<?php class ControllerMessageBulkrestore extends Controller { public function index(){ $this->id = "content"; $this->template = "message/bulkrestore.tpl"; $this->layout = "common/layout-empty"; $session = Registry::get('session'); $request = Registry::get('request'); $db = Registry::get('db'); $imap_ok = 0; $email = ''; $this->load->model('search/search'); $this->load->model('search/message'); $this->load->model('message/restore'); $this->load->model('user/user'); $this->load->model('mail/mail'); $this->document->title = $this->data['text_message']; if(!isset($this->request->post['idlist']) || $this->request->post['idlist'] == '') { die("no idlist parameter given"); } $idlist = $this->model_search_search->check_your_permission_by_id_list(explode(",", $this->request->post['idlist'])); $download = $this->request->post['download']; if(isset($this->request->post['email'])) { $email = $this->request->post['email']; } if($download == 1) { $this->model_message_restore->download_files_as_zip($idlist); exit; } $this->data['username'] = Registry::get('username'); $this->data['restored'] = 0; if(RESTORE_OVER_IMAP == 1) { require_once 'Zend/Mail/Protocol/Imap.php'; require_once 'Zend/Mail/Storage/Imap.php'; $emails = $session->get("emails"); $imap_ok = $this->model_mail_mail->connect_imap(); if(!$imap_ok) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "imap connection failed for bulkrestore"); } } foreach($idlist as $id) { AUDIT(ACTION_RESTORE_MESSAGE, '', '', $id, ''); $rcpt = array(); /* send the email to all the recipients of the original email if you are an auditor user */ if(Registry::get('auditor_user') == 1) { if($email) { $rcpt[0] = $email; } else { $rcpt[0] = $session->get("email"); } } else { array_push($rcpt, $session->get("email")); } if(count($rcpt) > 0) { $piler_id = $this->model_search_message->get_piler_id_by_id($id); $msg = $this->model_search_message->get_raw_message($piler_id); $this->model_search_message->remove_journal($msg); if(RESTORE_OVER_IMAP == 1) { if($imap_ok) { $imap_folder = IMAP_RESTORE_FOLDER_INBOX; $meta = $this->model_search_message->get_metadata_by_id($id); if(in_array($meta['from'], $emails)) { $imap_folder = IMAP_RESTORE_FOLDER_SENT; } $x = $this->imap->append($imap_folder, $msg); syslog(LOG_INFO, "imap append $id/$piler_id, to " . $imap_folder . ", rc=$x"); } else { $x = 0; } } else { if(RESTORE_EMAILS_AS_ATTACHMENT == 1) { $msg = $this->model_mail_mail->message_as_rfc822_attachment($piler_id, $msg, $rcpt[0]); $x = $this->model_mail_mail->send_smtp_email(SMARTHOST, SMARTHOST_PORT, SMTP_DOMAIN, SMTP_FROMADDR, $rcpt, $msg); } else { $x = $this->model_mail_mail->send_smtp_email(SMARTHOST, SMARTHOST_PORT, SMTP_DOMAIN, SMTP_FROMADDR, $rcpt, "Received: by piler" . EOL . PILER_HEADER_FIELD . $id . EOL . $msg ); } } if($x == 1) { $this->data['restored']++; } } } if(RESTORE_OVER_IMAP == 1) { $this->model_mail_mail->disconnect_imap(); } $this->render(); } } ?>