/* * pop3.c, SJ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int is_last_complete_pop3_packet(char *s, int len){ if(*(s+len-5) == '\r' && *(s+len-4) == '\n' && *(s+len-3) == '.' && *(s+len-2) == '\r' && *(s+len-1) == '\n'){ return 1; } return 0; } int connect_to_pop3_server(struct data *data){ char buf[MAXBUFSIZE]; if(data->net->use_ssl == 1){ init_ssl(data); } recvtimeoutssl(data->net, buf, sizeof(buf)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "USER %s\r\n", data->import->username); write1(data->net, buf, strlen(buf)); recvtimeoutssl(data->net, buf, sizeof(buf)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "PASS %s\r\n", data->import->password); write1(data->net, buf, strlen(buf)); recvtimeoutssl(data->net, buf, sizeof(buf)); if(strncmp(buf, "+OK", 3) == 0) return OK; printf("error: %s", buf); return ERR; } void get_number_of_total_messages(struct data *data){ char *p, buf[MAXBUFSIZE]; data->import->total_messages = 0; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "STAT\r\n"); write1(data->net, buf, strlen(buf)); recvtimeoutssl(data->net, buf, sizeof(buf)); if(strncmp(buf, "+OK ", 4) == 0){ p = strchr(&buf[4], ' '); if(p){ *p = '\0'; data->import->total_messages = atoi(&buf[4]); } } else { printf("ERROR: '%s'", buf); } } int pop3_download_email(struct data *data, int i){ int n, fd, pos=0, readlen=0, lastpos=0, nreads=0; char *p, buf[MAXBUFSIZE]; char aggrbuf[3*MAXBUFSIZE]; data->import->processed_messages++; snprintf(data->import->filename, SMALLBUFSIZE-1, "pop3-tmp-%d-%d.txt", getpid(), i); unlink(data->import->filename); fd = open(data->import->filename, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_RDWR|O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); if(fd == -1){ printf("cannot open: %s\n", data->import->filename); return ERR; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "RETR %d\r\n", i); write1(data->net, buf, strlen(buf)); memset(aggrbuf, 0, sizeof(aggrbuf)); while((n = recvtimeoutssl(data->net, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0){ nreads++; readlen += n; if(nreads == 1){ if(strncmp(buf, "+OK", 3) == 0){ p = strchr(&buf[3], '\n'); if(p){ *p = '\0'; pos = strlen(buf)+1; *p = '\n'; } } else { printf("error: %s", buf); return ERR; } } if((uint)(lastpos + 1 + n) < sizeof(aggrbuf)){ if(nreads == 1){ memcpy(aggrbuf+lastpos, buf+pos, n-pos); lastpos += n-pos; } else { memcpy(aggrbuf+lastpos, buf, n); lastpos += n; } } else { if(write(fd, aggrbuf, sizeof(buf)) == -1) printf("ERROR: writing to fd\n"); memmove(aggrbuf, aggrbuf+sizeof(buf), lastpos-sizeof(buf)); lastpos -= sizeof(buf); memcpy(aggrbuf+lastpos, buf, n); lastpos += n; } if(is_last_complete_pop3_packet(aggrbuf, lastpos) == 1){ if(write(fd, aggrbuf, lastpos-3) == -1) printf("ERROR: writing to fd\n"); break; } } close(fd); return OK; } void pop3_delete_message(struct data *data, int i){ char buf[SMALLBUFSIZE]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "DELE %d\r\n", i); write1(data->net, buf, strlen(buf)); recvtimeoutssl(data->net, buf, sizeof(buf)); } void process_pop3_emails(struct session_data *sdata, struct data *data, struct config *cfg){ int i=0, rc=ERR; char buf[MAXBUFSIZE]; data->import->processed_messages = 0; get_number_of_total_messages(data); if(data->quiet == 0) printf("found %d messages\n", data->import->total_messages); if(data->import->total_messages <= 0) return; for(i=data->import->start_position; i<=data->import->total_messages; i++){ if(pop3_download_email(data, i) == OK){ if(data->quiet == 0){ printf("processed: %7d [%3d%%]\r", data->import->processed_messages, 100*i/data->import->total_messages); fflush(stdout); } if(data->import->dryrun == 0){ rc = import_message(sdata, data, cfg); if(data->import->remove_after_import == 1 && rc == OK){ pop3_delete_message(data, i); } } } if(data->import->download_only == 0) unlink(data->import->filename); /* whether to quit after processing a batch of messages */ if(data->import->batch_processing_limit > 0 && data->import->processed_messages >= data->import->batch_processing_limit){ break; } } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "QUIT\r\n"); write1(data->net, buf, strlen(buf)); if(data->quiet == 0) printf("\n"); }