<?php class ModelAuditAudit extends Model { public function search_audit($data = array()) { $where = ''; $arr = $results = array(); $from = 0; $sort = "ts"; $order = "DESC"; $sortorder = "ORDER BY ts DESC"; $date1 = $date2 = 0; $q = ''; if($data['sort'] == "user") { $sort = "email"; } if($data['sort'] == "ipaddr") { $sort = "ipaddr"; } if($data['sort'] == "ref") { $sort = "meta_id"; } if($data['sort'] == "action") { $sort = "action"; } if($data['sort'] == "description") { $sort = "description"; } if($data['order'] == 1) { $order = "ASC"; } $sortorder = "ORDER BY `$sort` $order"; if(isset($data['action']) && $data['action'] != ACTION_ALL) { $where .= " AND ( " . $this->append_search_criteria("action", $data['action'], $arr) . " )"; } if(isset($data['ipaddr']) && $data['ipaddr']) { $where .= " AND ( " . $this->append_search_criteria("ipaddr", $data['ipaddr'], $arr) . " )"; } if(isset($data['user']) && $data['user']) { $where .= " AND ( " . $this->append_search_criteria("email", $data['user'], $arr) . " )"; } if(isset($data['ref']) && $data['ref']) { $where .= " AND ( " . $this->append_search_criteria("meta_id", $data['ref'], $arr) . " )"; } if(Registry::get('admin_user') == 0 && RESTRICTED_AUDITOR == 1) { while(list($k, $v) = each($_SESSION['auditdomains'])) { if($q) { $q .= ","; } $q .= "?"; array_push($arr, $v); } $where .= " AND domain IN ($q) "; reset($_SESSION['auditdomains']); } if(isset($data['date1'])) { $date1 = $data['date1']; } if(isset($data['date2'])) { $date2 = $data['date2']; } $date = fixup_date_condition('ts', $date1, $date2); if($date) { $where .= " AND $date "; } if($where) { $where = " WHERE " . substr($where, 5, strlen($where)); } $from = $data['page_len'] * $data['page']; if($where) { $query = $this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM " . TABLE_AUDIT . " $where", $arr); $n = $query->row['count']; if(ENABLE_SYSLOG == 1) { syslog(LOG_INFO, sprintf("audit query: '%s' in %.2f s, %d hits", $query->query, $query->exec_time, $query->row['count'])); } } else { $n = MAX_AUDIT_HITS; } if($n > 0) { if($n > MAX_AUDIT_HITS) { $n = MAX_AUDIT_HITS; } $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_AUDIT . " $where $sortorder LIMIT $from," . $data['page_len'], $arr); $this->session->set("audit_query", array('where' => $where, 'sortorder' => $sortorder, 'arr' => $arr)); if(ENABLE_SYSLOG == 1) { syslog(LOG_INFO, sprintf("audit query: '%s', param: '%s' in %.2f s, %d hits", $query->query, implode(' ', $arr), $query->exec_time, $query->num_rows)); } if(isset($query->rows)) { foreach($query->rows as $a) { $a['description'] = preg_replace("/\"/", "'", $a['description']); $results[] = array( 'id' => $a['meta_id'], 'piler_id' => isset($m[$a['meta_id']]) ? $m[$a['meta_id']] : '', 'action' => $a['action'], 'email' => $a['email'], 'date' => date(DATE_TEMPLATE . " H:i", $a['ts']), 'ipaddr' => DEMO_MODE == 1 ? anonimize_ip_addr($a['ipaddr']) : $a['ipaddr'], 'description' => $a['description'], 'shortdescription' => make_short_string($a['description'], MAX_CGI_FROM_SUBJ_LEN) ); } } } return array($n, $results); } public function print_audit_to_csv() { $actions = array_flip(Registry::get('actions')); $a = $this->session->get("audit_query"); if(isset($a['where']) && isset($a['sortorder']) && isset($a['arr'])) { print "Date" . DELIMITER . "ID" . DELIMITER . "User" . DELIMITER . "IP-address" . DELIMITER . "Action" . DELIMITER . "Piler ID" . DELIMITER . "Description\n"; $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_AUDIT . " " . $a['where'] . " " . $a['sortorder'], $a['arr']); foreach($query->rows as $q) { if(DEMO_MODE == 1) { $q['ipaddr'] = anonimize_ip_addr($q['ipaddr']); } print date(DATE_TEMPLATE . " H:i:s", $q['ts']) . DELIMITER . $q['id'] . DELIMITER . $q['email'] . DELIMITER . $q['ipaddr'] . DELIMITER . $actions[$q['action']] . DELIMITER . $q['meta_id'] . DELIMITER . $q['description'] . "\n"; } } } private function append_search_criteria($var = '', $s = '', &$arr = array()) { $str = ""; $a = explode("\t", $s); for($i=0; $i<count($a); $i++) { if($a[$i]) { $p = strchr($a[$i], '*'); if($p) { $str .= "OR $var LIKE ? "; array_push($arr, preg_replace("/\*.{0,}/", "%", $a[$i])); } else { $str .= "OR $var = ? "; array_push($arr, $a[$i]); } } } return substr($str, 2, strlen($str)); } } ?>