id = "content"; $this->template = "health/worker.tpl"; $this->layout = "common/layout-empty"; $db_history = Registry::get('db_history'); $this->load->model('health/health'); $this->load->model('stat/counter'); $request = Registry::get('request'); $lang = Registry::get('language'); $this->data['health'] = array(); if(Registry::get('admin_user') != 1 && Registry::get('readonly_admin') != 1) { die("go away"); } ini_set("default_socket_timeout", 5); foreach (Registry::get('health_smtp_servers') as $smtp) { $this->data['health'][] = $this->model_health_health->checksmtp($smtp, $lang->data['text_error']); } $this->data['processed_emails'] = $this->model_health_health->count_processed_emails(); list ($this->data['uptime'], $this->data['cpuload']) = $this->model_health_health->uptime(); $this->data['cpuinfo'] = 100 - (int)file_get_contents(CPUSTAT); $this->data['quarantinereportinfo'] = @file_get_contents(DAILY_QUARANTINE_REPORT_STAT); list($this->data['totalmem'], $this->data['meminfo'], $this->data['totalswap'], $this->data['swapinfo']) = $this->model_health_health->meminfo(); $this->data['shortdiskinfo'] = $this->model_health_health->diskinfo(); if(ENABLE_LDAP_IMPORT_FEATURE == 1) { $this->data['adsyncinfo'] = @file_get_contents(AD_SYNC_STAT); $this->data['total_emails_in_database'] = 0; $a = preg_split("/ /", $this->data['adsyncinfo']); list ($this->data['totalusers'], $this->data['totalnewusers'], $this->data['totaldeletedusers'], $this->data['total_emails_in_database']) = preg_split("/\//", $a[count($a)-1]); $this->data['adsyncinfo'] = $a[0] . " " . $a[1] . " " . $this->data['total_emails_in_database']; } /* counter related stuff */ $db = Registry::get('db'); $db->select_db($db->database); list($archivesizeraw, $this->data['counters']) = $this->model_stat_counter->get_counters(); $oldest_record_timestamp = $this->model_health_health->get_oldest_record_ts(); $total_number_days = round( (time() - $oldest_record_timestamp) / 86400 ); echo("Total Days: ".date("d M Y",time())." - ".date("d M Y",$oldest_record_timestamp)." = $total_number_days
"); $this->data['archive_size'] = nice_size($archivesizeraw, ' '); $this->data['prefix'] = ''; if(isset($this->data['counters'][MEMCACHED_PREFIX . 'rcvd'])) { $this->data['prefix'] = MEMCACHED_PREFIX; } $this->data['sysinfo'] = $this->model_health_health->sysinfo(); $this->data['options'] = $this->model_health_health->get_options(); $sqlsizeraw = $this->model_health_health->get_database_size(); $sphinxsizeraw = $this->model_health_health->get_sphinx_size(); /* message count variables */ $averagemessagesweekraw = ($this->data['processed_emails'][1]) / 7; //average messages per day, computed over the past week $averagemessagesmonthraw = ($this->data['processed_emails'][2]) / 30; //average messages per day, computed over the past month $averagemessagestotalraw = ($this->data['counters']['rcvd']) / $total_number_days; //average messages per day, computed over the time period since the first email was archived /* message size variables */ $averagemessagesizeraw = $archivesizeraw / $this->data['counters']['rcvd']; //average message size, computed for total messages in database $averagesqlsizeraw = $sqlsizeraw / $this->data['counters']['rcvd']; //average message metadata size, computed for total messages in database $averagesphinxsizeraw = $sphinxsizeraw / $this->data['counters']['rcvd']; //average message sphinx index size, computed for total messages in database $averagesizedayraw = ($averagemessagesizeraw+$averagesqlsizeraw+$averagesphinxsizeraw) * $averagemessagestotalraw; //average total message size per day, computed over the time period since the first email was archived $datapart = 0; foreach($this->data['shortdiskinfo'] as $part) { if( $part['partition'] == DATA_PARTITION ) { $datapart = $part['freespace']*1024; } // if the partition is the selected storage partition, record freespace on that partition } $this->data['oldestmessagets'] = $oldest_record_timestamp; // date of the oldest record in the db $this->data['averagemessages'] = round($averagemessagesweekraw); // rounded average of messages over the past week $this->data['averagemessagesize'] = nice_size($averagemessagesizeraw,' '); // formatted average message size on disk $this->data['averagesqlsize'] = nice_size($averagesqlsizeraw,' '); // formatted average metadata size in sql $this->data['averagesphinxsize'] = nice_size($averagesphinxsizeraw,' '); // formatted average sphinx index $this->data['averagesizeday'] = nice_size($averagesizedayraw,' '); // formatted average size per day $this->data['daysleftatcurrentrate'] = convert_days_ymd($datapart / $averagesizedayraw); // estimated number of days of free space left if ( $averagemessagesweekraw > $averagemessagesmonthraw ) { // determine if the trend of the last week compared to the last month is increasing, decreasing, or neutral (only applies to message count, not size) $this->data['usagetrend'] = 1; } elseif( $averagemessagesweekraw < $averagemessagesmonthraw ) { $this->data['usagetrend'] = -1; } else { $this->data['usagetrend'] = 0; } $this->render(); } } ?>