<?php define('SEARCH_STR', 'search'); $webuidir = ""; $search_expression = ""; $page = 0; $sort = "date"; $order = 0; $dry_run = 0; $auto_search = 0; $opts = 'w:s:dayh'; $lopts = array( 'webui:', 'search:', 'auto', 'dry-run', 'yesterday', 'help' ); $options = getopt($opts, $lopts); if(isset($options['help']) || isset($options['h']) ) { display_help(); exit; } if(isset($options['webui'])) { $webuidir = $options['webui']; } else { print "\nError: must provide path to WebUI directory\n\n"; display_help(); exit; } if(isset($options['auto']) || isset($options['a']) ) { $auto_search = 1; } if($auto_search == 0) { if(isset($options[SEARCH_STR])) { $search_expression = $options[SEARCH_STR]; } else { print "\nError: must provide a search expression\n\n"; display_help(); exit; } } else { if(isset($options[SEARCH_STR])) { print "\nError: don't specify BOTH --search AND --auto\n\n"; display_help(); exit; } } if(isset($options['dry-run']) || isset($options['d']) ) { $dry_run = 1; } ini_set("session.save_path", "/tmp"); require_once($webuidir . "/config.php"); if(count($automated_search_recipients) < 1) { print "\nError: please set \$automated_search_recipients array in config-site.php, and define the recipients' email addresses\n\n"; exit; } $page_len = MAX_SEARCH_HITS; $session->set("username", "system"); $session->set("uid", 1); $session->set("admin_user", 2); $session->set("email", "system@local"); $session->set("domain", "local"); $session->set("emails", array("system@local")); $session->set("pagelen", $page_len); require(DIR_SYSTEM . "/startup.php"); $request = new Request(); Registry::set("request", $request); Registry::set('document', new Document()); $start = NULL; $loader = new Loader(); Registry::set('load', $loader); $language = new Language(); Registry::set('language', $language); openlog("piler-automated-search", LOG_PID, LOG_MAIL); /* check if user has authenticated himself. If not, we send him to login */ Registry::set('username', "system"); Registry::set('admin_user', 0); Registry::set('auditor_user', 1); Registry::set('readonly_admin', 0); $db = new DB(DB_DRIVER, DB_HOSTNAME, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE, DB_PREFIX); Registry::set('DB_DATABASE', DB_DATABASE); Registry::set('db', $db); Registry::set('DB_DRIVER', DB_DRIVER); $sphx = new DB(SPHINX_DRIVER, SPHINX_HOSTNAME, "", "", SPHINX_DATABASE, ""); Registry::set('sphx', $sphx); if(MEMCACHED_ENABLED) { $memcache = new Memcache(); foreach ($memcached_servers as $m){ $memcache->addServer($m[0], $m[1]); } Registry::set('memcache', $memcache); } Registry::set('counters', $counters); Registry::set('langs', $langs); Registry::set('paging', $paging); Registry::set('themes', $themes); Registry::set('letters', $letters); Registry::set('ldap_types', array("AD", "iredmail", "lotus", "zimbra", LDAP_TYPE_GENERIC)); Registry::set('health_smtp_servers', $health_smtp_servers); Registry::set('partitions_to_monitor', $partitions_to_monitor); Registry::set('actions', $actions); Registry::set('import_status', $import_status); $data = array( 'page' => 0, 'id' => 0, 'sort' => $sort, 'order' => $order, 'type' => SEARCH_STR, SEARCH_STR => $search_expression, 'searchtype' => 'expert' ); $loader->model('search/search'); $loader->model('search/message'); $loader->model('search/auto'); $loader->model('mail/mail'); if($auto_search == 1) { $sa = new ModelSearchAuto(); $queries = $sa->get(); foreach ($queries as $query) { $data[SEARCH_STR] = $query['query']; $data['id'] = $query['id']; do_search($data, $automated_search_recipients); } } else { $data['id'] = ''; do_search($data, $automated_search_recipients); } function do_search($data = array(), $automated_search_recipients = array()) { global $options; global $dry_run; global $webuidir; global $search_expression; global $page_len; $EOL = "\r\n"; $lang = Registry::get('language'); extract($lang->data); $title = $text_automated_search; if($data['id'] != '') { $title .= $data['id']; } $search = new ModelSearchSearch(); $mail = new ModelMailMail(); $a = $search->preprocess_post_expert_request($data); if(isset($options['yesterday']) || isset($options['y']) ) { $a['date1'] = $a['date2'] = date("Y.m.d", time() - 86400); } $boundary = "--=_NextPart_000_ABCDEFGHI"; $search_result_array = $search->search_messages($a, 0); if($dry_run == 0) { $msg = "From: " . SMTP_FROMADDR . $EOL; $msg .= "To: " . ADMIN_EMAIL . $EOL; $msg .= "Date: " . date(DATE_RFC2822) . $EOL; $msg .= "Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?" . preg_replace("/\n/", "", my_qp_encode($title)) . "?=" . $EOL; $msg .= "Message-ID: <" . generate_random_string(25) . '@' . SITE_NAME . ">" . $EOL; $msg .= "MIME-Version: 1.0" . $EOL; $msg .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative;" . $EOL; $msg .= "\tboundary=\"$boundary\"" . $EOL; $msg .= $EOL . $EOL; $msg .= "--$boundary" . $EOL; $msg .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"utf-8\"" . $EOL; $msg .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . $EOL . $EOL; ob_start(); include($webuidir . "/view/theme/default/templates/search/auto.tpl"); $msg .= chunk_split(base64_encode(ob_get_contents()), 76, $EOL); $msg .= "--" . $boundary . $EOL . $EOL; ob_end_clean(); $mail->send_smtp_email(SMARTHOST, SMARTHOST_PORT, SMTP_DOMAIN, SMTP_FROMADDR, $automated_search_recipients, $msg); } else { print "search = " . $data[SEARCH_STR] . "\n"; print_r($search_result_array[2]); // $all_ids field print $EOL . $EOL; } } function display_help() { $phpself = basename(__FILE__); echo "\nUsage: $phpself [OPTIONS...] --webui [PATH] --search '[SEARCH EXPRESSION]' | --auto\n\n"; echo "\nThe results go to the recipients defined in \$automated_search_recipients, see config-site.php\n\n"; echo "\t--webui=\"[REQUIRED: path to the piler webui directory]\"\n"; echo "\t--search=\"[REQUIRED (unless you specify --auto): the search expression]\"\n\n"; echo "options:\n"; echo "\t-a | --auto: Perform an automated search based on queries defined via the piler gui\n"; echo "\t-y | --yesterday: Search \"yesterday\"\n"; echo "\t-d | --dry-run: Only print the found IDs\n"; echo "\t-h | --help: Prints this help screen and exits\n"; }