/* * piler-smtp.c */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define PROGNAME "piler-smtp" extern char *optarg; extern int optind; struct epoll_event event, *events=NULL; int timeout = 20; // checking for timeout this often [sec] int num_connections = 0; int listenerfd = -1; char *configfile = CONFIG_FILE; struct __config cfg; struct passwd *pwd; struct smtp_session *session, **sessions=NULL; void handle_data(struct smtp_session *session, char *readbuf, int readlen){ char *p, puf[MAXBUFSIZE]; int result; // process BDAT stuff if(session->protocol_state == SMTP_STATE_BDAT){ if(session->bad == 1){ // something bad happened in the BDAT processing return; } process_bdat(session, readbuf, readlen); } // process DATA else if(session->protocol_state == SMTP_STATE_DATA){ process_data(session, readbuf, readlen); } // process other SMTP commands else { //printf("len=%d, buf=*%s*\n\n\n", readlen, readbuf); if(session->buflen > 0){ snprintf(puf, sizeof(puf)-1, "%s%s", session->buf, readbuf); snprintf(readbuf, BIGBUFSIZE-1, "%s", puf); session->buflen = 0; memset(session->buf, 0, SMALLBUFSIZE); } p = readbuf; do { memset(puf, 0, sizeof(puf)); p = split(p, '\n', puf, sizeof(puf)-1, &result); if(puf[0] == '\0') continue; if(result == 1){ process_smtp_command(session, puf); // if chunking is enabled and we have data after BDAT // then process the rest if(session->cfg->enable_chunking == 1 && p && session->protocol_state == SMTP_STATE_BDAT){ process_bdat(session, p, strlen(p)); break; } } else { snprintf(session->buf, SMALLBUFSIZE-1, "%s", puf); session->buflen = strlen(puf); } } while(p); } } void init_smtp_session(struct smtp_session *session, int slot, int sd){ session->slot = slot; session->socket = sd; session->buflen = 0; session->protocol_state = SMTP_STATE_INIT; session->cfg = &cfg; session->use_ssl = 0; // use SSL/TLS session->starttls = 0; // SSL/TLS communication is active (1) or not (0) session->ctx = NULL; session->ssl = NULL; memset(session->buf, 0, SMALLBUFSIZE); memset(session->remote_host, 0, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); reset_bdat_counters(session); time(&(session->lasttime)); } void free_smtp_session(struct smtp_session *session){ if(session){ if(session->use_ssl == 1){ SSL_shutdown(session->ssl); SSL_free(session->ssl); } if(session->ctx) SSL_CTX_free(session->ctx); free(session); } } void p_clean_exit(){ int i; if(listenerfd != -1) close(listenerfd); for(i=0; isocket == socket) return sessions[i]; } return NULL; } void tear_down_client(int slot){ syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "disconnected from %s", sessions[slot]->remote_host); close(sessions[slot]->socket); free_smtp_session(sessions[slot]); sessions[slot] = NULL; num_connections--; } void check_for_client_timeout(){ time_t now; int i; if(num_connections > 0){ time(&now); for(i=0; ilasttime >= cfg.smtp_timeout){ syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "client %s timeout", sessions[i]->remote_host); tear_down_client(sessions[i]->slot); } } } alarm(timeout); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBWRAP int is_blocked_by_tcp_wrappers(int sd){ struct request_info req; request_init(&req, RQ_DAEMON, PROGNAME, RQ_FILE, sd, 0); fromhost(&req); if(!hosts_access(&req)){ send(sd, SMTP_RESP_550_ERR_YOU_ARE_BANNED_BY_LOCAL_POLICY, strlen(SMTP_RESP_550_ERR_YOU_ARE_BANNED_BY_LOCAL_POLICY), 0); syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "denied connection from %s by tcp_wrappers", eval_client(&req)); return 1; } return 0; } #endif int start_new_session(int socket){ char smtp_banner[SMALLBUFSIZE]; int slot; // Uh-oh! We have enough connections to serve already if(num_connections >= cfg.max_connections){ syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "too many connections (%d), cannot accept socket %d", num_connections, socket); send(socket, SMTP_RESP_421_ERR_ALL_PORTS_ARE_BUSY, strlen(SMTP_RESP_421_ERR_ALL_PORTS_ARE_BUSY), 0); close(socket); return -1; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBWRAP if(is_blocked_by_tcp_wrappers(socket) == 1){ close(socket); return -1; } #endif slot = get_session_slot(); syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "INFO: found slot: %d", slot); if(slot >= 0 && sessions[slot] == NULL){ sessions[slot] = malloc(sizeof(struct smtp_session)); if(sessions[slot]){ init_smtp_session(sessions[slot], slot, socket); snprintf(smtp_banner, sizeof(smtp_banner)-1, SMTP_RESP_220_BANNER, cfg.hostid); send(socket, smtp_banner, strlen(smtp_banner), 0); num_connections++; return 0; } else { syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "ERROR: malloc() in start_new_session()"); } } else { syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "ERROR: couldn't find a slot for the connection"); } send(socket, SMTP_RESP_421_ERR_TMP, strlen(SMTP_RESP_421_ERR_TMP), 0); close(socket); return -1; } void initialise_configuration(){ cfg = read_config(configfile); if(strlen(cfg.username) > 1){ pwd = getpwnam(cfg.username); if(!pwd) fatal(ERR_NON_EXISTENT_USER); } if(getuid() == 0 && pwd){ check_and_create_directories(&cfg, pwd->pw_uid, pwd->pw_gid); } if(chdir(cfg.workdir)){ syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "workdir: *%s*", cfg.workdir); fatal(ERR_CHDIR); } setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, cfg.locale); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, cfg.locale); syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "reloaded config: %s", configfile); } int main(int argc, char **argv){ int listenerfd, client_sockfd; int i, n, daemonise=0; int client_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage); struct sockaddr_storage client_address; char hbuf[NI_MAXHOST], sbuf[NI_MAXSERV]; char readbuf[BIGBUFSIZE]; int efd; while((i = getopt(argc, argv, "c:dvVh")) > 0){ switch(i){ case 'c' : configfile = optarg; break; case 'd' : daemonise = 1; break; case 'v' : case 'V' : printf("%s build %d\n", VERSION, get_build()); return 0; case 'h' : default : __fatal("usage: ..."); } } (void) openlog(PROGNAME, LOG_PID, LOG_MAIL); initialise_configuration(); listenerfd = create_and_bind(cfg.listen_addr, cfg.listen_port); if(listenerfd == -1){ exit(1); } if(listen(listenerfd, cfg.backlog) == -1){ fatal("ERROR: listen()"); } if(drop_privileges(pwd)) fatal(ERR_SETUID); efd = epoll_create1(0); if(efd == -1){ fatal("ERROR: epoll_create()"); } event.data.fd = listenerfd; event.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET; if(epoll_ctl(efd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, listenerfd, &event) == -1){ fatal("ERROR: epoll_ctl() on efd"); } set_signal_handler(SIGINT, p_clean_exit); set_signal_handler(SIGTERM, p_clean_exit); set_signal_handler(SIGALRM, check_for_client_timeout); set_signal_handler(SIGHUP, initialise_configuration); alarm(timeout); // calloc() initialitizes the allocated memory sessions = calloc(cfg.max_connections, sizeof(struct smtp_session)); events = calloc(cfg.max_connections, sizeof(struct epoll_event)); if(!sessions || !events) fatal("ERROR: calloc()"); SSL_library_init(); SSL_load_error_strings(); srand(getpid()); syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "%s %s, build %d starting", PROGNAME, VERSION, get_build()); #if HAVE_DAEMON == 1 if(daemonise == 1 && daemon(1, 0) == -1) fatal(ERR_DAEMON); #endif for(;;){ n = epoll_wait(efd, events, cfg.max_connections, -1); for(i=0; ilasttime)); while(1){ memset(readbuf, 0, sizeof(readbuf)); if(session->use_ssl == 1) count = SSL_read(session->ssl, (char*)&readbuf[0], sizeof(readbuf)-1); else count = read(events[i].data.fd, (char*)&readbuf[0], sizeof(readbuf)-1); if(cfg.verbosity >= _LOG_DEBUG) syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "got %ld bytes to read", count); if(count == -1){ /* If errno == EAGAIN, that means we have read all data. So go back to the main loop. */ if(errno != EAGAIN){ syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "read"); done = 1; } break; } else if(count == 0){ /* End of file. The remote has closed the connection. */ done = 1; break; } handle_data(session, &readbuf[0], count); if(session->protocol_state == SMTP_STATE_BDAT && session->bad == 1){ tear_down_client(session->slot); done = 0; // to prevent the repeated tear down of connection break; } } if(done){ printf("Closed connection on descriptor %d\n", events[i].data.fd); /* Closing the descriptor will make epoll remove it from the set of descriptors which are monitored. */ //close(events[i].data.fd); tear_down_client(session->slot); } } } } return 0; }