/* * parser.c, SJ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct parser_state parse_message(struct session_data *sdata, int take_into_pieces, struct data *data, struct config *cfg){ FILE *f; char buf[MAXBUFSIZE]; char writebuffer[MAXBUFSIZE], abuffer[MAXBUFSIZE]; struct parser_state state; init_state(&state); f = fopen(sdata->filename, "r"); if(!f){ syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "%s: cannot open", sdata->ttmpfile); return state; } if(take_into_pieces == 1){ state.mfd = open(sdata->tmpframe, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); if(state.mfd == -1){ syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "%s: cannot open frame file: %s", sdata->ttmpfile, sdata->tmpframe); fclose(f); return state; } } while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, f)){ parse_line(buf, &state, sdata, take_into_pieces, &writebuffer[0], sizeof(writebuffer), &abuffer[0], sizeof(abuffer), data, cfg); } if(take_into_pieces == 1 && state.writebufpos > 0){ if(write(state.mfd, writebuffer, state.writebufpos) == -1) syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "ERROR: %s: write(), %s, %d, %s", sdata->ttmpfile, __func__, __LINE__, __FILE__); memset(writebuffer, 0, sizeof(writebuffer)); //-V597 state.writebufpos = 0; } if(take_into_pieces == 1){ close(state.mfd); state.mfd = 0; if(state.has_to_dump_whole_body == 1){ if(state.abufpos > 0){ flush_attachment_buffer(&state, &abuffer[0], sizeof(abuffer)); } if(state.fd != -1) close(state.fd); if(state.b64fd != -1) close(state.b64fd); } } fclose(f); if(data->import && data->import->extra_recipient){ char tmpbuf[SMALLBUFSIZE]; snprintf(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf)-1, "%s", data->import->extra_recipient); add_recipient(tmpbuf, strlen(tmpbuf), sdata, &state, data, cfg); } // If both Sender: and From: headers exist, and they are different, then append // the From: address to recipients list to give him access to this email as well if(state.b_sender_domain[0]){ char frombuf[SMALLBUFSIZE]; char senderbuf[SMALLBUFSIZE]; get_first_email_address_from_string(state.b_from, frombuf, sizeof(frombuf)); get_first_email_address_from_string(state.b_sender, senderbuf, sizeof(senderbuf)); if(strcmp(frombuf, senderbuf)){ frombuf[strlen(frombuf)] = ' '; add_recipient(frombuf, strlen(frombuf), sdata, &state, data, cfg); } } return state; } void post_parse(struct session_data *sdata, struct parser_state *state, struct config *cfg){ int i; clearhash(state->boundaries); clearhash(state->rcpt); clearhash(state->rcpt_domain); clearhash(state->journal_recipient); // Fix From: and Sender: lines if they are too long if(strlen(state->b_from) > 255) state->b_from[255] = '\0'; if(strlen(state->b_from_domain) > 255) state->b_from_domain[255] = '\0'; if(strlen(state->b_sender) > 255) state->b_sender[255] = '\0'; if(strlen(state->b_sender_domain) > 255) state->b_sender_domain[255] = '\0'; // Truncate the message_id if it's >255 characters if(strlen(state->message_id) > 255) state->message_id[255] = '\0'; fixupEncodedHeaderLine(state->b_subject, MAXBUFSIZE); trimBuffer(state->b_subject); if(sdata->internal_sender == 0) sdata->direction = DIRECTION_INCOMING; else { if(sdata->internal_recipient == 1) sdata->direction = DIRECTION_INTERNAL; if(sdata->external_recipient == 1) sdata->direction = DIRECTION_OUTGOING; if(sdata->internal_recipient == 1 && sdata->external_recipient == 1) sdata->direction = DIRECTION_INTERNAL_AND_OUTGOING; } char *q = strrchr(state->receivedbuf, ';'); // I've seen some odd 1st Received: lines where the date // wasn't the last item after a semicolon, eg. // // Received: from some.server.local [] // by some.server.com with POP3 (Message Archiver) // for (single-drop); Fri, 22 Nov 2019 11:24:49 -0500 (EST) // smtp.auth=3Daaaaaaaa@yourdomain.com|Received:=20by=20yourdomain // .com=20with=20ESMTPA=20id=20md50124862414.msg=3B=20Fri,=2022=20 // ... // // Such line messes with the parse_date_header() function // so the workaround is to discard such Received: line if(q && strlen(q+1) < 45){ time_t received_timestamp = parse_date_header(q+1); if(received_timestamp > 10000000){ // If the calculated date based on Date: header line differs more than 1 week // then we'll override it with the data parsed from the first Received: line if(labs(received_timestamp - sdata->sent) > 604800) sdata->sent = received_timestamp; } } for(i=1; i<=state->n_attachments; i++){ char puf[SMALLBUFSIZE]; snprintf(puf, sizeof(puf)-1, "%s ", state->attachments[i].filename); unsigned int len = strlen(puf); if(state->bodylen < BIGBUFSIZE-len-1){ memcpy(&(state->b_body[state->bodylen]), puf, len); state->bodylen += len; } digest_file(state->attachments[i].internalname, &(state->attachments[i].digest[0])); if(cfg->verbosity >= _LOG_DEBUG) syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "%s: attachment list: i:%d, name=*%s*, type: *%s*, size: %d, int.name: %s, digest: %s, dumped: %d", sdata->ttmpfile, i, state->attachments[i].filename, state->attachments[i].type, state->attachments[i].size, state->attachments[i].internalname, state->attachments[i].digest, state->attachments[i].dumped); char *p = determine_attachment_type(state->attachments[i].filename, state->attachments[i].type); len = strlen(p); if(strlen(sdata->attachments) < SMALLBUFSIZE-len-1 && !strstr(sdata->attachments, p)) memcpy(&(sdata->attachments[strlen(sdata->attachments)]), p, len); if(state->attachments[i].dumped == 1){ int rec = 0; if(cfg->extract_attachments == 1 && state->bodylen < BIGBUFSIZE-1024) extract_attachment_content(sdata, state, state->attachments[i].aname, get_attachment_extractor_by_filename(state->attachments[i].filename), &rec, cfg); unlink(state->attachments[i].aname); } } if(state->message_id[0] == 0){ if(cfg->archive_emails_not_having_message_id == 1) snprintf(state->message_id, SMALLBUFSIZE-1, "%s", sdata->ttmpfile); else snprintf(state->message_id, SMALLBUFSIZE-1, "null"); } digest_string("sha256", state->message_id, &(state->message_id_hash[0])); if(sdata->sent == 0) sdata->sent = sdata->now; } void storno_attachment(struct parser_state *state){ state->has_to_dump = 0; if(state->n_attachments <= 0) return; state->attachments[state->n_attachments].size = 0; state->attachments[state->n_attachments].dumped = 0; memset(state->attachments[state->n_attachments].type, 0, TINYBUFSIZE); memset(state->attachments[state->n_attachments].shorttype, 0, TINYBUFSIZE); memset(state->attachments[state->n_attachments].aname, 0, TINYBUFSIZE); memset(state->attachments[state->n_attachments].filename, 0, SMALLBUFSIZE); memset(state->attachments[state->n_attachments].internalname, 0, TINYBUFSIZE); memset(state->attachments[state->n_attachments].digest, 0, 2*DIGEST_LENGTH+1); state->n_attachments--; } void flush_attachment_buffer(struct parser_state *state, char *abuffer, unsigned int abuffersize){ if(write(state->fd, abuffer, state->abufpos) == -1) syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "ERROR: write(), %s, %d, %s", __func__, __LINE__, __FILE__); if(state->b64fd != -1){ abuffer[state->abufpos] = '\0'; if(state->base64 == 1){ unsigned char b64buffer[MAXBUFSIZE]; int n64 = base64_decode_attachment_buffer(abuffer, &b64buffer[0], sizeof(b64buffer)); if(write(state->b64fd, b64buffer, n64) == -1) syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "ERROR: write(), %s, %d, %s", __func__, __LINE__, __FILE__); } else if(write(state->b64fd, abuffer, state->abufpos) == -1){ syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "ERROR: write(), %s, %d, %s", __func__, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } state->abufpos = 0; memset(abuffer, 0, abuffersize); } int parse_line(char *buf, struct parser_state *state, struct session_data *sdata, int take_into_pieces, char *writebuffer, unsigned int writebuffersize, char *abuffer, unsigned int abuffersize, struct data *data, struct config *cfg){ char *p; int boundary_line=0; unsigned int len; if(cfg->debug == 1) printf("line: %s", buf); state->line_num++; len = strlen(buf); /* * check a few things in the 1st header */ if(state->is_1st_header == 1){ if(strncmp(buf, "Received: by piler", strlen("Received: by piler")) == 0){ sdata->restored_copy = 1; } if(cfg->security_header[0] && state->found_security_header == 0 && strstr(buf, cfg->security_header)){ state->found_security_header = 1; } if(*(cfg->piler_header_field) != 0 && strncmp(buf, cfg->piler_header_field, strlen(cfg->piler_header_field)) == 0){ sdata->restored_copy = 1; } if(sdata->ms_journal == 0 && ( strncmp(buf, "X-MS-Journal-Report:", strlen("X-MS-Journal-Report:")) == 0 || strncmp(buf, "X-WM-Journal-Report: journal", strlen("X-WM-Journal-Report: journal")) == 0) ){ memset(state->b_to, 0, MAXBUFSIZE); state->tolen = 0; memset(state->b_to_domain, 0, SMALLBUFSIZE); state->todomainlen = 0; clearhash(state->rcpt); clearhash(state->rcpt_domain); //if(sdata->import == 0){ sdata->ms_journal = 1; memset(state->message_id, 0, SMALLBUFSIZE); //} } } if(state->message_rfc822 == 0 && (buf[0] == '\r' || buf[0] == '\n') ){ state->message_state = MSG_BODY; if(state->is_header == 1) state->is_header = 0; state->is_1st_header = 0; } if(take_into_pieces == 1){ if(state->message_state == MSG_BODY && state->fd != -1 && (state->has_to_dump_whole_body == 1 || is_substr_in_hash(state->boundaries, buf) == 0) ){ if(len + state->abufpos > abuffersize-1){ flush_attachment_buffer(state, abuffer, abuffersize); } memcpy(abuffer+state->abufpos, buf, len); state->abufpos += len; state->attachments[state->n_attachments].size += len; // When processing the body and writing to an attachment file, then we finish here return 0; } else { state->saved_size += len; if(len + state->writebufpos > writebuffersize-1){ if(write(state->mfd, writebuffer, state->writebufpos) == -1) syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "ERROR: write(), %s, %d, %s", __func__, __LINE__, __FILE__); state->writebufpos = 0; memset(writebuffer, 0, writebuffersize); } memcpy(writebuffer+state->writebufpos, buf, len); state->writebufpos += len; } } if(state->message_state == MSG_BODY && state->has_to_dump == 1 && state->pushed_pointer == 0){ state->pushed_pointer = 1; // this is a real attachment to dump, it doesn't have to be base64 encoded! if(state->attachment_name_buf[0] != 0 && strcasestr(state->attachment_name_buf, "name") && strlen(state->type) > 3 && state->n_attachments < MAX_ATTACHMENTS-1){ state->n_attachments++; extractNameFromHeaderLine(state->attachment_name_buf, "name", state->attachments[state->n_attachments].filename, SMALLBUFSIZE); snprintf(state->attachments[state->n_attachments].type, TINYBUFSIZE-1, "%s", state->type); snprintf(state->attachments[state->n_attachments].internalname, TINYBUFSIZE-1, "%s.a%d", sdata->ttmpfile, state->n_attachments); snprintf(state->attachments[state->n_attachments].aname, TINYBUFSIZE-1, "%s.a%d.bin", sdata->ttmpfile, state->n_attachments); if(take_into_pieces == 1){ state->fd = open(state->attachments[state->n_attachments].internalname, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); fixupEncodedHeaderLine(state->attachments[state->n_attachments].filename, SMALLBUFSIZE); p = get_attachment_extractor_by_filename(state->attachments[state->n_attachments].filename); snprintf(state->attachments[state->n_attachments].shorttype, TINYBUFSIZE-1, "%s", p); if(strcmp("other", p)){ state->b64fd = open(state->attachments[state->n_attachments].aname, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH); state->attachments[state->n_attachments].dumped = 1; } if(state->fd == -1){ storno_attachment(state); syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "%s: error opening %s", sdata->ttmpfile, state->attachments[state->n_attachments].internalname); } else { char puf[SMALLBUFSIZE]; snprintf(puf, sizeof(puf)-1, "ATTACHMENT_POINTER_%s.a%d_XXX_PILER", sdata->ttmpfile, state->n_attachments); int writelen = strlen(puf); if(writelen + state->writebufpos > writebuffersize-1){ if(write(state->mfd, writebuffer, state->writebufpos) == -1) syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "ERROR: write(), %s, %d, %s", __func__, __LINE__, __FILE__); state->writebufpos = 0; memset(writebuffer, 0, writebuffersize); } memcpy(writebuffer+state->writebufpos, puf, writelen); state->writebufpos += writelen; } } } else { state->has_to_dump = 0; } } if(*buf == '.' && *(buf+1) == '.') buf++; /* undefined message state */ if(state->is_header == 1 && buf[0] != ' ' && buf[0] != '\t' && strchr(buf, ':')) state->message_state = MSG_UNDEF; /* skip empty lines */ if(state->message_rfc822 == 0 && (buf[0] == '\r' || buf[0] == '\n') ){ return 0; } trimBuffer(buf); /* skip the first line, if it's a "From date" format */ if(state->line_num == 1 && strncmp(buf, "From ", 5) == 0) return 0; if(state->is_header == 0 && buf[0] != ' ' && buf[0] != '\t') state->message_state = MSG_BODY; // journal fix if(state->message_state == MSG_BODY && sdata->ms_journal == 1){ state->is_header = 1; state->is_1st_header = 1; } /* header checks */ if(state->is_header == 1){ if(*(cfg->spam_header_line) != '\0' && strncmp(buf, cfg->spam_header_line, strlen(cfg->spam_header_line)) == 0){ sdata->spam_message = 1; } if(strncasecmp(buf, "X-Piler-Envelope-To:", strlen("X-Piler-Envelope-To:")) == 0){ state->message_state = MSG_ENVELOPE_TO; buf += strlen("X-Piler-Envelope-To:"); } else if(strncasecmp(buf, "From:", strlen("From:")) == 0){ state->message_state = MSG_FROM; buf += strlen("From:"); } else if(strncasecmp(buf, "Sender:", strlen("Sender:")) == 0){ state->message_state = MSG_SENDER; buf += strlen("Sender:"); } else if(strncasecmp(buf, "Content-Type:", strlen("Content-Type:")) == 0){ state->message_state = MSG_CONTENT_TYPE; } else if(strncasecmp(buf, "Content-Transfer-Encoding:", strlen("Content-Transfer-Encoding:")) == 0){ state->message_state = MSG_CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING; if(state->is_1st_header == 1 && strcasestr(buf, "base64")){ state->has_to_dump = 1; state->has_to_dump_whole_body = 1; } } /* * We only enter MSG_CONTENT_DISPOSITION state if we couldn't find * the filename in MSG_CONTENT_TYPE state. We also assume that * Content-Type: comes first, then Content-Disposition: */ else if(strncasecmp(buf, "Content-Disposition:", strlen("Content-Disposition:")) == 0 && strcasestr(state->attachment_name_buf, "name") == NULL){ state->message_state = MSG_CONTENT_DISPOSITION; } else if(strncasecmp(buf, "To:", 3) == 0){ state->message_state = MSG_TO; buf += strlen("To:"); } else if(strncasecmp(buf, "Cc:", 3) == 0){ state->message_state = MSG_CC; buf += strlen("Cc:"); } else if(strncasecmp(buf, "Bcc:", 4) == 0){ state->message_state = MSG_CC; buf += strlen("Bcc:"); } else if(strncasecmp(buf, "Message-Id:", 11) == 0){ state->message_state = MSG_MESSAGE_ID; buf += strlen("Message-Id:"); } else if(strncasecmp(buf, "References:", 11) == 0) state->message_state = MSG_REFERENCES; else if(strncasecmp(buf, "Subject:", strlen("Subject:")) == 0){ state->message_state = MSG_SUBJECT; buf += strlen("Subject:"); } else if(strncasecmp(buf, "Recipient:", strlen("Recipient:")) == 0){ state->message_state = MSG_RECIPIENT; buf += strlen("Recipient:"); } if(sdata->ms_journal == 1 && (state->message_state == MSG_TO || state->message_state == MSG_RECIPIENT) ){ p = strstr(buf, "Expanded:"); if(p) *p = '\0'; } /* * by default sdata->sent = 0, and let the parser extract value from the Date: header */ else if(strncasecmp(buf, "Date:", strlen("Date:")) == 0 && state->is_1st_header == 1 && sdata->sent == 0){ if(strstr(buf, "=?") && strstr(buf, "?=")) fixupEncodedHeaderLine(buf, MAXBUFSIZE); sdata->sent = parse_date_header(buf+5); /* allow +2 days drift in the parsed Date: value */ if(sdata->sent - sdata->now > 2*86400) sdata->sent = sdata->now; } else if(strncasecmp(buf, "Delivery-date:", strlen("Delivery-date:")) == 0 && sdata->delivered == 0) sdata->delivered = parse_date_header(buf+14); else if(strncasecmp(buf, "Received:", strlen("Received:")) == 0){ state->message_state = MSG_RECEIVED; state->received_header++; } else if(cfg->extra_to_field[0] != '\0' && strncasecmp(buf, cfg->extra_to_field, strlen(cfg->extra_to_field)) == 0){ state->message_state = MSG_RECIPIENT; buf += strlen(cfg->extra_to_field); } if(state->message_state == MSG_MESSAGE_ID && state->message_id[0] == 0){ while(isspace(*buf)){ buf++; } snprintf(state->message_id, SMALLBUFSIZE-1, "%s", buf); } if(state->message_state == MSG_CONTENT_TYPE || state->message_state == MSG_CONTENT_DISPOSITION){ fill_attachment_name_buf(state, buf); } if(state->received_header == 1 && state->message_state == MSG_RECEIVED && strlen(state->receivedbuf) + len < sizeof(state->receivedbuf)){ memcpy(&(state->receivedbuf[strlen(state->receivedbuf)]), buf, len); } /* we are interested in only From:, To:, Subject:, Received:, Content-*: header lines */ if(state->message_state <= 0) return 0; } if(state->message_state == MSG_CONTENT_TYPE){ if((p = strcasestr(buf, "boundary"))){ extract_boundary(p, state); } } /* * A normal journal looks like this: * * Sender: sender@domain * Subject: Test normal * Message-Id: ... * Recipient: user1@domain * Recipient: user2@domain, Forwarded: user1@domain * * However if outlook forwards an email, then the journal is somewhat changed: * * Sender: sender@domain * Subject: Test through outlook * Message-Id: ... * To: user1@domain * To: user2@domain, Forwarded: user1@domain * * * Outlook.com has the following scheme, when expanded from a distribution list: * * Sender: sender@domain * Subject: Test Email * Message-Id: ... * To: user1@domain, Expanded: listaddress@domain * To: user2@domain, Expanded: listaddress@domain * */ if(state->is_1st_header == 1 && state->message_state == MSG_REFERENCES){ if(strncasecmp(buf, "References:", 11) == 0) parse_reference(state, buf+11); else parse_reference(state, buf); } if(state->is_1st_header == 1){ if(state->message_state == MSG_SUBJECT && strlen(state->b_subject) + strlen(buf) < MAXBUFSIZE-1){ // buffer the subject lines, and decode it later strncat(state->b_subject, buf, MAXBUFSIZE-strlen(state->b_subject)-1); } else { fixupEncodedHeaderLine(buf, MAXBUFSIZE); } } /* Content-type: checking */ if(state->message_state == MSG_CONTENT_TYPE){ state->message_rfc822 = 0; /* extract Content type */ p = strchr(buf, ':'); if(p){ p++; if(*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; snprintf(state->type, TINYBUFSIZE-1, "%s", p); //state->content_type_is_set = 1; p = strchr(state->type, ';'); if(p) *p = '\0'; } if(strcasestr(buf, "text/plain") || strcasestr(buf, "multipart/mixed") || strcasestr(buf, "multipart/alternative") || strcasestr(buf, "multipart/report") || strcasestr(buf, "message/delivery-status") || strcasestr(buf, "text/rfc822-headers") || strcasestr(buf, "message/rfc822") ){ state->textplain = 1; } else if(strcasestr(buf, "text/html")){ state->texthtml = 1; } /* switch (back) to header mode if we encounterd an attachment with "message/rfc822" content-type */ if(strcasestr(buf, "message/rfc822")){ state->message_rfc822 = 1; state->is_header = 1; state->has_to_dump = 0; if(sdata->ms_journal == 1){ state->is_1st_header = 1; // reset all headers, except To: memset(state->b_subject, 0, MAXBUFSIZE); memset(state->b_body, 0, BIGBUFSIZE); memset(state->b_from, 0, SMALLBUFSIZE); memset(state->b_from_domain, 0, SMALLBUFSIZE); memset(state->b_sender, 0, SMALLBUFSIZE); memset(state->b_sender_domain, 0, SMALLBUFSIZE); memset(state->message_id, 0, SMALLBUFSIZE); sdata->ms_journal = 0; } } if(strcasestr(buf, "charset")) extractNameFromHeaderLine(buf, "charset", state->charset, TINYBUFSIZE); if(strcasestr(state->charset, "UTF-8")) state->utf8 = 1; } if(state->message_state == MSG_CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING){ if(strcasestr(buf, "base64")) state->base64 = 1; if(strcasestr(buf, "quoted-printable")) state->qp = 1; } /* boundary check, and reset variables */ boundary_line = is_substr_in_hash(state->boundaries, buf); if(!strstr(buf, "boundary=") && !strstr(buf, "boundary =") && boundary_line == 1){ state->is_header = 1; //state->content_type_is_set = 0; if(state->has_to_dump == 1){ if(take_into_pieces == 1 && state->fd != -1){ if(state->abufpos > 0){ flush_attachment_buffer(state, abuffer, abuffersize); } close(state->fd); close(state->b64fd); } state->fd = -1; state->b64fd = -1; } state->has_to_dump = 1; state->base64 = 0; state->textplain = 0; state->texthtml = state->octetstream = 0; state->skip_html = 0; state->utf8 = 0; state->qp = 0; state->realbinary = 0; state->pushed_pointer = 0; memset(state->type, 0, TINYBUFSIZE); memset(state->charset, 0, TINYBUFSIZE); memset(state->attachment_name_buf, 0, SMALLBUFSIZE); state->anamepos = 0; state->message_state = MSG_UNDEF; return 0; } if(boundary_line == 1){ return 0; } /* end of boundary check */ /* skip irrelevant headers */ if(state->is_header == 1 && state->message_state != MSG_FROM && state->message_state != MSG_SENDER && state->message_state != MSG_TO && state->message_state != MSG_CC && state->message_state != MSG_RECIPIENT && state->message_state != MSG_ENVELOPE_TO) return 0; /* don't process body if it's not a text or html part */ if(state->message_state == MSG_BODY && state->textplain == 0 && state->texthtml == 0) return 0; if(state->base64 == 1 && state->message_state == MSG_BODY){ decodeBase64(buf); fixupBase64EncodedLine(buf, state); } if(state->message_state == MSG_BODY && state->qp == 1){ fixupSoftBreakInQuotedPritableLine(buf, state); // 2011.12.07 decodeQP(buf); } /* I believe that we can live without this function call */ //decodeURL(buf); /* remove all HTML tags */ if(state->texthtml == 1 && state->message_state == MSG_BODY) markHTML(buf, state); if(state->texthtml == 1){ size_t buflen = strlen(buf); decodeHTML(buf, state->utf8); /* decodeHTML converted some entities to iso-8859-1 */ if(state->utf8 != 1 && strlen(buf) != buflen){ /* no charset or us-ascii: switch to iso-8859-1 */ if (state->charset[0] == 0 || strcasecmp(state->charset, "us-ascii") == 0){ syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "%s: assuming iso-8859-1 encoding for HTML (was '%s')", sdata->ttmpfile, state->charset); snprintf(state->charset, TINYBUFSIZE-1, "ISO8859-1"); } } } /* encode the body if it's not utf-8 encoded */ if(state->message_state == MSG_BODY && state->utf8 != 1){ char tmpbuf[MAXBUFSIZE]; int result = utf8_encode(buf, strlen(buf), &tmpbuf[0], sizeof(tmpbuf), state->charset); if(result == OK) snprintf(buf, MAXBUFSIZE-1, "%s", tmpbuf); } tokenize(buf, state, sdata, data, cfg); return 0; }