load->model('user/user'); $loader->load->model('health/health'); $loader->load->model('stat/counter'); $loader->load->model('mail/mail'); $language = new Language(); Registry::set('language', $language); extract($language->data); Registry::set('admin_user', 1); if(MEMCACHED_ENABLED) { $memcache = new Memcache(); foreach ($memcached_servers as $m){ $memcache->addServer($m[0], $m[1]); } Registry::set('memcache', $memcache); } Registry::set('counters', $counters); Registry::set('health_smtp_servers', $health_smtp_servers); Registry::set('partitions_to_monitor', $partitions_to_monitor); $db = new DB(DB_DRIVER, DB_HOSTNAME, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE, DB_PREFIX); Registry::set('DB_DATABASE', DB_DATABASE); Registry::set('db', $db); Registry::set('DB_DRIVER', DB_DRIVER); $date = date(DATE_TEMPLATE, NOW); $fp = fopen(LOCK_FILE, "r"); if(!$fp) { die("cannot open: " . LOCK_FILE . "\n"); } if(!flock($fp, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) { fclose($fp); die("cannot get a lock on " . LOCK_FILE . "\n"); } $health = new ModelHealthHealth(); $counter = new ModelStatCounter(); $mail = new ModelMailMail(); $health->collect_data(); $health = $health->data; $msg = "From: " . SMTP_FROMADDR . EOL; $msg .= "To: " . ADMIN_EMAIL . EOL; $msg .= "Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?" . preg_replace("/\n/", "", my_qp_encode($text_daily_piler_report)) . "?=" . EOL; $msg .= "MIME-Version: 1.0" . EOL; $msg .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"utf-8\"" . EOL; $msg .= EOL . EOL; ob_start(); include($webuidir . "/view/theme/default/templates/health/daily-report.tpl"); $msg .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $rcpt = array(ADMIN_EMAIL); if(SMARTHOST) { $x = $mail->send_smtp_email(SMARTHOST, SMARTHOST_PORT, SMTP_DOMAIN, SMTP_FROMADDR, $rcpt, $msg); } if($fp) { flock($fp, LOCK_UN); fclose($fp); } function display_help() { $phpself = basename(__FILE__); echo "\nUsage: $phpself --webui [PATH] [OPTIONS...]\n\n"; echo "\t--webui=\"[REQUIRED: path to the Piler WebUI Directory]\"\n\n"; echo "options:\n"; echo "\t-v Provide a verbose output\n"; echo "\t-h Prints this help screen and exits\n"; }