<?php /* Libchart - PHP chart library * Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Jean-Marc Trémeaux (jm.tremeaux at gmail.com) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ /** * Pie chart. * * @author Jean-Marc Trémeaux (jm.tremeaux at gmail.com) */ class PieChart extends Chart { protected $pieCenterX; protected $pieCenterY; /** * Constructor of a pie chart. * * @param integer width of the image * @param integer height of the image */ public function PieChart($width = 600, $height = 250) { parent::Chart($width, $height); $this->plot->setGraphPadding(new Padding(15, 10, 30, 30)); } /** * Computes the layout. */ protected function computeLayout() { $this->plot->setHasCaption(true); $this->plot->computeLayout(); // Get the graph area $graphArea = $this->plot->getGraphArea(); // Compute the coordinates of the pie $this->pieCenterX = $graphArea->x1 + ($graphArea->x2 - $graphArea->x1) / 2; $this->pieCenterY = $graphArea->y1 + ($graphArea->y2 - $graphArea->y1) / 2; $this->pieWidth = round(($graphArea->x2 - $graphArea->x1) * 4 / 5); $this->pieHeight = round(($graphArea->y2 - $graphArea->y1) * 3.7 / 5); $this->pieDepth = round($this->pieWidth * 0.05); } /** * Compare two sampling point values, order from biggest to lowest value. * * @param double first value * @param double second value * @return integer result of the comparison */ protected function sortPie($v1, $v2) { return $v1[0] == $v2[0] ? 0 : $v1[0] > $v2[0] ? -1 : 1; } /** * Compute pie values in percentage and sort them. */ protected function computePercent() { $this->total = 0; $this->percent = array(); $pointList = $this->dataSet->getPointList(); foreach ($pointList as $point) { $this->total += $point->getY(); } foreach ($pointList as $point) { $percent = $this->total == 0 ? 0 : 100 * $point->getY() / $this->total; array_push($this->percent, array($percent, $point)); } usort($this->percent, array("PieChart", "sortPie")); } /** * Creates the pie chart image. */ protected function createImage() { parent::createImage(); // Get graphical obects $img = $this->plot->getImg(); $palette = $this->plot->getPalette(); $primitive = $this->plot->getPrimitive(); // Get the graph area $graphArea = $this->plot->getGraphArea(); // Legend box $primitive->outlinedBox($graphArea->x1, $graphArea->y1, $graphArea->x2, $graphArea->y2, $palette->axisColor[0], $palette->axisColor[1]); // Aqua-like background for ($i = $graphArea->y1 + 2; $i < $graphArea->y2 - 1; $i++) { $color = $palette->backgroundColor[($i + 3) % 4]; $primitive->line($graphArea->x1 + 2, $i, $graphArea->x2 - 2, $i, $color); } } /** * Renders the caption. */ protected function printCaption() { // Create a list of labels $labelList = array(); foreach($this->percent as $percent) { list($percent, $point) = $percent; $label = $point->getX(); array_push($labelList, $label); } // Create the caption $caption = new Caption(); $caption->setPlot($this->plot); $caption->setLabelList($labelList); $palette = $this->plot->getPalette(); $pieColorSet = $palette->pieColorSet; $caption->setColorSet($pieColorSet); // Render the caption $caption->render(); } /** * Draw a 2D disc. * * @param integer Center coordinate (y) * @param array Colors for each portion * @param bitfield Drawing mode */ protected function drawDisc($cy, $colorArray, $mode) { // Get graphical obects $img = $this->plot->getImg(); $i = 0; $oldAngle = 0; $percentTotal = 0; foreach ($this->percent as $a) { list ($percent, $point) = $a; // If value is null, don't draw this arc if ($percent <= 0) { continue; } $color = $colorArray[$i % count($colorArray)]; $percentTotal += $percent; $newAngle = $percentTotal * 360 / 100; // imagefilledarc doesn't like null values (#1) if ($newAngle - $oldAngle >= 1) { imagefilledarc($img, $this->pieCenterX, $cy, $this->pieWidth, $this->pieHeight, $oldAngle, $newAngle, $color->getColor($img), $mode); } $oldAngle = $newAngle; $i++; } } /** * Print the percentage text. */ protected function drawPercent() { // Get graphical obects $img = $this->plot->getImg(); $palette = $this->plot->getPalette(); $text = $this->plot->getText(); $primitive = $this->plot->getPrimitive(); $angle1 = 0; $percentTotal = 0; foreach ($this->percent as $a) { list ($percent, $point) = $a; // If value is null, the arc isn't drawn, no need to display percent if ($percent <= 0) { continue; } $percentTotal += $percent; $angle2 = $percentTotal * 2 * M_PI / 100; $angle = $angle1 + ($angle2 - $angle1) / 2; $label = number_format($percent) . "%"; $x = cos($angle) * ($this->pieWidth + 35) / 2 + $this->pieCenterX; $y = sin($angle) * ($this->pieHeight + 35) / 2 + $this->pieCenterY; $text->printText($img, $x, $y, $this->plot->getTextColor(), $label, $text->fontCondensed, $text->HORIZONTAL_CENTER_ALIGN | $text->VERTICAL_CENTER_ALIGN); $angle1 = $angle2; } } /** * Print the pie chart. */ protected function printPie() { // Get graphical obects $img = $this->plot->getImg(); $palette = $this->plot->getPalette(); $text = $this->plot->getText(); $primitive = $this->plot->getPrimitive(); // Get the pie color set $pieColorSet = $palette->pieColorSet; $pieColorSet->reset(); // Silhouette for ($cy = $this->pieCenterY + $this->pieDepth / 2; $cy >= $this->pieCenterY - $this->pieDepth / 2; $cy--) { $this->drawDisc($cy, $palette->pieColorSet->shadowColorList, IMG_ARC_EDGED); } // Top $this->drawDisc($this->pieCenterY - $this->pieDepth / 2, $palette->pieColorSet->colorList, IMG_ARC_PIE); // Top Outline $this->drawPercent(); } /** * Render the chart image. * * @param string name of the file to render the image to (optional) */ public function render($fileName = null) { $this->computePercent(); $this->computeLayout(); $this->createImage(); $this->plot->printLogo(); $this->plot->printTitle(); $this->printPie(); $this->printCaption(); $this->plot->render($fileName); } } ?>