- Introduced the archive_address feature, see etc/example.conf for the details - Introduced the raw: search label - Added Italian translation. Credits: Stefano Gatto - timestamp signing sorts by 'id' column 1.3.12: ------- - Introduced new piler.conf variable: tls_min_version It sets the minimum TLS protocol version the piler-smtp daemon supports. Possible values: - TLSv1 (not recommended) - TLSv1.1 (not recommended) - TLSv1.2 (default) - TLSv1.3 1.3.11: ------- - [BUGFIX] Refactored the smtp timeout check - Obsoleted the LDAP port parameter. Specify the ldap host in the form of protocol://hostname:port, eg. ldaps://ldap.yourdomain.com:636 1.3.10: ------- - Added security header feature - Introduced the smtp acl list, and obsoleted the tcp_wrappers check - Switched from Blowfish encryption to AES-256 1.3.9: ------ - Added a separator to searching for attachment names - [BUGFIX] Render multiple mail parts in mail view instead of only the last part - Use TLS v1.2 with openssl 1.0.x for connecting remote pop3/imap servers - Instant search results to the gui when the search page loads - Support sphinx-3.3.1, introduced sphinx strict mode variable - GUI domain fixes - gcc 9 fixes - Fix permission on sphinx data dir to 700 - pilerpurge.py should honor the mysqlhost value - Password change enabled by default - Health page fixes - GUI mime parser fixes - Start/stop script fix - Optimized search page for mobile devices, set $config['ENABLE_MOBILE_PREVIEW'] = 1; in config-site.php to enable it 1.3.0: ----- - Switched from utf8 to utf8mb4 encoding. - Switched from preforking model to epoll - Removed PDF support - GUI fixes - Added HTML purifier support - Rewritten pilerpurge in Python 1.2.0: ------ Heavy SQL scheme changes throughout the development of 1.2.0! 2016.10.06. Removed deb and rpm packaging metadata. 2016.09.21. Improved logging for the GUI. See the new config option: $config['LOG_LEVEL'] = NORMAL; 2016.09.18. Moved all piler configuration from ${sysconfdir} to ${sysconfdir}/piler, eg. root@01b74b787c26:/# ls -la /usr/local/etc/piler/ total 36 drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 24 Oct 6 20:49 . drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 74 Oct 6 20:49 .. -rw-r--r-- 4 root root 1008 Oct 6 20:39 piler.conf -rw-r----- 5 root piler 1066 Oct 6 20:39 piler.conf.dist -rw-r----- 5 root piler 56 Oct 6 20:40 piler.key -rw------- 5 root root 5256 Oct 6 20:40 piler.pem -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6270 Oct 6 20:49 sphinx.conf -rw-r--r-- 5 root piler 6299 Oct 6 20:39 sphinx.conf.dist Make sure to update the piler shipped shell scripts (rc.searchd, indexer.*.sh, ...) as well! 2016.08.31. Added chunking / BDAT support for the piler daemon. You may turn it on by setting enable_chunking=1 in piler.conf 2016.06.19. Improved attachment table indexing. 2016.05.07. Obsoleted the --enable-starttls configure option. 2016.03.02. Discard messages shorther than 100 bytes. 2016.02.10. Added the private feature (for auditors only). 2015.11.26. Removed the pilergetd stuff. 2015.07.08. Delete option for auditors. 2015.05.07. Added milter script to contrib directory. 2015.04.22. Added timestamp support.