<?php $_['text_action'] = "Action"; $_['text_active_incoming_queue'] = "active + incoming queue"; $_['text_active_incoming_queue_sender'] = "active + incoming queue vs. sender"; $_['text_ad_sync_status'] = "AD synchronisation status"; $_['text_add'] = "Add"; $_['text_add_new_email_address'] = "New email address"; $_['text_add_new_domain'] = "New domain"; $_['text_add_new_group'] = "Add group"; $_['text_add_new_rule'] = "Add rule"; $_['text_add_new_user_alias'] = "Add new user"; $_['text_add_policy'] = "Add new policy"; $_['text_administration'] = "Administration"; $_['text_admin_user'] = "Admin user"; $_['text_advanced'] = "Advanced"; $_['text_advanced_search'] = "Advanced search"; $_['text_all'] = "all"; $_['text_any'] = "any"; $_['text_archive_size'] = "Archive size"; $_['text_archived_messages'] = "Archived messages"; $_['text_archiving_rules'] = "Archiving rules"; $_['text_attachment'] = "Attachment"; $_['text_attachment_size'] = "Attachment size"; $_['text_attachment_type'] = "Attachment type"; $_['text_audit'] = "Audit"; $_['text_back'] = "Back"; $_['text_body'] = "Body"; $_['text_bulk_edit_selected_uids'] = "Bulk edit selected uids"; $_['text_bulk_restore_selected_emails'] = "Bulk restore selected emails"; $_['text_bulk_update_selected_uids'] = "Bulk update selected uids"; $_['text_cancel'] = "Cancel"; $_['text_change_user_settings'] = "change user settings"; $_['text_clienthost'] = "Client host"; $_['text_close'] = "Close"; $_['text_compressed'] = "compressed"; $_['text_confirm_to_reset_counters'] = "Confirm to reset counters"; $_['text_content_filter'] = "Content filter"; $_['text_conversation_available'] = "Conversation available"; $_['text_copied'] = "Copied"; $_['text_counters'] = "Counters"; $_['text_cpu_load'] = "CPU load"; $_['text_cpu_usage'] = "CPU usage"; $_['text_daily_quarantine_report'] = "Daily quarantine report"; $_['text_daily_quarantine_report_status'] = "Daily quarantine report status"; $_['text_daily_report'] = "Daily report"; $_['text_daily_piler_report'] = "Daily piler report"; $_['text_database_emails'] = "email addresses in piler database"; $_['text_date'] = "Date"; $_['text_date_from'] = "Date from"; $_['text_date_to'] = "Date to"; $_['text_days'] = "Days"; $_['text_days_to_retain'] = "Days to retain"; $_['text_deferred_queue'] = "deferred queue"; $_['text_deferred_queue_sender'] = "deferred queue vs. sender"; $_['text_delay'] = "Delay"; $_['text_deleted_users'] = "deleted"; $_['text_deliver'] = "Deliver"; $_['text_delivered'] = "Delivered"; $_['text_deliver_and_train_selected_messages'] = "Deliver and train selected messages"; $_['text_deliver_and_train_selected_messages_as_ham'] = "Deliver and train selected messages AS HAM"; $_['text_deliver_selected_messages'] = "Deliver selected messages"; $_['text_description'] = "Description"; $_['text_direction'] = "Direction"; $_['text_disk_usage'] = "Disk usage"; $_['text_disable'] = "Disable"; $_['text_disabled'] = "disabled"; $_['text_dn_asterisk_means_skip_sync'] = "Asterisk (*) means this user entry will be not part of AD synchronisation"; $_['text_domain'] = "Domain"; $_['text_domains'] = "Domain(s)"; $_['text_domainname'] = "Domain name"; $_['text_download_message'] = "Download message (EML)"; $_['text_download_message2'] = "download message"; $_['text_edit'] = "Edit"; $_['text_edit_group'] = "Edit group"; $_['text_edit_user'] = "Edit user"; $_['text_edit_or_view'] = "Edit/view"; $_['text_email'] = "Email address"; $_['text_email_addresses'] = "Email addresses"; $_['text_email_aliases'] = "Email aliases"; $_['text_email_in_unknown_domain'] = "Email address is in an unknown domain"; $_['text_empty_search_criteria'] = "'Empty criteria'"; $_['text_empty_search_result'] = "Empty search result"; $_['text_enable'] = "Enable"; $_['text_enabled'] = "enabled"; $_['text_enter_one_email_address_per_line'] = "Enter one email address per line"; $_['text_enter_one_group_per_line'] = "Enter one group per line"; $_['text_enter_search_terms'] = "Enter your search terms"; $_['text_error'] = "Error"; $_['text_exact_domain_name_or_email_address'] = "exact domain name or email address"; $_['text_exclude'] = "Exclude"; $_['text_existing_domains'] = "Existing domains"; $_['text_existing_email'] = "Existing email"; $_['text_existing_folders'] = "Existing folders"; $_['text_existing_groups'] = "Existing groups"; $_['text_existing_policies'] = "Existing policies"; $_['text_existing_rules'] = "Existing rules"; $_['text_existing_user'] = "Existing user"; $_['text_existing_users'] = "Existing users"; $_['text_expert'] = "Expert"; $_['text_expert_search'] = "Expert search"; $_['text_failed'] = "failed"; $_['text_failed_to_add'] = "Failed to add"; $_['text_failed_to_change_password'] = "Failed to change password"; $_['text_failed_to_deliver'] = "Failed to deliver"; $_['text_failed_to_mark_for_removal'] = "Failed to mark for removal"; $_['text_failed_to_modify'] = "Failed to modify"; $_['text_failed_to_remove'] = "Failed to remove"; $_['text_failed_to_restore'] = "Failed to restore"; $_['text_failed_to_update'] = "Failed to update"; $_['text_first'] = "First"; $_['text_folder'] = "Folder"; $_['text_folders'] = "Folders"; $_['text_from'] = "From"; $_['text_from_domain'] = "From domain"; $_['text_group_id'] = "Group id"; $_['text_groupname'] = "Group name"; $_['text_groups'] = "Groups"; $_['text_group_management'] = "Group management"; $_['text_group_membership'] = "Group membership"; $_['text_health'] = "Health"; $_['text_health_monitor'] = "Health monitor"; $_['text_help'] = "Help"; $_['text_history'] = "History"; $_['text_home'] = "Home"; $_['text_image'] = "image"; $_['text_import'] = "Import"; $_['text_import_users'] = "Import users"; $_['text_import_users_from_LDAP'] = "Import users from LDAP"; $_['text_inbound'] = "inbound"; $_['text_internal'] = "internal"; $_['text_invalid_data'] = "Invalid data"; $_['text_invalid_email'] = "Invalid email"; $_['text_invalid_email_or_password'] = "Invalid email or password"; $_['text_invalid_gid'] = "Invalid gid"; $_['text_invalid_password'] = "Invalid password"; $_['text_invalid_policy_group'] = "Invalid policy group"; $_['text_invalid_policy_name'] = "Invalid policy name"; $_['text_invalid_policy_setting'] = "Invalid policy setting"; $_['text_invalid_uid'] = "Invalid uid"; $_['text_invalid_username'] = "Invalid username"; $_['text_ipaddr'] = "IP address"; $_['text_language'] = "Language"; $_['text_last'] = "Last"; $_['text_last_update'] = "Last update"; $_['text_latest_emails'] = "Latest emails"; $_['text_ldap_basedn'] = "LDAP base DN"; $_['text_ldap_binddn'] = "LDAP bind DN"; $_['text_ldap_bindpw'] = "LDAP bind password"; $_['text_ldap_host'] = "LDAP host"; $_['text_ldap_type'] = "LDAP type"; $_['text_load'] = "Load"; $_['text_loading'] = "loading"; $_['text_logged_out'] = "You are logged out"; $_['text_login'] = "Login"; $_['text_login2'] = "login"; $_['text_login_failed'] = "login failed"; $_['text_login_via_google'] = "Login via Google account"; $_['text_logout'] = "Logout"; $_['text_logout2'] = "logout"; $_['text_maillog_status'] = "maillog collector status"; $_['text_main_title'] = "clapf web UI"; $_['text_mapped_domain'] = "Mapped domain"; $_['text_marked_for_removal'] = "Message marked for removal"; $_['text_memory_usage'] = "Memory usage"; $_['text_message'] = "message"; $_['text_messages'] = "messages"; $_['text_message_text'] = "Message text"; $_['text_min_2_chars'] = "Min. 2 characters"; $_['text_missing_data'] = "Missing data"; $_['text_missing_password'] = "Missing password"; $_['text_modify'] = "Modify"; $_['text_monitor'] = "Monitor"; $_['text_monthly_report'] = "Monthly report"; $_['text_new_users'] = "new"; $_['text_next'] = "Next"; $_['text_no_message_in_the_quarantine'] = "No message in the quarantine matching the search criteria"; $_['text_no_records'] = "No records"; $_['text_no_sender'] = "no sender"; $_['text_no_spam_message_in_the_quarantine_yet'] = "No spam message in the quarantine yet"; $_['text_no_subject'] = "no subject"; $_['text_no_such_policy'] = "No such policy"; $_['text_non_existent_queue_directory'] = "The queue directory you have specified does not exist"; $_['text_non_existing_user'] = "Non existing user"; $_['text_notes'] = "Notes"; $_['text_not_found'] = "Not found"; $_['text_not_running'] = "not running"; $_['text_not_spam'] = "not spam"; $_['title_not_found'] = "Page not found"; $_['text_number_of_messages_in_quarantine'] = "Number of messages in the quarantine matching your search criteria"; $_['text_number_of_spam_messages_in_quarantine'] = "Number of spam messages in the quarantine matching your search criteria"; $_['text_off'] = "off"; $_['text_on'] = "on"; $_['text_other'] = "other"; $_['text_outbound'] = "outbound"; $_['text_password'] = "Password"; $_['text_password_again'] = "Password again"; $_['text_password_changed'] = "Password changed"; $_['text_password_mismatch'] = "Password mismatch"; $_['text_page_length'] = "Page length"; $_['text_periodic_purge'] = "Periodic purge"; $_['text_policy'] = "Policy"; $_['text_policy_group'] = "Policy group"; $_['text_policy_name'] = "Policy name"; $_['text_previous'] = "Previous"; $_['text_processed_emails'] = "Processed emails"; $_['text_purge_all_messages_from_quarantine'] = "Purge all your own messages from quarantine"; $_['text_purge_selected_messages'] = "Purge selected messages"; $_['text_purged'] = "Purged"; $_['text_queue_status'] = "Queue status"; $_['text_quick_search'] = "Quick search"; $_['text_realname'] = "Realname"; $_['text_recipient'] = "Recipient"; $_['text_ref'] = "Reference"; $_['text_refresh_period'] = "Refresh period"; $_['text_relay_details'] = "Relay details"; $_['text_relay_status'] = "Relay status"; $_['text_remove'] = "Remove"; $_['text_remove_domain'] = "Remove domain"; $_['text_remove_message'] = "Remove message"; $_['text_remove_message2'] = "remove message"; $_['text_remove_selected_uids'] = "Remove selected uids"; $_['text_remove_policy'] = "Remove policy"; $_['text_remove_rule'] = "Remove rule"; $_['text_remove_this_policy'] = "Remove this policy"; $_['text_remove_this_group'] = "Remove this group"; $_['text_remove_this_user'] = "Remove this user"; $_['text_reset_counters'] = "Reset counters"; $_['text_restore'] = "Restore"; $_['text_restored'] = "Restored"; $_['text_restore_message'] = "restore message"; $_['text_restore_to_mailbox'] = "Restore message to mailbox"; $_['text_restored'] = "Restored"; $_['text_result'] = "Result"; $_['text_retention_rules'] = "Retention rules"; $_['text_role'] = "Role"; $_['text_running'] = "running"; $_['text_save'] = "Save"; $_['text_saved'] = "Saved"; $_['text_save_search'] = "save search"; $_['text_save_search_terms'] = "Save search terms"; $_['text_saved_search_terms'] = "Saved search terms"; $_['text_search'] = "Search"; $_['text_search2'] = "search"; $_['text_search_emails'] = "Search email addresses"; $_['text_search_email_to_add'] = "Search email to add"; $_['text_search_folders'] = "Search folders"; $_['text_search_folder_to_add'] = "Search folder to add"; $_['text_search_groups'] = "Search groups"; $_['text_search_group_to_add'] = "Search group to add"; $_['text_search_terms'] = "Search terms"; $_['text_select_action'] = "Select action"; $_['text_select_all'] = "Select all"; $_['text_select_recipients'] = "Select recipients"; $_['text_sender'] = "Sender"; $_['text_sending_domains'] = "sending domains"; $_['text_server_name'] = "Server name"; $_['text_server_operating_system'] = "Operating System"; $_['text_set'] = "Set"; $_['text_settings'] = "Settings"; $_['text_simple'] = "Simple"; $_['text_simple_search'] = "Simple search"; $_['text_size'] = "Size"; $_['text_smtp_status'] = "SMTP status"; $_['text_spam'] = "Spam"; $_['text_spam2'] = "spam"; $_['text_statistics'] = "Statistics"; $_['text_status'] = "Status"; $_['text_subject'] = "Subject"; $_['text_submit'] = "Submit"; $_['text_successful'] = "Successful"; $_['text_successfully_added'] = "Successfully added"; $_['text_successfully_delivered'] = "Successfully delivered"; $_['text_successfully_modified'] = "Successfully modified"; $_['text_successfully_removed'] = "Successfully removed"; $_['text_successfully_trained'] = "Successfully trained"; $_['text_successfully_updated'] = "Successfully modified"; $_['text_swap_usage'] = "Swap usage"; $_['text_tag_search_results'] = "Tag search results"; $_['text_tagged'] = "Tagged"; $_['text_tags'] = "Tags"; $_['text_text'] = "Text"; $_['text_text2'] = "text"; $_['text_theme'] = "Theme"; $_['text_time'] = "Time"; $_['text_to'] = "To"; $_['text_to_domain'] = "To domain"; $_['text_too_short_password'] = "Too short password"; $_['text_total'] = "total"; $_['text_total_ratio'] = "total ratio"; $_['text_total_query_time'] = "Total SQL query time"; $_['text_total_users'] = "total"; $_['text_uids'] = "uids"; $_['text_unauthorized_domain'] = "Unauthorized domain"; $_['text_unauthorized_remove_message'] = "unauthorized message removal"; $_['text_unauthorized_view_message'] = "unathorized message view"; $_['text_unknown'] = "unknown"; $_['text_update_selected_uids'] = "Update selected uids"; $_['text_uptime'] = "Uptime"; $_['text_user'] = "User"; $_['text_users'] = "Users"; $_['text_user_id'] = "User id"; $_['text_user_auditor'] = "Auditor"; $_['text_user_domainadmin'] = "Domain admin"; $_['text_user_management'] = "User management"; $_['text_user_masteradmin'] = "Master admin"; $_['text_user_read_only_admin'] = "Read-only admin"; $_['text_user_regular'] = "Regular user"; $_['text_userlist'] = "Userlist"; $_['text_username'] = "Username"; $_['text_users_quarantine'] = "User's quarantine"; $_['text_view_formatted_email'] = "View formatted email"; $_['text_view_header'] = "view header"; $_['text_view_headers'] = "View headers"; $_['text_view_message'] = "View message"; $_['text_view_message2'] = "view message"; $_['text_view_raw_email'] = "View raw email"; $_['text_view_user_quarantine'] = "View user's quarantine"; $_['text_warning_about_default_policy'] = "The default policy can be set in clapf.conf"; $_['text_whitelist'] = "Whitelist"; $_['text_whitelist_settings'] = "Whitelist settings"; $_['text_with_attachment'] = "with attachment(s)"; $_['text_without_attachment'] = "without attachment"; $_['text_you_are'] = "You are"; $_['text_you_are_not_admin'] = "You are not an admin user"; $_['rcvd'] = "received messages"; $_['virus'] = "infected messages"; $_['duplicate'] = "duplicated messages"; $_['ignore'] = "ignored messages"; $_['counters_last_update'] = "counters updated"; $_['text_24_hours'] = "24 hours"; $_['text_1_week'] = "1 week"; $_['text_30_days'] = "30 days"; $_['text_access_settings'] = 'Access Settings'; $_['text_access_setting_explanation'] = "You always have access to your own email addresses. For auditor access to specific groups or domains, please contact your archive administrator."; $_['text_display_settings'] = 'Display Settings'; $_['text_change_password'] = "Change Password"; $_['text_none_found'] = "None found"; $_['text_primary_domain'] = "Primary Domain"; $_['text_search_domains'] = "Search domains"; $_['text_search_domain_to_add'] = "Search domain to add"; ?>