/* * imap.c, SJ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int get_message_length_from_imap_answer(char *s){ char *p, *q; int len=0; p = strstr(s, "\r"); if(!p){ printf("invalid reply: %s", s); return len; } *p = '\0'; if(*(p-1) == '}') *(p-1) = '\0'; q = strchr(s, '{'); if(q){ q++; len = atoi(q); } *(p-1) = '}'; *p = '\r'; return len; } int read_response(char *buf, int buflen, struct data *data){ int i=0, n, len=0, rc=0; char puf[MAXBUFSIZE], tagok[SMALLBUFSIZE], tagno[SMALLBUFSIZE], tagbad[SMALLBUFSIZE]; snprintf(tagok, sizeof(tagok)-1, "A%d OK", data->import->seq); snprintf(tagno, sizeof(tagno)-1, "A%d NO", data->import->seq); snprintf(tagbad, sizeof(tagbad)-1, "A%d BAD", data->import->seq); memset(buf, 0, buflen); while(!strstr(buf, tagok)){ n = recvtimeoutssl(data->net, puf, sizeof(puf)); if(n + len < buflen) strncat(buf, puf, n); else goto END; /* * possible error message from the imap server: * * * BYE Temporary problem, please try again later\r\n */ if(i == 0 && (strstr(puf, tagno) || strstr(puf, tagbad) || strstr(puf, "* BYE ")) ) goto END; len += n; i++; } rc = 1; END: (data->import->seq)++; return rc; } int connect_to_imap_server(struct data *data){ char buf[MAXBUFSIZE]; data->import->cap_uidplus = 0; if(data->net->use_ssl == 1){ init_ssl_to_server(data); } recvtimeoutssl(data->net, buf, sizeof(buf)); /* imap cmd: LOGIN */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "A%d LOGIN %s \"%s\"\r\n", data->import->seq, data->import->username, data->import->password); write1(data->net, buf, strlen(buf)); if(read_response(buf, sizeof(buf), data) == 0){ printf("login failed, server reponse: %s\n", buf); return ERR; } if(strstr(buf, "UIDPLUS")){ data->import->cap_uidplus = 1; } else { /* run the CAPABILITY command if the reply doesn't contain the UIDPLUS capability */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "A%d CAPABILITY\r\n", data->import->seq); write1(data->net, buf, strlen(buf)); read_response(buf, sizeof(buf), data); if(strstr(buf, "UIDPLUS")) data->import->cap_uidplus = 1; } return OK; } int imap_select_cmd_on_folder(char *folder, struct data *data){ int messages=0; char *p, buf[MAXBUFSIZE]; if(strchr(folder, '"')) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "A%d SELECT %s\r\n", data->import->seq, folder); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "A%d SELECT \"%s\"\r\n", data->import->seq, folder); write1(data->net, buf, strlen(buf)); if(read_response(buf, sizeof(buf), data) == 0){ trimBuffer(buf); printf("ERROR: select cmd error: %s\n", buf); return messages; } p = strstr(buf, " EXISTS"); if(p){ *p = '\0'; p = strrchr(buf, ' '); if(p){ while(!isdigit(*p)){ p++; } messages = atoi(p); } } printf("found %d messages\n", messages); data->import->total_messages += messages; return messages; } int imap_download_email(struct data *data, int i){ int fd, len, result, tagoklen, tagbadlen; int n, readlen=0, nreads=0, readpos=0, finished=0, msglen=0, msg_written_len=0; char *p, buf[MAXBUFSIZE], puf[MAXBUFSIZE], tag[SMALLBUFSIZE], tagok[SMALLBUFSIZE], tagbad[SMALLBUFSIZE]; data->import->processed_messages++; snprintf(data->import->filename, SMALLBUFSIZE-1, "%d-imap-%d.txt", getpid(), data->import->processed_messages); unlink(data->import->filename); fd = open(data->import->filename, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_RDWR|O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); if(fd == -1){ printf("cannot open: %s\n", data->import->filename); return ERR; } snprintf(tag, sizeof(tag)-1, "A%d", data->import->seq); snprintf(tagok, sizeof(tagok)-1, "A%d OK", (data->import->seq)++); snprintf(tagbad, sizeof(tagbad)-1, "%s BAD", tag); tagoklen = strlen(tagok); tagbadlen = strlen(tagbad); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%s FETCH %d (BODY.PEEK[])\r\n", tag, i); write1(data->net, buf, strlen(buf)); while((n = recvtimeoutssl(data->net, &buf[readpos], sizeof(buf)-readpos)) > 0){ readlen += n; if(strchr(buf, '\n')){ readpos = 0; p = &buf[0]; do { nreads++; memset(puf, 0, sizeof(puf)); p = split(p, '\n', puf, sizeof(puf)-1, &result); len = strlen(puf); if(result == 1){ // process a complete line if(nreads == 1){ if(strcasestr(puf, " FETCH ")){ msglen = get_message_length_from_imap_answer(puf); if(msglen == 0){ finished = 1; break; } continue; } if(strcasestr(puf, " BYE")){ printf("imap server sent BYE response: '%s'\n", puf); close(fd); unlink(data->import->filename); return ERR; } } if(len > 0 && msg_written_len < msglen){ if(write(fd, puf, len) == -1) printf("ERROR: writing to fd\n"); if(write(fd, "\n", 1) == -1) printf("ERROR: writing to fd\n"); msg_written_len += len + 1; } if(strncmp(puf, tagok, tagoklen) == 0){ finished = 1; break; } if(strncmp(puf, tagbad, tagbadlen) == 0){ printf("ERROR happened reading the message!\n"); finished = 1; break; } } else { // prepend the last incomplete line back to 'buf' snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-2, "%s", puf); readpos = len; break; } } while(p); } else { readpos += n; } if(finished == 1) break; } close(fd); if(msglen > 10) return OK; return ERR; } void imap_delete_message(struct data *data, int i){ char buf[SMALLBUFSIZE]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "A%d STORE %d +FLAGS.SILENT (\\Deleted)\r\n", data->import->seq, i); write1(data->net, buf, strlen(buf)); read_response(buf, sizeof(buf), data); } void imap_move_message_to_folder(struct data *data, int i){ int tagoklen; char buf[SMALLBUFSIZE], tagok[SMALLBUFSIZE]; snprintf(tagok, sizeof(tagok)-1, "A%d OK", data->import->seq); tagoklen = strlen(tagok); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "A%d COPY %d %s\r\n", data->import->seq, i, data->import->move_folder); write1(data->net, buf, strlen(buf)); read_response(buf, sizeof(buf), data); if(strncmp(buf, tagok, tagoklen) == 0){ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "A%d STORE %d +FLAGS.SILENT (\\Deleted)\r\n", data->import->seq, i); write1(data->net, buf, strlen(buf)); read_response(buf, sizeof(buf), data); } } void imap_expunge_message(struct data *data){ char buf[SMALLBUFSIZE]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "A%d EXPUNGE\r\n", data->import->seq); write1(data->net, buf, strlen(buf)); read_response(buf, sizeof(buf), data); } int process_imap_folder(char *folder, struct session_data *sdata, struct data *data, struct config *cfg){ int i, messages=0; messages = imap_select_cmd_on_folder(folder, data); if(messages <= 0) return OK; if(data->recursive_folder_names == 1){ data->folder = get_folder_id(sdata, folder, 0); if(data->folder == ERR_FOLDER) data->folder = add_new_folder(sdata, folder, 0); } for(i=data->import->start_position; i<=messages; i++){ if(imap_download_email(data, i) == OK){ if(data->quiet == 0){ printf("processed: %7d [%3d%%]\r", data->import->processed_messages, 100*i/messages); fflush(stdout); } if(data->import->dryrun == 0){ int rc = import_message(sdata, data, cfg); if(data->import->remove_after_import == 1 && rc == OK){ imap_delete_message(data, i); } if(data->import->move_folder && data->import->cap_uidplus == 1){ imap_move_message_to_folder(data, i); } } if(data->import->download_only == 0) unlink(data->import->filename); } /* whether to quit after processing a batch of messages */ if(data->import->batch_processing_limit > 0 && data->import->processed_messages >= data->import->batch_processing_limit){ break; } } if((data->import->remove_after_import == 1 || data->import->move_folder) && data->import->dryrun == 0){ imap_expunge_message(data); } printf("\n"); return OK; } void send_imap_close(struct data *data){ char puf[SMALLBUFSIZE]; snprintf(puf, sizeof(puf)-1, "A%d CLOSE\r\n", data->import->seq); write1(data->net, puf, strlen(puf)); } int list_folders(struct data *data){ char *p, *q, *r, *buf, *ruf, tag[SMALLBUFSIZE], tagok[SMALLBUFSIZE], puf[MAXBUFSIZE]; char attrs[SMALLBUFSIZE], folder[SMALLBUFSIZE]; int len=MAXBUFSIZE+3, pos=0, n, rc=ERR, fldrlen=0, result; printf("List of IMAP folders:\n"); buf = malloc(len); if(!buf) return rc; memset(buf, 0, len); snprintf(tag, sizeof(tag)-1, "A%d", data->import->seq); snprintf(tagok, sizeof(tagok)-1, "A%d OK", (data->import->seq)++); if(data->import->folder_imap == NULL) snprintf(puf, sizeof(puf)-1, "%s LIST \"\" \"*\"\r\n", tag); else snprintf(puf, sizeof(puf)-1, "%s LIST \"%s\" \"*\"\r\n", tag, data->import->folder_imap); write1(data->net, puf, strlen(puf)); p = NULL; while(1){ n = recvtimeoutssl(data->net, puf, sizeof(puf)); if(n < 0) return ERR; if(pos + n >= len){ q = realloc(buf, len+MAXBUFSIZE+1); if(!q){ printf("realloc failure: %d bytes\n", pos+MAXBUFSIZE+1); goto ENDE_FOLDERS; } buf = q; memset(buf+pos, 0, MAXBUFSIZE+1); len += MAXBUFSIZE+1; } memcpy(buf + pos, puf, n); pos += n; p = strstr(buf, tagok); if(p) break; } // trim the "A3 OK LIST completed" trailer off if(p) *p = '\0'; //-V547 memset(attrs, 0, sizeof(attrs)); p = buf; do { memset(puf, 0, sizeof(puf)); p = split(p, '\n', puf, sizeof(puf)-1, &result); trimBuffer(puf); if(strncmp(puf, "* LIST ", 7) == 0 || fldrlen){ if (fldrlen) q = puf; else q = strstr(puf, ") \""); if(q){ if (!fldrlen) { *q = '\0'; snprintf(attrs, sizeof(attrs)-1, "%s", &puf[8]); q += 3; while(*q != '"') q++; q++; if(*q == ' ') q++; } if(!fldrlen && *q == '{' && q[strlen(q)-1] == '}') { q++; fldrlen = strtol(q, NULL, 10); } else { if(fldrlen) { int ruflen = strlen(q) * 2; ruf = malloc(ruflen + 1); if(ruf){ snprintf(ruf, ruflen, "%s", q); r = ruf; while(*r != '\0') { if(*r == '\\') { memmove(r + 1, r, strlen(r)); r++; } r++; } snprintf(folder, sizeof(folder)-1, "%s", ruf); free(ruf); } else { printf("error: ruf = malloc()\n"); } fldrlen = 0; } else { snprintf(folder, sizeof(folder)-1, "%s", q); } if(!strstr(attrs, "\\Noselect")){ addnode(data->imapfolders, folder); } else printf("skipping "); printf("=> '%s [%s]'\n", folder, attrs); memset(attrs, 0, sizeof(attrs)); } } } } while(p); rc = OK; ENDE_FOLDERS: free(buf); return rc; }