) + " bytes" if opts['verbose']: print(summary) syslog.syslog(summary) if __name__ == "__main__": main()