<?php define('COUNT', 'count'); define('HASH_VALUE', 'hash_value'); define('RESPONSE_STRING', 'response_string'); define('RESPONSE_TIME', 'response_time'); define('START_ID', 'start_id'); define('STOP_ID', 'stop_id'); ini_set("session.save_path", "/tmp"); $webuidir = ""; $verbose = 0; $mode = "unit"; $algo = "sha256"; $opts = 'h::v'; $lopts = array( 'webui:', 'mode:', 'algo:', 'verbose' ); if ( $options = getopt( $opts, $lopts ) ) { if ( isset($options['webui']) ) { $webuidir = $options['webui']; } else { echo "\nError: must provide path to WebUI directory\n\n"; display_help(); exit; } if ( isset($options['mode']) && $options['mode'] == 'time') { $mode = $options['mode']; } if ( isset($options['algo']) ) { $algo = $options['algo']; } if ( isset($options['h']) ) { display_help(); exit; } if ( isset($options['verbose']) ) { $verbose = 1; } } else { display_help(); exit; } require_once($webuidir . "/config.php"); openlog("piler-timestamp", LOG_PID, LOG_MAIL); require(DIR_SYSTEM . "/startup.php"); $db = new DB(DB_DRIVER, DB_HOSTNAME, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE, DB_PREFIX); Registry::set('DB_DATABASE', DB_DATABASE); Registry::set('db', $db); Registry::set('DB_DRIVER', DB_DRIVER); define('MODE', $mode); define('ALGO', $algo); $data = get_hash_values(); // check if we have enough messages if(MODE == 'unit' && $data[COUNT] < TSA_STAMP_REQUEST_UNIT_SIZE) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "not enough messages to sign yet (" . $data[COUNT] . ")"); exit; } if(MODE == 'time' && $data[COUNT] < 1) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "not enough messages to sign yet (" . $data[COUNT] . ")"); exit; } try { $requestfile_path = TrustedTimestamps::createRequestfile($data[HASH_VALUE]); $response = TrustedTimestamps::signRequestfile($requestfile_path, TSA_URL); } catch(Exception $e) { die("Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"); } $data[RESPONSE_STRING] = $response[RESPONSE_STRING]; $data[RESPONSE_TIME] = $response[RESPONSE_TIME]; $rc = store_results($data); if($rc == 1) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "signed " . $data[COUNT] . " messages (" . $data[START_ID] . "-" . $data[STOP_ID] . ") on @" . $data[RESPONSE_TIME]); } else { syslog(LOG_INFO, "ERROR: failed to sign " . $data[COUNT] . " messages (" . $data[START_ID] . "-" . $data[STOP_ID] . ") on @" . $data[RESPONSE_TIME]); } function get_last_entry_from_timestamp_table() { $db = Registry::get('db'); $query = $db->query("SELECT start_id, stop_id FROM " . TABLE_TIMESTAMP . " WHERE id < 100000000000 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"); if($query->num_rows == 0) { return 0; } return $query->row[STOP_ID]; } function get_hash_values() { $s = ''; $count = 0; $db = Registry::get('db'); $last_id = get_last_entry_from_timestamp_table(); if($last_id == 0) { $start_id = TSA_START_ID; } else { $start_id = $last_id + 1; } if(MODE == 'unit') { $limit = TSA_STAMP_REQUEST_UNIT_SIZE; } else { $limit = 100000; // stay well below default PHP memory_limit } $query = $db->query("SELECT id, digest FROM " . TABLE_META . " WHERE id >= ? ORDER BY id LIMIT $limit", array($start_id)); foreach($query->rows as $q) { $count++; $last_id = $q['id']; $s .= $q['digest']; } return [ START_ID => $start_id, STOP_ID => $last_id, COUNT => $count, HASH_VALUE => hash(ALGO, $s) ]; } function store_results($data = array()) { $db = Registry::get('db'); $db->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_TIMESTAMP . " (start_id, stop_id, hash_value, `count`, response_time, response_string) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)", array($data[START_ID], $data[STOP_ID], $data[HASH_VALUE], $data[COUNT], $data[RESPONSE_TIME], $data[RESPONSE_STRING])); return $db->countAffected(); } function display_help() { $phpself = basename(__FILE__); echo "\nUsage: $phpself --webui [PATH] [OPTIONS...]\n\n"; echo "\t--webui=\"[REQUIRED: path to the Piler WebUI Directory]\"\n\n"; echo "options:\n"; echo "\t--mode time|unit (default: unit)\n"; echo "\t-v Provide a verbose output\n"; echo "\t-h Prints this help screen and exits\n"; }