/* * parser_utils.c */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "trans.h" #include "html.h" void init_state(struct _state *state){ int i; state->message_state = MSG_UNDEF; state->line_num = 0; state->is_header = 1; state->is_1st_header = 1; state->textplain = 1; /* by default we are a text/plain message */ state->texthtml = 0; state->message_rfc822 = 0; state->base64 = 0; state->utf8 = 0; state->qp = 0; state->htmltag = 0; state->style = 0; state->skip_html = 0; state->content_type_is_set = 0; memset(state->message_id, 0, SMALLBUFSIZE); memset(state->miscbuf, 0, MAX_TOKEN_LEN); memset(state->qpbuf, 0, MAX_TOKEN_LEN); memset(state->filename, 0, TINYBUFSIZE); memset(state->type, 0, TINYBUFSIZE); state->has_to_dump = 0; state->fd = -1; state->b64fd = -1; state->mfd = -1; state->realbinary = 0; state->octetstream = 0; state->pushed_pointer = 0; state->saved_size = 0; state->writebufpos = 0; state->abufpos = 0; inithash(state->boundaries); inithash(state->rcpt); inithash(state->rcpt_domain); inithash(state->journal_recipient); state->n_attachments = 0; for(i=0; iattachments[i].size = 0; state->attachments[i].dumped = 0; memset(state->attachments[i].type, 0, TINYBUFSIZE); memset(state->attachments[i].shorttype, 0, TINYBUFSIZE); memset(state->attachments[i].aname, 0, TINYBUFSIZE); memset(state->attachments[i].filename, 0, TINYBUFSIZE); memset(state->attachments[i].internalname, 0, TINYBUFSIZE); memset(state->attachments[i].digest, 0, 2*DIGEST_LENGTH+1); } memset(state->reference, 0, SMALLBUFSIZE); memset(state->b_from, 0, SMALLBUFSIZE); memset(state->b_from_domain, 0, SMALLBUFSIZE); memset(state->b_to, 0, MAXBUFSIZE); memset(state->b_to_domain, 0, SMALLBUFSIZE); memset(state->b_subject, 0, MAXBUFSIZE); memset(state->b_body, 0, BIGBUFSIZE); memset(state->b_journal_to, 0, MAXBUFSIZE); state->tolen = 0; state->bodylen = 0; state->journaltolen = 0; state->retention = 0; } long get_local_timezone_offset(){ time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm lt = {0}; localtime_r(&t, <); return lt.tm_gmtoff; } unsigned long parse_date_header(char *datestr, struct __config *cfg){ int n=0; long offset=0; unsigned long ts=0; char *p, *q, *r, s[SMALLBUFSIZE]; struct tm tm; datestr += 5; p = datestr; for(; *datestr; datestr++){ if(isspace(*datestr)) *datestr = ' '; } if(*p == ' '){ p++; } do { p = split_str(p, " ", s, sizeof(s)-1); if(strlen(s) > 0){ n++; q = strchr(s, ','); if(q) *q='\0'; if(strlen(s) <= 2){ tm.tm_mday = atoi(s); continue; } if(strlen(s) == 4){ tm.tm_year = atoi(s) - 1900; continue; } if(strlen(s) == 3){ if(strcmp(s, "Mon") == 0) tm.tm_wday = 1; else if(strcmp(s, "Tue") == 0) tm.tm_wday = 2; else if(strcmp(s, "Wed") == 0) tm.tm_wday = 3; else if(strcmp(s, "Thu") == 0) tm.tm_wday = 4; else if(strcmp(s, "Fri") == 0) tm.tm_wday = 5; else if(strcmp(s, "Sat") == 0) tm.tm_wday = 6; else if(strcmp(s, "Sun") == 0) tm.tm_wday = 0; if(strcmp(s, "Jan") == 0) tm.tm_mon = 0; else if(strcmp(s, "Feb") == 0) tm.tm_mon = 1; else if(strcmp(s, "Mar") == 0) tm.tm_mon = 2; else if(strcmp(s, "Apr") == 0) tm.tm_mon = 3; else if(strcmp(s, "May") == 0) tm.tm_mon = 4; else if(strcmp(s, "Jun") == 0) tm.tm_mon = 5; else if(strcmp(s, "Jul") == 0) tm.tm_mon = 6; else if(strcmp(s, "Aug") == 0) tm.tm_mon = 7; else if(strcmp(s, "Sep") == 0) tm.tm_mon = 8; else if(strcmp(s, "Oct") == 0) tm.tm_mon = 9; else if(strcmp(s, "Nov") == 0) tm.tm_mon = 10; else if(strcmp(s, "Dec") == 0) tm.tm_mon = 11; continue; } if(strlen(s) == 8){ r = &s[0]; q = strchr(r, ':'); if(!q) break; *q = '\0'; tm.tm_hour = atoi(r); r = q+1; q = strchr(r, ':'); if(!q) break; *q = '\0'; tm.tm_min = atoi(r); r = q+1; tm.tm_sec = atoi(r); break; } } } while(p); tm.tm_isdst = -1; ts = mktime(&tm); if(p && (*p == '+' || *p == '-')){ offset = atoi(p) / 100 * 3600; ts += get_local_timezone_offset() - offset; } #ifdef HAVE_TWEAK_SENT_TIME if(ts > 631148400) ts += cfg->tweak_sent_time_offset; #endif return ts; } int isHexNumber(char *p){ for(; *p; p++){ if(!(*p == '-' || (*p >= 0x30 && *p <= 0x39) || (*p >= 0x41 && *p <= 0x46) || (*p >= 0x61 && *p <= 0x66)) ) return 0; } return 1; } int extract_boundary(char *p, struct _state *state){ char *q; p += strlen("boundary"); q = strchr(p, '"'); if(q) *q = ' '; /* * I've seen an idiot spammer using the following boundary definition in the header: * * Content-Type: multipart/alternative; * boundary=3D"b1_52b92b01a943615aff28b7f4d2f2d69d" */ if(strncmp(p, "=3D", 3) == 0){ *(p+3) = '='; p += 3; } p = strchr(p, '='); if(p){ p++; for(; *p; p++){ if(isspace(*p) == 0) break; } q = strrchr(p, '"'); if(q) *q = '\0'; q = strrchr(p, '\r'); if(q) *q = '\0'; q = strrchr(p, '\n'); if(q) *q = '\0'; addnode(state->boundaries, p); return 1; } return 0; } void fixupEncodedHeaderLine(char *buf){ char *sb, *sq, *p, *q, *r, *s, *e, *start, *end; char v[SMALLBUFSIZE], puf[MAXBUFSIZE], encoding[SMALLBUFSIZE], tmpbuf[2*SMALLBUFSIZE]; iconv_t cd; size_t size, inbytesleft, outbytesleft; char *inbuf, *outbuf; int need_encoding; memset(puf, 0, sizeof(puf)); q = buf; do { q = split_str(q, " ", v, sizeof(v)-1); p = v; memset(encoding, 0, sizeof(encoding)); do { start = strstr(p, "=?"); if(start){ *start = '\0'; if(strlen(p) > 0){ strncat(puf, p, sizeof(puf)-1); } start++; e = strchr(start+2, '?'); if(e){ *e = '\0'; snprintf(encoding, sizeof(encoding)-1, "%s", start+1); *e = '?'; } s = NULL; sb = strcasestr(start, "?B?"); if(sb) s = sb; sq = strcasestr(start, "?Q?"); if(sq) s = sq; if(s){ end = strstr(s+3, "?="); if(end){ *end = '\0'; if(sb){ decodeBase64(s+3); } if(sq){ decodeQP(s+3); r = s + 3; for(; *r; r++){ if(*r == '_') *r = ' '; } } /* encode everything if it's not utf-8 encoded */ //if(strncasecmp(start+1, "utf-8", 5)) utf8_encode((unsigned char*)s+3); //strncat(puf, s+3, sizeof(puf)-1); size = need_encoding = 0; if(strlen(encoding) > 2 && strcasecmp(encoding, "utf-8")){ need_encoding = 1; memset(tmpbuf, 0, sizeof(tmpbuf)); cd = iconv_open("utf-8", encoding); if(cd != (iconv_t)-1){ inbuf = s+3; outbuf = &tmpbuf[0]; inbytesleft = strlen(s+3); outbytesleft = sizeof(tmpbuf)-1; size = iconv(cd, &inbuf, &inbytesleft, &outbuf, &outbytesleft); iconv_close(cd); } else { syslog(LOG_PRIORITY, "unsupported encoding: '%s'", encoding); } } if(need_encoding == 1 && size >= 0) strncat(puf, tmpbuf, sizeof(puf)-1); else strncat(puf, s+3, sizeof(puf)-1); p = end + 2; } } else { strncat(puf, start, sizeof(puf)-1); break; } } else { strncat(puf, p, sizeof(puf)-1); break; } } while(p); if(q) strncat(puf, " ", sizeof(puf)-1); } while(q); snprintf(buf, MAXBUFSIZE-1, "%s", puf); } void fixupSoftBreakInQuotedPritableLine(char *buf, struct _state *state){ int i=0; char *p, puf[MAXBUFSIZE]; if(strlen(state->qpbuf) > 0){ memset(puf, 0, sizeof(puf)); snprintf(puf, sizeof(puf)-1, "%s%s", state->qpbuf, buf); snprintf(buf, MAXBUFSIZE-1, "%s", puf); memset(state->qpbuf, 0, MAX_TOKEN_LEN); } if(buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '='){ buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; i = 1; } if(i == 1){ p = strrchr(buf, ' '); if(p){ memset(state->qpbuf, 0, MAX_TOKEN_LEN); if(strlen(p) < MAX_TOKEN_LEN-1){ memcpy(&(state->qpbuf[0]), p, MAX_TOKEN_LEN-1); *p = '\0'; } } } } void fixupBase64EncodedLine(char *buf, struct _state *state){ char *p, puf[MAXBUFSIZE]; if(strlen(state->miscbuf) > 0){ memset(puf, 0, sizeof(puf)); strncpy(puf, state->miscbuf, sizeof(puf)-1); strncat(puf, buf, sizeof(puf)-1); memset(buf, 0, MAXBUFSIZE); memcpy(buf, puf, MAXBUFSIZE); memset(state->miscbuf, 0, MAX_TOKEN_LEN); } if(buf[strlen(buf)-1] != '\n'){ p = strrchr(buf, ' '); if(p){ memcpy(&(state->miscbuf[0]), p+1, MAX_TOKEN_LEN-1); *p = '\0'; } } } void markHTML(char *buf, struct _state *state){ char *s, puf[MAXBUFSIZE], html[SMALLBUFSIZE]; int k=0, j=0, pos=0; memset(puf, 0, MAXBUFSIZE); memset(html, 0, SMALLBUFSIZE); s = buf; for(; *s; s++){ if(*s == '<'){ state->htmltag = 1; puf[k] = ' '; k++; memset(html, 0, SMALLBUFSIZE); j=0; pos = 0; //printf("start html:%c\n", *s); } if(state->htmltag == 1){ if(j == 0 && *s == '!'){ state->skip_html = 1; //printf("skiphtml=1\n"); } if(state->skip_html == 0){ if(*s != '>' && *s != '<' && *s != '"'){ //printf("j=%d/%c", j, *s); html[j] = tolower(*s); if(j < SMALLBUFSIZE-10) j++; } if(isspace(*s)){ if(j > 0){ k += appendHTMLTag(puf, html, pos, state); memset(html, 0, SMALLBUFSIZE); j=0; } pos++; } } } else { if(state->style == 0){ puf[k] = *s; k++; } } if(*s == '>'){ state->htmltag = 0; state->skip_html = 0; //printf("skiphtml=0\n"); //printf("end html:%c\n", *s); //strncat(html, " ", SMALLBUFSIZE-1); if(j > 0){ strncat(html, " ", SMALLBUFSIZE-1); k += appendHTMLTag(puf, html, pos, state); memset(html, 0, SMALLBUFSIZE); j=0; } } } //printf("append last in line:*%s*, html=+%s+, j=%d\n", puf, html, j); if(j > 0){ k += appendHTMLTag(puf, html, pos, state); } strcpy(buf, puf); } int appendHTMLTag(char *buf, char *htmlbuf, int pos, struct _state *state){ char *p, html[SMALLBUFSIZE]; int len; if(pos == 0 && strncmp(htmlbuf, "style ", 6) == 0) state->style = 1; if(pos == 0 && strncmp(htmlbuf, "/style ", 7) == 0) state->style = 0; return 0; //printf("appendHTML: pos:%d, +%s+\n", pos, htmlbuf); if(state->style == 1) return 0; if(strlen(htmlbuf) == 0) return 0; snprintf(html, SMALLBUFSIZE-1, "HTML*%s", htmlbuf); len = strlen(html); if(len > 8 && strchr(html, '=')){ p = strstr(html, "cid:"); if(p){ *(p+3) = '\0'; strncat(html, " ", SMALLBUFSIZE-1); } strncat(buf, html, MAXBUFSIZE-1); return len; } if(strstr(html, "http") ){ strncat(buf, html+5, MAXBUFSIZE-1); return len-5; } return 0; } void translateLine(unsigned char *p, struct _state *state){ int url=0; int has_url = 0; if(strcasestr((char *)p, "http://") || strcasestr((char *)p, "https://")) has_url = 1; for(; *p; p++){ if( (state->message_state == MSG_RECEIVED || state->message_state == MSG_FROM || state->message_state == MSG_TO || state->message_state == MSG_CC || state->message_state == MSG_RECIPIENT) && *p == '@'){ continue; } if( (state->message_state == MSG_FROM || state->message_state == MSG_TO || state->message_state == MSG_CC || state->message_state == MSG_RECIPIENT) && *p == '_'){ continue; } if(state->message_state == MSG_SUBJECT && (*p == '%' || *p == '_' || *p == '&') ){ continue; } if(state->message_state == MSG_CONTENT_TYPE && *p == '_' ){ continue; } if(*p == '.' || *p == '-'){ continue; } if(has_url == 1){ if(strncasecmp((char *)p, "http://", 7) == 0){ p += 7; url = 1; continue; } if(strncasecmp((char *)p, "https://", 8) == 0){ p += 8; url = 1; continue; } if(url == 1 && (*p == '.' || *p == '-' || *p == '_' || *p == '/' || *p == '%' || *p == '?' || isalnum(*p)) ) continue; if(url == 1) url = 0; } if(*p == '@') *p = 'X'; if(delimiter_characters[(unsigned int)*p] != ' ') *p = ' '; /* we MUSTN'T convert it to lowercase in the 'else' case, because it breaks utf-8 encoding! */ } } void fix_email_address_for_sphinx(char *s){ for(; *s; s++){ if(*s == '@' || *s == '.' || *s == '+' || *s == '-' || *s == '_') *s = 'X'; } } void split_email_address(char *s){ for(; *s; s++){ if(*s == '@' || *s == '.' || *s == '+' || *s == '-' || *s == '_') *s = ' '; } } int does_it_seem_like_an_email_address(char *email){ char *p; if(email == NULL) return 0; if(strlen(email) < 5) return 0; p = strchr(email, '@'); if(!p) return 0; if(strlen(p+1) < 3) return 0; if(!strchr(p+1, '.')) return 0; return 1; } /* * reassemble 'V i a g r a' to 'Viagra' */ void reassembleToken(char *p){ int i, k=0; for(i=0; i 9 && fixed_url[len-2] == 'X'){ fixed_url[len-2] = ' '; fixed_url[len-1] = '\0'; } strcpy(url, fixed_url); } int extractNameFromHeaderLine(char *s, char *name, char *resultbuf){ int rc=0; char buf[TINYBUFSIZE], *p, *q; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%s", s); p = strstr(buf, name); if(p){ p += strlen(name); p = strchr(p, '='); if(p){ p++; q = strrchr(p, ';'); if(q) *q = '\0'; q = strrchr(p, '"'); if(q){ *q = '\0'; p = strchr(p, '"'); if(p){ p++; } } snprintf(resultbuf, TINYBUFSIZE-1, "%s", p); rc = 1; } } return rc; } char *determine_attachment_type(char *filename, char *type){ char *p; if(strncasecmp(type, "text/", strlen("text/")) == 0) return "text,"; if(strncasecmp(type, "image/", strlen("image/")) == 0) return "image,"; if(strncasecmp(type, "audio/", strlen("audio/")) == 0) return "audio,"; if(strncasecmp(type, "video/", strlen("video/")) == 0) return "video,"; if(strncasecmp(type, "text/x-card", strlen("text/x-card")) == 0) return "vcard,"; if(strncasecmp(type, "application/pdf", strlen("application/pdf")) == 0) return "pdf,"; if(strncasecmp(type, "application/ms-tnef", strlen("application/ms-tnef")) == 0) return "tnef,"; if(strncasecmp(type, "application/msword", strlen("application/msword")) == 0) return "word,"; // a .csv file has the same type if(strncasecmp(type, "application/vnd.ms-excel", strlen("application/vnd.ms-excel")) == 0) return "excel,"; if(strncasecmp(type, "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint", strlen("application/vnd.ms-powerpoint")) == 0) return "powerpoint,"; if(strncasecmp(type, "application/vnd.visio", strlen("application/vnd.visio")) == 0) return "visio,"; if(strncasecmp(type, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", strlen("application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document")) == 0) return "word,"; if(strncasecmp(type, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", strlen("application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet")) == 0) return "excel,"; if(strncasecmp(type, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation", strlen("application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation")) == 0) return "powerpoint,"; if(strncasecmp(type, "application/x-shockwave-flash", strlen("application/x-shockwave-flash")) == 0) return "flash,"; if(strcasestr(type, "opendocument")) return "odf,"; if(strncasecmp(type, "application/", 12) == 0){ p = strrchr(filename, '.'); if(p){ p++; if(strncasecmp(p, "pdf", 3) == 0) return "pdf,"; if(strncasecmp(p, "zip", 3) == 0) return "compressed,"; if(strncasecmp(p, "rar", 3) == 0) return "compressed,"; // tar.gz has the same type if(strncasecmp(p, "x-gzip", 3) == 0) return "compressed,"; if(strncasecmp(p, "rtf", 3) == 0) return "word,"; if(strncasecmp(p, "doc", 3) == 0) return "word,"; if(strncasecmp(p, "docx", 4) == 0) return "word,"; if(strncasecmp(p, "xls", 3) == 0) return "excel,"; if(strncasecmp(p, "xlsx", 4) == 0) return "excel,"; if(strncasecmp(p, "ppt", 3) == 0) return "powerpoint,"; if(strncasecmp(p, "pptx", 4) == 0) return "powerpoint,"; if(strncasecmp(p, "png", 3) == 0) return "image,"; if(strncasecmp(p, "gif", 3) == 0) return "image,"; if(strncasecmp(p, "jpg", 3) == 0) return "image,"; if(strncasecmp(p, "jpeg", 4) == 0) return "image,"; if(strncasecmp(p, "tiff", 4) == 0) return "image,"; } } return "other,"; } char *get_attachment_extractor_by_filename(char *filename){ char *p; if(strcasecmp(filename, "winmail.dat") == 0) return "tnef"; p = strrchr(filename, '.'); if(!p) return "other"; if(strcasecmp(p, ".pdf") == 0) return "pdf"; if(strcasecmp(p, ".zip") == 0) return "zip"; if(strcasecmp(p, ".gz") == 0) return "gzip"; if(strcasecmp(p, ".rar") == 0) return "rar"; if(strcasecmp(p, ".odt") == 0) return "odf"; if(strcasecmp(p, ".odp") == 0) return "odf"; if(strcasecmp(p, ".ods") == 0) return "odf"; if(strcasecmp(p, ".doc") == 0) return "doc"; if(strcasecmp(p, ".docx") == 0) return "docx"; if(strcasecmp(p, ".xls") == 0) return "xls"; if(strcasecmp(p, ".xlsx") == 0) return "xlsx"; if(strcasecmp(p, ".ppt") == 0) return "ppt"; if(strcasecmp(p, ".pptx") == 0) return "pptx"; if(strcasecmp(p, ".rtf") == 0) return "rtf"; if(strcasecmp(p, ".txt") == 0) return "text"; if(strcasecmp(p, ".csv") == 0) return "text"; return "other"; } void parse_reference(struct _state *state, char *s){ int len; char puf[SMALLBUFSIZE]; if(strlen(state->reference) > 10) return; do { s = split_str(s, " ", puf, sizeof(puf)-1); len = strlen(puf); if(len > 10 && len < SMALLBUFSIZE-1){ memcpy(&(state->reference[strlen(state->reference)]), puf, len); return; } } while(s); } int base64_decode_attachment_buffer(char *p, int plen, unsigned char *b, int blen){ int b64len=0; char puf[2*SMALLBUFSIZE]; do { p = split_str(p, "\n", puf, sizeof(puf)-1); trimBuffer(puf); b64len += decode_base64_to_buffer(puf, strlen(puf), b+b64len, blen); } while(p); return b64len; }