/* * pilerexport.c, SJ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern char *optarg; extern int optind; int dryrun = 0; int exportall = 0; int rc = 0; char *query=NULL; int verbosity = 0; int max_matches = 1000; char *index_list = "main1,dailydelta1,delta1"; regex_t regexp; int export_emails_matching_to_query(struct session_data *sdata, struct __data *data, char *s, struct __config *cfg); void usage(){ printf("\nusage: pilerexport\n\n"); printf(" [-c ] Config file to use if not the default\n"); printf(" -a Start date in YYYY.MM.DD format\n"); printf(" -b Stop date in YYYY.MM.DD format\n"); printf(" -f From address\n"); printf(" -r Recipient address\n"); printf(" -F From domain\n"); printf(" -R Recipient domain\n"); printf(" -s Min. size\n"); printf(" -S Max. size\n"); printf(" -w Where condition to pass to sphinx, eg. \"match('@subject: piler')\"\n"); printf(" -m Max. matches to apply to sphinx query (default: %d)\n", max_matches); printf(" -i Sphinx indices to use (default: %s)\n", index_list); printf(" -A Export all emails from archive\n"); printf(" -d Dry run\n"); regfree(®exp); exit(0); } void p_clean_exit(char *msg, int rc){ if(msg) printf("error: %s\n", msg); if(query) free(query); exit(rc); } unsigned long convert_time(char *yyyymmdd, int h, int m, int s){ char *p; struct tm tm; if(yyyymmdd == NULL) return 0; memset((char*)&tm, 0, sizeof(tm)); tm.tm_isdst = -1; tm.tm_hour = h; tm.tm_min = m; tm.tm_sec = s; p = strchr(yyyymmdd, '.'); if(!p) return 0; *p = '\0'; tm.tm_year = atoi(yyyymmdd) - 1900; yyyymmdd = p+1; p = strchr(yyyymmdd, '.'); if(!p) return 0; *p = '\0'; tm.tm_mon = atoi(yyyymmdd) - 1; yyyymmdd = p+1; tm.tm_mday = atoi(yyyymmdd); tm.tm_isdst = -1; return mktime(&tm); } int append_email_to_buffer(char **buffer, char *email){ int len, arglen; char *s=NULL, emailaddress[SMALLBUFSIZE]; snprintf(emailaddress, sizeof(emailaddress)-1, "'%s'", email); arglen = strlen(emailaddress); if(!*buffer){ *buffer = malloc(arglen+1); memset(*buffer, 0, arglen+1); memcpy(*buffer, emailaddress, arglen); } else { len = strlen(*buffer); s = realloc(*buffer, len + arglen+2); if(!s){ printf("malloc problem!\n"); return 1; } *buffer = s; memset(*buffer+len, 0, arglen+2); strcat(*buffer, ","); memcpy(*buffer+len+1, emailaddress, arglen); } return 0; } int append_string_to_buffer(char **buffer, char *str){ int len, arglen; char *s=NULL; arglen = strlen(str); if(!*buffer){ *buffer = malloc(arglen+1); memset(*buffer, 0, arglen+1); memcpy(*buffer, str, arglen); } else { len = strlen(*buffer); s = realloc(*buffer, len + arglen+1); if(!s) return 1; *buffer = s; memset(*buffer+len, 0, arglen+1); memcpy(*buffer+len, str, arglen); } return 0; } uint64 run_query(struct session_data *sdata, struct session_data *sdata2, struct __data *data, char *where_condition, uint64 last_id, int *num, struct __config *cfg){ MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; int rc=0; uint64 id=0; char s[SMALLBUFSIZE]; *num = 0; if(!where_condition) return id; snprintf(s, sizeof(s)-1, "SELECT `id`, `piler_id`, `digest`, `bodydigest` FROM %s WHERE id IN (", SQL_METADATA_TABLE); rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, s); snprintf(s, sizeof(s)-1, "SELECT id FROM %s WHERE %s AND id > %llu ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,%d", index_list, where_condition, last_id, max_matches); if(mysql_real_query(&(sdata2->mysql), s, strlen(s)) == 0){ res = mysql_store_result(&(sdata2->mysql)); if(res != NULL){ while((row = mysql_fetch_row(res))){ id = strtoull(row[0], NULL, 10); (*num)++; rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, row[0]); rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, ","); } mysql_free_result(res); rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, "-1)"); } } if(!rc) export_emails_matching_to_query(sdata, data, query, cfg); free(query); query = NULL; return id; } uint64 get_total_found(struct session_data *sdata){ MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; uint64 total_found=0; if(mysql_real_query(&(sdata->mysql), "SHOW META LIKE 'total_found'", 28) == 0){ res = mysql_store_result(&(sdata->mysql)); if(res != NULL){ while((row = mysql_fetch_row(res))){ total_found = strtoull(row[1], NULL, 10); } mysql_free_result(res); } } return total_found; } void export_emails_matching_id_list(struct session_data *sdata, struct session_data *sdata2, struct __data *data, char *where_condition, struct __config *cfg){ int n; uint64 count=0, last_id=0, total_found=0; last_id = run_query(sdata, sdata2, data, where_condition, last_id, &n, cfg); count += n; total_found = get_total_found(sdata2); while(count < total_found){ last_id = run_query(sdata, sdata2, data, where_condition, last_id, &n, cfg); count += n; } } int build_query_from_args(char *from, char *to, char *fromdomain, char *todomain, int minsize, int maxsize, unsigned long startdate, unsigned long stopdate){ int where_condition=0; char s[SMALLBUFSIZE]; if(exportall == 1){ rc = append_string_to_buffer(&query, "SELECT `id`, `piler_id`, `digest`, `bodydigest` FROM "); rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, SQL_METADATA_TABLE); return rc; } snprintf(s, sizeof(s)-1, "SELECT DISTINCT `id`, `piler_id`, `digest`, `bodydigest` FROM %s WHERE ", SQL_MESSAGES_VIEW); rc = append_string_to_buffer(&query, s); if(from){ rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, "`from` IN ("); rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, from); rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, ")"); free(from); where_condition++; } if(to){ if(where_condition) rc = append_string_to_buffer(&query, " AND "); rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, "`to` IN ("); rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, to); rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, ")"); free(to); where_condition++; } if(fromdomain){ if(where_condition) rc = append_string_to_buffer(&query, " AND "); rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, "`fromdomain` IN ("); rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, fromdomain); rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, ")"); free(fromdomain); where_condition++; } if(todomain){ if(where_condition) rc = append_string_to_buffer(&query, " AND "); rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, "`todomain` IN ("); rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, todomain); rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, ")"); free(todomain); where_condition++; } if(minsize > 0){ if(where_condition) rc = append_string_to_buffer(&query, " AND "); snprintf(s, sizeof(s)-1, " `size` >= %d", minsize); rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, s); where_condition++; } if(maxsize > 0){ if(where_condition) rc = append_string_to_buffer(&query, " AND "); snprintf(s, sizeof(s)-1, " `size` <= %d", maxsize); rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, s); where_condition++; } if(startdate > 0){ if(where_condition) rc = append_string_to_buffer(&query, " AND "); snprintf(s, sizeof(s)-1, " `sent` >= %ld", startdate); rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, s); where_condition++; } if(stopdate > 0){ if(where_condition) rc = append_string_to_buffer(&query, " AND "); snprintf(s, sizeof(s)-1, " `sent` <= %ld", stopdate); rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, s); where_condition++; } rc += append_string_to_buffer(&query, " ORDER BY id ASC"); return rc; } int export_emails_matching_to_query(struct session_data *sdata, struct __data *data, char *s, struct __config *cfg){ FILE *f; uint64 id, n=0; char digest[SMALLBUFSIZE], bodydigest[SMALLBUFSIZE]; char filename[SMALLBUFSIZE]; int rc=0; if(prepare_sql_statement(sdata, &(data->stmt_generic), s, cfg) == ERR) return ERR; p_bind_init(data); if(p_exec_query(sdata, data->stmt_generic, data) == ERR) goto ENDE; p_bind_init(data); data->sql[data->pos] = (char *)&id; data->type[data->pos] = TYPE_LONGLONG; data->len[data->pos] = sizeof(uint64); data->pos++; data->sql[data->pos] = sdata->ttmpfile; data->type[data->pos] = TYPE_STRING; data->len[data->pos] = RND_STR_LEN; data->pos++; data->sql[data->pos] = &digest[0]; data->type[data->pos] = TYPE_STRING; data->len[data->pos] = sizeof(digest)-2; data->pos++; data->sql[data->pos] = &bodydigest[0]; data->type[data->pos] = TYPE_STRING; data->len[data->pos] = sizeof(bodydigest)-2; data->pos++; p_store_results(sdata, data->stmt_generic, data); while(p_fetch_results(data->stmt_generic) == OK){ if(id > 0){ if(dryrun == 0){ snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename)-1, "%llu.eml", id); f = fopen(filename, "w"); if(f){ rc = retrieve_email_from_archive(sdata, data, f, cfg); fclose(f); n++; snprintf(sdata->filename, SMALLBUFSIZE-1, "%s", filename); make_digests(sdata, cfg); if(strcmp(digest, sdata->digest) == 0 && strcmp(bodydigest, sdata->bodydigest) == 0){ printf("exported: %10llu\r", n); fflush(stdout); } else printf("verification FAILED. %s\n", filename); } else printf("cannot open: %s\n", filename); } else { printf("id:%llu\n", id); } } } p_free_results(data->stmt_generic); ENDE: close_prepared_statement(data->stmt_generic); printf("\n"); return rc; } int main(int argc, char **argv){ int c, minsize=0, maxsize=0; size_t nmatch=0; unsigned long startdate=0, stopdate=0; char *configfile=CONFIG_FILE; char *to=NULL, *from=NULL, *todomain=NULL, *fromdomain=NULL, *where_condition=NULL; struct session_data sdata, sdata2; struct __data data; struct __config cfg; if(regcomp(®exp, "^([\\+a-z0-9_\\.@\\-]+)$", REG_ICASE | REG_EXTENDED)){ p_clean_exit("cannot compile rule!", 1); } while(1){ #ifdef _GNU_SOURCE static struct option long_options[] = { {"config", required_argument, 0, 'c' }, {"minsize", required_argument, 0, 's' }, {"maxsize", required_argument, 0, 'S' }, {"all", no_argument, 0, 'A' }, {"dry-run", no_argument, 0, 'd' }, {"dryrun", no_argument, 0, 'd' }, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h' }, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'v' }, {"from", required_argument, 0, 'f' }, {"to", required_argument, 0, 'r' }, {"from-domain", required_argument, 0, 'F' }, {"to-domain", required_argument, 0, 'R' }, {"start-date", required_argument, 0, 'a' }, {"stop-date", required_argument, 0, 'b' }, {"where-condition", required_argument, 0, 'w' }, {"max-matches", required_argument, 0, 'm' }, {"index-list", required_argument, 0, 'i' }, {0,0,0,0} }; int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "c:s:S:f:r:F:R:a:b:w:m:i:Adhv?", long_options, &option_index); #else c = getopt(argc, argv, "c:s:S:f:r:F:R:a:b:w:m:i:Adhv?"); #endif if(c == -1) break; switch(c){ case 'c' : configfile = optarg; break; case 's' : minsize = atoi(optarg); break; case 'S' : maxsize = atoi(optarg); break; case 'A' : exportall = 1; break; case 'f' : if(regexec(®exp, optarg, nmatch, NULL, 0)){ printf("%s is not a valid email address\n", optarg); break; } rc = append_email_to_buffer(&from, optarg); break; case 'r' : if(regexec(®exp, optarg, nmatch, NULL, 0)){ printf("%s is not a valid email address\n", optarg); break; } rc = append_email_to_buffer(&to, optarg); break; case 'F' : if(regexec(®exp, optarg, nmatch, NULL, 0)){ printf("%s is not a valid domain name\n", optarg); break; } rc = append_email_to_buffer(&fromdomain, optarg); break; case 'R' : if(regexec(®exp, optarg, nmatch, NULL, 0)){ printf("%s is not a valid domain name\n", optarg); break; } rc = append_email_to_buffer(&todomain, optarg); break; case 'a' : startdate = convert_time(optarg, 0, 0, 0); break; case 'b' : stopdate = convert_time(optarg, 23, 59, 59); break; case 'w' : where_condition = optarg; break; case 'm' : max_matches = atoi(optarg); break; case 'i' : index_list = optarg; break; case 'd' : dryrun = 1; break; default : usage(); break; } } if(from == NULL && to == NULL && fromdomain == NULL && todomain == NULL && where_condition == NULL && startdate == 0 && stopdate == 0 && exportall == 0) usage(); regfree(®exp); if(!can_i_write_current_directory()) __fatal("cannot write current directory!"); (void) openlog("pilerexport", LOG_PID, LOG_MAIL); cfg = read_config(configfile); if(read_key(&cfg)) p_clean_exit(ERR_READING_KEY, 1); init_session_data(&sdata, &cfg); if(open_database(&sdata, &cfg) == ERR){ p_clean_exit("cannot connect to mysql server", 1); } if(where_condition){ init_session_data(&sdata2, &cfg); strcpy(cfg.mysqlhost, ""); cfg.mysqlport = 9306; cfg.mysqlsocket[0] = '\0'; if(open_database(&sdata2, &cfg) == ERR){ p_clean_exit("cannot connect to", 1); } export_emails_matching_id_list(&sdata, &sdata2, &data, where_condition, &cfg); close_database(&sdata2); } else { if(build_query_from_args(from, to, fromdomain, todomain, minsize, maxsize, startdate, stopdate) > 0) p_clean_exit("malloc problem building query", 1); export_emails_matching_to_query(&sdata, &data, query, &cfg); free(query); } close_database(&sdata); return 0; }