var Piler = { /* * which search type is active, it's set by clicking on the 'Search' button */ search:'', // legacy variable(s) expsrc: 0, health_refresh: <?php print HEALTH_REFRESH; ?>, piler_ui_lang: '<?php LANG == 'en' ? print 'en-GB' : print LANG; ?>', prev_message_id: 0, pos: -1, current_message_id: 0, folders: '', extra_folders: '', bulkrestore_url: '/bulkrestore.php', bulkpdf_url: '/bulkpdf.php', /* * variables used at search listing */ Shared: { page:0, sort:1, order:'date', type: 'search' }, /* * search data */ Searches: {}, /* * message meta ids */ Messages:[], /* * System logger */ log:function( ) { if ( window.console ) { var a = arguments, b = +new Date, c = window.console; if ( !a.length ) c.clear(); else if ( a.length > 1 ) c.log(b, a[0], [], 1)); // c.log(b, a[0], JSON.stringify([], 1))); else c.log(b, a[0]); } }, /** * Returns the javascript event source. * * @param {Object} a Javascript event * @param {Logical} [b] If exist the event propagation NOT! stoped * * @return {Object<jQuery>} Javascript event source **/ getSource:function( a, b ) { Piler.log("[getSource]", a, b ); if ( !b ) { try { if ( a.stopPropagation ) a.stopPropagation(); else a.cancelBubble = !0; } catch ( e ) { Piler.log("[getSource]", e ); } } return $( ? : a.srcElement ); }, /* * Change the list order. * * HTML: <a class="VALAMI" onclick="Piler.changeOrder(this)" xid="date" xorder="0"></a> * CSS: .VALAMI { * background: url("/view/theme/default/images/arrowup.gif") no-repeat scroll center center transparent; * cursor: pointer; * float: left; * height: 10px; * width: 10px; * } * @param {Object} a Javascript event * */ changeOrder:function( a ) { a = $( a );// a == DOM element // a = Piler.getSource( a );// a == Javascript event Piler.Shared.sort = a.attr('xid');// {String} (date|from|subject|size) Piler.Shared.order = a.attr('xorder');// {Number} (0|1) -> (ASC|DESC) Piler.log("[changeOrder]", Piler.Shared.sort, Piler.Shared.order); Piler.load_search_results( ); }, /* * load search results to div * */ load_search_results:function( ) { var url; Piler.poor_mans_keepalive_for_dummy_browsers(); Piler.Shared.type == 'search' ? url = '/search-helper.php' : url = '/audit-helper.php'; Piler.log("[load_search_results]", url); Piler.spinner('start'); jQuery.ajax( url, { data: $.extend(!0, {}, Piler.Shared, Piler.Searches[]), type: "POST" }) .done( function( a )// data, textStatus, jqXHR { if(a.indexOf('<?php print PILER_LOGIN_HELPER_PLACEHOLDER; ?>') > 0) { document.location.href = '<?php print SITE_URL; ?>'; return true; } $('#mailcontframe').html(a); Piler.fill_current_messages_array(); Piler.spinner('stop'); $('#resultsheader').show(); <?php if(ENABLE_TABLE_RESIZE == 1) { ?> $("table").resizableColumns({ store: store }); <?php } ?> }) .fail(function( a, b )// jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); }, /* * show/hide spinner */ spinner:function(cmd) { Piler.log("[spinner]", cmd); if(cmd == 'start') { $('#sspinner').show(); $('#messagelistcontainer').hide(); } if(cmd == 'stop') { $('#sspinner').hide(); $('#messagelistcontainer').show(); } }, /* * save current search criteria */ saved_search_terms:function(msg) { Piler.log("[saved_search_terms]"); Piler.poor_mans_keepalive_for_dummy_browsers(); jQuery.ajax( '/index.php?route=search/save', { data: $.extend(!0, { }, Piler.Shared, Piler.Searches[], {save: '1'} ), type: "POST" }) .done( function( a ) { }) .fail(function( a, b ) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); Piler.show_message('messagebox1', msg, 0.85); }, /* * load saved search criteria list by ajax */ load_saved_search_terms:function() { Piler.log("[load_saved_search_terms]"); jQuery.ajax( '/index.php?route=search/load', { }) .done( function( a ) { $('#mailcontframe').html( a ); }) .fail(function( a, b ) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); }, remove_saved_search_term:function(ts) { Piler.log("[remove_saved_search_term]"); jQuery.ajax('/index.php?route=search/remove&ts=' + ts, {}) .done(function(a) {}) .fail(function(a, b) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); Piler.load_saved_search_terms(); }, /* * load the selected message by position to preview area */ view_message_by_pos:function(pos) { Piler.log("[view_message_by_pos]", pos, Piler.Messages[pos]); if(pos == -1) return false; id = Piler.Messages[pos]; Piler.pos = pos; if(Piler.prev_message_id > 0) { $('#e_' + Piler.prev_message_id).attr('class', 'resultrow'); } $('#e_' + id).attr('class', 'resultrow selected'); Piler.prev_message_id = id; Piler.view_message(id); $('#mailpreviewframe').scrollTop(0); }, view_message:function(id) { var search = $('#_search').val(); Piler.poor_mans_keepalive_for_dummy_browsers(); Piler.log("[view_message]", id, search); jQuery.ajax('/message.php', { data: { id: id, search: search }, type: "POST" }) .done( function(a) { if(a.indexOf('<?php print PILER_LOGIN_HELPER_PLACEHOLDER; ?>') > 0) { document.location.href = '<?php print SITE_URL; ?>'; return true; } $('#mailpreviewframe').html(a); }) .fail(function(a, b) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); }, view_headers:function(id) { Piler.log("[view_headers]"); Piler.load_url_to_preview_pane('/index.php?route=message/headers&id=' + id); }, view_journal:function(id) { Piler.log("[view_journal]"); Piler.load_url_to_preview_pane('/index.php?route=message/journal&id=' + id); }, not_spam:function(id) { Piler.log("[not_spam]", id); Piler.poor_mans_keepalive_for_dummy_browsers(); jQuery.ajax('index.php?route=message/notspam', { data: { id: id }, type: "POST" }) .done( function( a ) {}) .fail(function(a, b) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); Piler.show_message('messagebox1', "OK", 0.8); }, mark_as_private:function(id, val) { Piler.log("[mark_as_private]", id, val); Piler.poor_mans_keepalive_for_dummy_browsers(); jQuery.ajax('index.php?route=message/private', { data: { id: id, val: val }, type: "POST" }) .done( function( a ) {}) .fail(function(a, b) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); Piler.show_message('messagebox1', "OK", 0.8); }, restore_message:function(id) { Piler.log("[restore_message]"); jQuery.ajax('/index.php?route=message/restore&id=' + id, {}) .done(function(a) {}) .fail(function(a, b) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); Piler.show_message('messagebox1', "OK", 0.8); }, bulk_remove_messages:function(msg) { Piler.log("[bulk_remove_messages]"); Piler.poor_mans_keepalive_for_dummy_browsers(); var idlist = Piler.get_selected_messages_list(); if(!idlist) return; jQuery.ajax('/bulkremove.php', { data: { idlist: idlist }, type: "POST" }) .done( function( a ) {}) .fail(function( a, b ) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); Piler.show_message('messagebox1', msg, 0.8); }, bulk_restore_messages:function(msg, email) { Piler.log("[bulk_restore_messages]", email); Piler.poor_mans_keepalive_for_dummy_browsers(); var idlist = Piler.get_selected_messages_list(); if(!idlist) return; jQuery.ajax('/bulkrestore.php', { data: { download: '0', idlist: idlist, email: email }, type: "POST" }) .done( function( a ) {}) .fail(function( a, b ) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); Piler.show_message('messagebox1', msg, 0.8); }, /* * bulk toggle all the checkboxes for the result set */ toggle_bulk_check:function(i) { Piler.log("[toggle_bulk_check]", Piler.Messages.length); $('#bulkcheck' + i).prop('checked') ? bulkcheck = 1 : bulkcheck = 0; Piler.log("[toggle_bulk_check], bulkcheck=", bulkcheck); for(i=0; i<Piler.Messages.length; i++) { bulkcheck == 1 ? $("#r_" + Piler.Messages[i]).prop('checked', true) : $("#r_" + Piler.Messages[i]).prop('checked', false); } if(bulkcheck == 1) { $("#bulkcheck").prop('checked', true); $("#bulkcheck2").prop('checked', true); } else { $("#bulkcheck").prop('checked', false); $("#bulkcheck2").prop('checked', false); } }, add_note_to_message:function(id, msg) { Piler.log("[add_note_to_message]", id, msg); Piler.poor_mans_keepalive_for_dummy_browsers(); jQuery.ajax('index.php?route=message/note', { data: { id: id, note: encodeURI($('#note').val()) }, type: "POST" }) .done( function(a) {}) .fail(function(a, b) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); Piler.show_message('messagebox1', msg, 0.85); }, update_message_folder:function(id, msg) { Piler.log("[update_message_folder]", id, msg); Piler.poor_mans_keepalive_for_dummy_browsers(); jQuery.ajax('index.php?route=message/folder', { data: { id: id, folder_id: $('#folder_id').val() }, type: "POST" }) .done( function(a) {}) .fail(function(a, b) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); Piler.show_message('messagebox1', msg, 0.85); }, tag_search_results:function(msg) { Piler.log("[tag_search_results]", msg); Piler.poor_mans_keepalive_for_dummy_browsers(); var idlist = Piler.get_selected_messages_list(); Piler.log("[tag_search_results, idlist]", idlist); if(!idlist) return false; jQuery.ajax('index.php?route=search/tag', { data: { tag: encodeURI($('#tag_value').val()), idlist: idlist }, type: "POST" }) .done( function(a) {}) .fail(function(a, b) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); Piler.show_message('messagebox1', msg, 0.85); }, /* * load the given url to the preview pane */ load_url_to_preview_pane:function(url) { Piler.log("[load_url_to_preview_pane]", url); Piler.poor_mans_keepalive_for_dummy_browsers(); jQuery.ajax(url, { cache: true }) .done( function(a) { $('#mailpreviewframe').html(a); }) .fail(function(a, b) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); }, /* * return a comma separated list of selected messages */ get_selected_messages_list:function() { Piler.log("[get_selected_messages_list]"); var idlist = ''; for(i=0; i<Piler.Messages.length; i++) { if($('#r_' + Piler.Messages[i]).prop('checked')) { if(idlist) idlist += ","; idlist += Piler.Messages[i]; //Piler.log("[selected message, id:]", Piler.Messages[i]); } } Piler.log("[get_selected_messages_list], result:", idlist); return idlist; }, get_messages_list:function() { var idlist = ''; for(i=0; i<Piler.Messages.length; i++) { if(idlist) idlist += ","; idlist += Piler.Messages[i]; } return idlist; }, /* * fill Messages array with search results */ fill_current_messages_array:function() { Piler.log("[fill_current_messages_array]" ); var z = $('#results tbody').children(), y = z.length, x; var u = []; Piler.log("[fill_current_messages_array] y", y ); for (i=0; i<y; i++) { x = z[i]; if ( x.nodeName == "TR" && 0 ) == 'e' && 1 ) == '_' ) { Piler.log("[fill_current_messages_array], pos/id", i,, 1000)); u[i] =, 1000); } } Piler.Messages = u; Piler.pos = -1; Piler.prev_message_id = 0; Piler.current_message_id = 0; }, show_next_message:function() { if(Piler.pos < Piler.Messages.length-1) { Piler.pos++; } Piler.log("[show_next_message]", Piler.pos); Piler.view_message_by_pos(Piler.pos); }, show_prev_message:function() { if(Piler.pos > 0) { Piler.pos--; } Piler.log("[show_prev_message]", Piler.pos); Piler.view_message_by_pos(Piler.pos); }, /* * load the search results for a saved query * TODO: fix searchtype, it can be even 'complex', too */ load_search_results_for_saved_query:function(terms) { Piler.log("[load_search_results_for_saved_query]", terms); terms = decodeURIComponent(terms); var pairs = terms.split('&'); $.each(pairs, function(i, v){ var pair = v.split('='); if(pair[0] == 'search') { var search = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]); $("input#_search").val(search.replace(/\+/g, " ")); } }); Piler.expsrc++; $('#_search').css('color', 'black');; }, /* * expert search * * HTML: <button onclick="Piler.simple(this)">Search</button> * <button onclick="script:var a=document.getElementById('ref'); if(a) a.value=''; a = document.getElementById('prefix'); if(a) a.value=''; * load_search_results('', assemble_search_term(count), 0);" * style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 0px; height: 20px; width: 70px;" class="active" id="button_search">Search</button> **/ expert:function( )// a ) { Piler.log("[expert]")//, a ); // a = $( a );// a == DOM element // a = Piler.getSource( a );// a == Javascript event $('#prefix').val(''); = 'Expert'; = 0; Piler.Shared.type = 'search'; Piler.assemble_folder_restrictions(); Piler.Searches.Expert = { search: $.trim($('input#_search').val()), searchtype: 'expert', ref: $.trim($('#ref').val()), folders: Piler.folders, extra_folders: Piler.extra_folders } $('#ref').val(''); Piler.load_search_results(); }, /** * complex search * * HTML: <button id="simple" class="active" onclick="Piler.complex(this)">Search</button> * CSS: #expert { margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 0px; height: 20px; width: 70px; } * **/ complex:function( )// a ) { Piler.log("[complex]")//, a ); // a = $( a );// a == DOM element // a = Piler.getSource( a );// a == Javascript event var z = $('div#searchpopup1'); = 'Complex'; = 0; Piler.Shared.type = 'search'; Piler.assemble_folder_restrictions(); var attachments_type = ''; if($('input#xhas_attachment_any', z)[0].checked) { attachments_type += ',any'; } if($('input#xhas_attachment_doc', z)[0].checked) { attachments_type += ',word'; } if($('input#xhas_attachment_xls', z)[0].checked) { attachments_type += ',excel'; } if($('input#xhas_attachment_pdf', z)[0].checked) { attachments_type += ',pdf'; } if($('input#xhas_attachment_image', z)[0].checked) { attachments_type += ',image'; } if(attachments_type) { attachments_type = attachments_type.substring(1, attachments_type.length); } Piler.Searches.Complex = { from : $.trim($('input#xfrom', z).val()), to : $.trim($('input#xto', z).val()), subject : $.trim($('input#xsubject', z).val()), body : $.trim($('input#xbody', z).val()), tag : $.trim($('input#xtag', z).val()), note : $.trim($('input#xnote', z).val()), attachment_type : attachments_type, date1 : $.trim($('input#date1', z).val()), date2 : $.trim($('input#date2', z).val()), searchtype : 'simple', folders: Piler.folders, extra_folders: Piler.extra_folders } Piler.load_search_results(); $('#searchpopup1').hide(); }, /* * paging function * * HTML: <a onclick="Piler.navigation(${PHP_PAGE})" class="navlink">${next page}</a> * */ navigation:function( a ) { Piler.log("[navigation]")//, a ); // a = $( a );// a == DOM element // a = Piler.getSource( a );// a == Javascript event = a; Piler.load_search_results(); }, /* * reset search fields * * HTML: <input type="button" onclick="Piler.cancel()" value="Cancel"> * CSS: input.advsecondary[type="button"]{ height: 20px; width: 70px; } */ cancel:function( )//a ) { Piler.log("[cancel]")//, a ); // a = $( a );// a == DOM element // a = Piler.getSource( a );// a == Javascript event $('#_search').val(''); $('#ref').val( '' ); Piler.Searches.Expert = {}; $('input#xfrom').val(''); $('input#xto').val(''); $('input#xsubject').val(''); $('input#xbody').val(''); $('input#xtag').val(''); $('input#xnote').val(''); $('input#xhas_attachment_doc')[0].checked = 0; $('input#xhas_attachment_xls')[0].checked = 0; $('input#xhas_attachment_pdf')[0].checked = 0; $('input#xhas_attachment_image')[0].checked = 0; $('input#xhas_attachment_any')[0].checked = 0; $('input#date1').val(''); $('input#date2').val(''); Piler.Searches.Complex = {}; }, /* * when clicked on the "any" attachment type, clear the other types */ clear_attachment_others: function() { $('input#xhas_attachment_doc')[0].checked = 0; $('input#xhas_attachment_xls')[0].checked = 0; $('input#xhas_attachment_pdf')[0].checked = 0; $('input#xhas_attachment_image')[0].checked = 0; }, /* * when clicked on any of the named attachment types, clear the "any" type */ clear_attachment_any: function() { $('input#xhas_attachment_any')[0].checked = 0; }, /* * show a temporary message to the user */ show_message:function(id, msg, timeout) { msg = '<p>' + msg.replace("\n", "<br />") + '</p>'; Piler.log("[show_message]", id, msg); $('#'+id).html(msg); $('#'+id).show(); setTimeout(function() { $('#'+id).hide(); }, timeout*1000); }, load_health:function() { Piler.log("[load_health]"); = 'wait'; jQuery.ajax('/index.php?route=health/worker', { }) .done( function(a) { $('#A1').html(a); = 'default'; //setInterval('Piler.load_health()', Piler.health_refresh * 1000); }) .fail(function(a, b) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); }, /* * show a hint message for an autocomplete field on user/group editing */ toggle_hint:function(id, s, focus) { Piler.log("[toggle_hint]", id); if(focus == 1){ if($('#' + id).val() == s) $('#' + id).val(''); } else { if($('#' + id).val() == '') $('#' + id).val(s); } }, /* * assemble a space separated list of the selected email addresses of the given message */ restore_message_for_recipients:function(id, msgok, msgerr) { Piler.log("[restore_message_for_recipients]", id); Piler.poor_mans_keepalive_for_dummy_browsers(); var z = $('#restorebox').children(), y = z.length, x; var emails = ''; for ( ; --y >= 0 ; ) { x = z[y]; if (, 5) == "rcpt_" ) { if(document.getElementById( == 1){ if(emails) emails += ' '; emails +=, 1000); } } } if(emails) { jQuery.ajax('index.php?route=message/restore', { data: { rcpt: encodeURI(emails), id: id }, type: "POST" }) .done( function(a) {}) .fail(function(a, b) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); Piler.show_message('messagebox1', msgok, 0.85); $('#restorebox').hide(); } else { Piler.show_message('messagebox1', msgerr, 0.85); } }, download_messages_real:function(idlist, url) { Piler.log("[download_messages_real]", idlist); if(idlist) { var form = document.createElement("form"); form.setAttribute("method", "post"); form.setAttribute("action", url); form.setAttribute("name", "download"); var hiddenField = document.createElement("input"); hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); hiddenField.setAttribute("name", "download"); hiddenField.setAttribute("value", "1"); form.appendChild(hiddenField); hiddenField = document.createElement("input"); hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); hiddenField.setAttribute("name", "idlist"); hiddenField.setAttribute("value", idlist); form.appendChild(hiddenField); document.body.appendChild(form); form.submit(); document.body.removeChild(form); } }, download_messages:function() { var idlist = Piler.get_selected_messages_list(); Piler.download_messages_real(idlist, Piler.bulkrestore_url); }, download_all_search_hits:function() { Piler.log("[download_all_search_hits]"); jQuery.ajax('/index.php?route=message/dl', { type: "POST" }) .done( function( a ) { Piler.download_messages_real(a, Piler.bulkrestore_url); }) .fail(function( a, b ) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); }, download_selected_as_pdf:function() { Piler.log("[download_selected_as_pdf]"); var idlist = Piler.get_selected_messages_list(); if(idlist) { Piler.download_messages_real(idlist, Piler.bulkpdf_url); } }, auditexpert:function() { Piler.log("[auditexpert]"); = 'Expert'; = 0; Piler.Shared.type = 'audit'; Piler.Searches.Expert = { search : $('input#_search').val().trim(), searchtype : 'expert' } Piler.load_search_results(); }, /* * add shortcuts on the search page */ add_shortcuts:function() { Piler.log("[add_shortcuts]"); $(document).keypress(function(e){ if(e.which == 13){ $("#button_search").click(); } // 37: left, 38: up, 39: right, 40: down if(e.keyCode == 38){ Piler.show_prev_message(); } if(e.keyCode == 40){ Piler.show_next_message(); } }); }, reload_piler:function() { Piler.log("[reload_piler]"); jQuery.ajax('index.php?route=policy/apply', { cache: true }) .done( function(a) { $('#applyChangesOutput').html(a); }) .fail(function(a, b) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); }, assemble_folder_restrictions: function() { Piler.log("[assemble_folder_restrictions]"); Piler.folders = ''; Piler.extra_folders = ''; a = document.getElementById('folders'); if(!a) { return false; } childNodeArray = a.getElementsByTagName('*'); if(childNodeArray) { for(i=0; i<childNodeArray.length; i++) { b = childNodeArray[i]; if( &&, 7) == 'folder_' && b.checked) { Piler.folders = Piler.folders + " " +; } if( &&, 13) == 'extra_folder_' && b.checked) { Piler.extra_folders = Piler.extra_folders + " " +; } } } if(Piler.folders) { Piler.folders = Piler.folders.substring(1); } if(Piler.extra_folders) { Piler.extra_folders = Piler.extra_folders.substring(1); } Piler.log("[folder/extra_folders]", Piler.folders, Piler.extra_folders); }, copy_message_to_folder: function(folder_id, id, msg) { Piler.log("[copy_message_to_folder]", folder_id, id); if(id <= 0) { return 0; } var folder_copy_url = '<?php print SITE_URL; ?>/index.php?route=folder/copy' Piler.poor_mans_keepalive_for_dummy_browsers(); jQuery.ajax('index.php?route=folder/copy', { data: { folder_id: folder_id, id: id }, type: "POST" }) .done( function(a) {}) .fail(function(a, b) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); Piler.show_message('messagebox1', msg, 0.85); Piler.current_message_id = 0; }, open_folder: function(id) { $('#fldr_' + id).show(); $('#fldr_collapse_' + id).show(); $('#fldr_open_' + id).hide(); }, close_folder: function(id) { $('#fldr_' + id).hide(); $('#fldr_collapse_' + id).hide(); $('#fldr_open_' + id).show(); }, stop_propagation: function(event) { Piler.log("[stop_propagation]"); try { event.stopPropagation(); } catch ( e ) { Piler.log("[stop_propagation]", e ); } }, test_ldap_connection:function() { Piler.log("[test_ldap_connection]"); jQuery.ajax('index.php?route=ldap/test', { data: { description: $('#description').val(), ldap_host: $('#ldap_host').val(), ldap_base_dn: $('#ldap_base_dn').val(), ldap_bind_dn: $('#ldap_bind_dn').val(), ldap_bind_pw: $('#ldap_bind_pw').val() }, type: "POST" }) .done( function(a) { $('#LDAPTEST').html(a); }) .fail(function(a, b) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); }, test_pop3_connection:function() { Piler.log("[test_pop3_connection]"); jQuery.ajax('index.php?route=import/test', { data: { type: $('#type').val(), server: $('#server').val(), username: $('#username').val(), password: $('#password').val() }, type: "POST" }) .done( function(a) { $('#LDAPTEST').html(a); }) .fail(function(a, b) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); }, clear_ldap_test: function() { $('#LDAPTEST').html(''); }, reload_page: function() { location.reload(true); }, go_to_default_page: function() { document.location.href = 'search.php'; }, change_box_colour: function(srcid, dstid) { var colour = $('#' + srcid).val(); $('#' + dstid).css('background', colour); }, new_qr: function() { Piler.log("[new_qr]"); = 'wait'; jQuery.ajax('qr.php?refresh=1', { cache: false }) .done( function(a) { $('#QR').html(a); = 'default'; }) .fail(function(a, b) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); }, toggle_ga: function() { var ga = 0; if(document.getElementById('ga_enabled').checked == 1){ ga = 1; } Piler.log("[toggle GA]", ga); jQuery.ajax('qr.php?toggle=' + ga, { cache: false }) .done( function(a) { }) .fail(function(a, b) { alert("Problem retrieving XML data:" + b) }); }, fix_ldap_display: function() { if($('#ldap_type').val() == '<?php print LDAP_TYPE_GENERIC; ?>') { $('#ldap_mail_attr_id').show(); $('#ldap_account_objectclass_id').show(); $('#ldap_distributionlist_attr_id').show(); $('#ldap_distributionlist_objectclass_id').show(); } else { $('#ldap_mail_attr').val(''); $('#ldap_account_objectclass').val(''); $('#ldap_distributionlist_attr').val(''); $('#ldap_distributionlist_objectclass').val(''); $('#ldap_mail_attr_id').hide(); $('#ldap_account_objectclass_id').hide(); $('#ldap_distributionlist_attr_id').hide(); $('#ldap_distributionlist_objectclass_id').hide(); } }, fix_page: function() { <?php if(OUTLOOK == 1) { ?> $('#mainscreen').css('top', '60px'); <?php } ?> }, print_div: function(divID) { var divElements = document.getElementById(divID).innerHTML; 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?>' }); }); // modal additions $(document).on("click", ".confirm-delete", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var id = $(this).data('id'), name = $(this).data('name'), url = $(".modal-footer #id").attr("href"); //set id url = UpdateQueryString('id',id,url); //set name url = UpdateQueryString('name',encodeURIComponent(name),url); //set confirmation url = UpdateQueryString('confirmed',1,url); //set href $(".modal-footer #id").attr("href",url); //set display text $(".modal-body #name").html( name ); //finally, display the confirm modal box $('#deleteconfirm-modal').modal('show'); }); function UpdateQueryString(key, value, url) { // from if (!url) url = window.location.href; var re = new RegExp("([?|&])" + key + "=.*?(&|#|$)(.*)", "gi"); if (re.test(url)) { if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null) return url.replace(re, '$1' + key + "=" + value + '$2$3'); else { return url.replace(re, '$1$3').replace(/(&|\?)$/, ''); } } else { if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null) { var separator = url.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? '&' : '?', hash = url.split('#'); url = hash[0] + separator + key + '=' + value; if (hash[1]) url += '#' + hash[1]; return url; } else return url; } }