<?php class ModelAccountingAccounting extends Model { public function run_counters( $start=NULL, $end = NULL ) { $now = time(); $counter = array(); $accepteddomains = array_flip( $this->__getAcceptedDomains() ); $return = array( 'starttimestamp' => 0, 'endtimestamp' => 0, 'addedstats' => 0, 'deletedstats' => 0, ); if ( !is_null($start) ) { $start = $this->__decodeDate( $start ); } elseif ( is_null($start) ) { //if we are passed nothing, operate on today $start = $this->__decodeDate( "00:00:00" ); } if ( !is_null($end) ) { $end = $this->__decodeDate( $end ); $end = $end + 86400; } elseif ( is_null($end) ) { //if we are passed nothing, operate on today $end = $this->__decodeDate( "00:00:00" ); $end = $end + 86400; } $return['starttimestamp'] = $start; $return['endtimestamp'] = $end; // run query to return all messages $tousers = $this->db->query('SELECT `sent`-(`sent`%86400) as `day`,`to`,count(*) as `count`,sum(`size`) as `size` FROM ' . VIEW_MESSAGES . ' WHERE `sent` >= '.$start.' AND `sent` < '.$end.' GROUP BY FROM_UNIXTIME(`day`, "%Y.%m.%d."), `to`;'); $fromusers = $this->db->query('SELECT `sent`-(`sent`%86400) as `day`,`from`,count(*) as `count`,sum(`size`) as `size` FROM ' . VIEW_MESSAGES . ' WHERE `sent` >= '.$start.' AND `sent` < '.$end.' GROUP BY FROM_UNIXTIME(`day`, "%Y.%m.%d."), `from`;'); // process results from above four queries if($tousers->num_rows > 0) { foreach($tousers->rows as $row) { $counter[$row['day']][$row['to']]['recd'] = $row['count']; $counter[$row['day']][$row['to']]['sizerecd'] = $row['size']; } } if($fromusers->num_rows > 0) { foreach($fromusers->rows as $row) { $counter[$row['day']][$row['from']]['sent'] = $row['count']; $counter[$row['day']][$row['from']]['sizesent'] = $row['size']; } } foreach( $counter as $date=>$users ) { // execute queries to update the users and domains counter table $deletestats = $this->db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_STAT_COUNTER . " WHERE `date` = $date;"); $return['deletedstats'] = $return['deletedstats'] + $this->db->countAffected(); foreach( $users as $username => $userdata) { //todo: consolidate $sent = isset($userdata['sent']) ? $userdata['sent'] : 0; $recd = isset($userdata['recd']) ? $userdata['recd'] : 0; $sizesent = isset($userdata['sizesent']) ? $userdata['sizesent'] : 0; $sizerecd = isset($userdata['sizerecd']) ? $userdata['sizerecd'] : 0; $parts = explode('@',$username); if ( isset($accepteddomains[ $parts[1] ]) ) { $addusers = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_STAT_COUNTER . " (`date`,`email`,`domain`,`sent`,`recd`,`sentsize`,`recdsize`) VALUES($date,'$username','".$parts[1]."',$sent,$recd,$sizesent,$sizerecd);"); $return['addedstats'] = $return['addedstats'] + $this->db->countAffected(); } } } if(ENABLE_SYSLOG == 1) { syslog(LOG_INFO, sprintf("processed %s to %s: %d records deleted, %d records added",date("d M Y",$return['starttimestamp']),date("d M Y",$return['endtimestamp']),$return['deletedstats'],$return['addedstats'])); } return $return; } public function get_accounting($item = 'email',$search='',$page=0,$pagelen=0,$sort='item',$order=0 ) { // item can be either email or domain, maybe folder in the future?? $_order = 0; $_order = ""; $limit = ""; $return = array(); /* if(MEMCACHED_ENABLED) { $memcache = Registry::get('memcache'); $statscounter = $memcache->get(Registry::get('statscounters')); if(isset($counter[MEMCACHED_PREFIX . 'counters_last_update'])) { if(isset($counter[MEMCACHED_PREFIX . 'size'])) { $asize = nice_size($counter[MEMCACHED_PREFIX . 'size'], ' '); } unset($counter[MEMCACHED_PREFIX . 'size']); return array ($asize, $counter); } } */ $account_for_emails = $this->__getEmails(); $account_for_domains = $this->__getDomains(); $search = preg_replace("/\s{1,}/", "", $search); if ($item == 'email') { $account_for_emails = $this->__getEmails(); $account_for_domains = $this->__getDomains(); $query = "SELECT `email` AS `item`,MIN(`date`) as `oldest`,MAX(`date`) as `newest`,sum(`sent`) as `sent`,sum(`recd`) as `recd`,SUM(`sentsize`) as `sentsize`,AVG(`sentsize`) as `sentavg`,SUM(`recdsize`) as `recdsize`,AVG(`recdsize`) as `recdavg` FROM " . TABLE_STAT_COUNTER; $where = "WHERE ( `email` IN ('".implode("','",$account_for_emails)."') OR `domain` IN ('".implode("','",$account_for_domains)."') )"; if($search){ $where .= " AND ( `email` like '%".$search."%' OR `domain` like '%".$search."%' )"; } $group = "GROUP BY `email`"; } elseif ($item == 'domain') { $account_for_domains = $this->__getDomains(); $query = "SELECT `domain` AS `item`,MIN(`date`) as `oldest`,MAX(`date`) as `newest`,sum(`sent`) as `sent`,sum(`recd`) as `recd`,SUM(`sentsize`) as `sentsize`,AVG(`sentsize`) as `sentavg`,SUM(`recdsize`) as `recdsize`,AVG(`recdsize`) as `recdavg` FROM " . TABLE_STAT_COUNTER; $where = "WHERE ( `domain` IN ('".implode("','",$account_for_domains)."') )"; if($search){ $where .= " AND `domain` like '%".$search."%'"; } $group = "GROUP BY `domain`"; } else { return false; } if($order == 0) { $order = "ASC"; } else { $order = "DESC"; } $_order = "ORDER BY `$sort` $order"; $from = (int)$page * (int)$pagelen; if($pagelen > 0) { $limit = " LIMIT " . (int)$from . ", " . (int)$pagelen; } $query = $this->db->query($query.' '.$where.' '.$group.' '.$_order.' '.$limit.';'); if($query->num_rows >= 1) { return $query->rows; } else { // no results found return false; } } public function count_accounting($item = 'email',$search='') { $account_for_emails = $this->__getEmails(); $account_for_domains = $this->__getDomains(); $search = preg_replace("/\s{1,}/", "", $search); if($search){ $search_cond .= " AND ( `email` like '%".$search."%' OR `domain` like '%".$search."%' )"; } $query = "SELECT `email` AS `item`,MIN(`date`) as `oldest`,MAX(`date`) as `newest`,sum(`sent`) as `sent`,sum(`recd`) as `recd`,sum(`sentsize`) as `sentsize`,sum(`recdsize`) as `recdsize` FROM " . TABLE_STAT_COUNTER; if ($item == 'email') { $where = "WHERE `email` IN ('".implode("','",$account_for_emails)."') OR `domain` IN ('".implode("','",$account_for_domains)."')"; if($search){ $where .= " AND ( `email` like '%".$search."%' OR `domain` like '%".$search."%' )"; } $group = "GROUP BY `email`"; } elseif ($item == 'domain') { $where = "WHERE `domain` IN ('".implode("','",$account_for_domains)."')"; if($search){ $where .= " AND `domain` like '%".$search."%'"; } $group = "GROUP BY `domain`"; } else { return false; } $query = $this->db->query($query.' '.$where.' '.$group.';'); return $query->num_rows; } private function __getEmails() { $return = array(); array_push($return,$_SESSION['email']); foreach ($_SESSION['emails'] as $e) { array_push($return,$e); } return $return; } private function __getDomains() { $return = array(); if(Registry::get('admin_user') >= 1) { $return = $this->__getAcceptedDomains(); }elseif(Registry::get('auditor_user') == 1) { array_push($return,$_SESSION['domain']); foreach ($_SESSION['auditdomains'] as $d) { array_push($return,$d); } } return $return; } private function __getAcceptedDomains() { // todo: move to domains model? $return = array(); $query = $this->db->query("SELECT domain, mapped FROM " . TABLE_DOMAIN . " ORDER BY domain ASC"); foreach($query->rows as $domain) { if ($domain['domain'] == $domain['mapped']) { array_push($return,$domain['domain']); } else { array_push($return,$domain['mapped']); } } return $return; } private function __decodeDate( $input ) { if ( !is_numeric($input) ) { // if we are passed words (yesterday, today), convert to unix timestamps representing the start of the day $input = strtotime($input); $return = $input - ($input%86400); } elseif ( is_numeric($input) ) { // if we are passed unix timestamps, ensure they represent the start of the day $return = $input - ($input%86400); } return $return; } } ?>