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123 lines
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* check_parser.c, SJ
#include <stdio.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "../src/piler.h"
struct parser_test {
char message_id[SMALLBUFSIZE];
char from[SMALLBUFSIZE];
char from_domain[SMALLBUFSIZE];
char to_domain[SMALLBUFSIZE];
char reference[SMALLBUFSIZE];
char subject[SMALLBUFSIZE];
int n_attachments;
static void test_parser(struct __config *cfg){
unsigned int i;
int j;
struct stat st;
struct session_data sdata;
struct parser_state state;
struct __data data;
struct parser_test tests[] = {
{"1.eml", "<ajahhdddhjdhddh@jatekokbirodalma.hu>", "játékok birodalma játékbolt hirlevel@jatekokbirodalma.hu hirlevel jatekokbirodalma hu ", "jatekokbirodalma.hu", "architerv m sj@acts.hu sj acts hu ", "acts.hu ", "", "BLACK FRIDAY - Hihetetlen kedvezmények csak 1 napig november 27-én", 2},
{"2.eml", "<20151101142653.111156815AF6D@acts.hu>", "jml lighting huixinsoft67@foxmail.com huixinsoft67 foxmail com ", "foxmail.com", "sj@acts.hu sj acts hu ", "acts.hu ", "", "New design ultra slim led panel light", 0},
{"5-ibm-images.eml", "<OFC1576266.0E8F7B7D-ONC12577CB.00303030-C12577CB.003053CD@hu.ibm.com>", "ibm rendezveny rendezveny@hu.ibm.com rendezveny hu ibm com ", "hu.ibm.com", "cim1@aaaa.bbb.fu cim1 aaaa bbb fu ajajaj@piler.aaa.fu ajajaj piler aaa fu ibm rendezveny rendezveny@hu.ibm.com rendezveny hu ibm com ", "aaaa.bbb.fu piler.aaa.fu hu.ibm.com ", "", "***Emlékeztető*** - Egészségipar - eEgészségügy (Út a jövőbe, párbeszéd a gazdaságélénkítésről) 2010. november 4.", 5},
{"9-attached-text.eml", "<list-507327664@mail.aaa.fu>", "dr lucky amechi clubzenit@zenithoteles.com clubzenit zenithoteles com ", "zenithoteles.com", "usuarios-no-listados ", "", "", "Please read my attached letter", 1},
{"13-xlsx.eml", "<alpine.LNX.2.00.1209261517040.17054@aaa.fu>", "aaaaa@aaa.fu aaaaa aaa fu ", "aaa.fu", "sj@acts.hu sj acts hu ", "acts.hu ", "", "ez egy teszt", 1},
{"15-image-only-spam.eml", "<av5f1fCf5XO0oBab757826337RSFKvu@pnmarketing.com>", "kriegel paff sketches@pnmarketing.com sketches pnmarketing com ", "pnmarketing.com", "holmon knobel aaaaa@acts.hu aaaaa acts hu ", "acts.hu ", "", "Lack of concentration, backed up by a vocabulary of tremendous scope, a", 1},
{"16-rfc822-attachment-1.eml", "<list-423974736@mail.aaa.fu>", "martonagnes martonagnes@lajt.hu martonagnes lajt hu erős istván eistvan@marosheviz.info ", "lajt.hu", "martonagnes@lajt.hu martonagnes lajt hu ", "lajt.hu ", "", "Féláras akció! 31000Ft/2fő/3nap húsvétkor is a Park Inn****-ben!", 2 },
{"17-attached-text-bogus-mime.eml", "<list-507327664@mail.aaa.fu>", "dr lucky amechi clubzenit@zenithoteles.com clubzenit zenithoteles com ", "zenithoteles.com", "usuarios-no-listados ", "", "", "Please read my attached letter", 1},
{"18-spam-html-encoding.eml", "<list-435458392@mail.aaa.fu>", "a1 hitelcentrum kft Üveges szilvia a1hitelcentrum@t-online.hu a1hitelcentrum t online hu ", "t-online.hu", "postmaster@aaa.fu postmaster aaa fu ", "aaa.fu ", "", "TÁJÉKOZTATÁS Vargay Péter", 0},
{"19-pdf-attachment-bad-mime.eml", "<20100213$2b62e942$9cc2b$sxm@61-186.reverse.ukhost4u.com>", "jennifer - billing department billing@limitedsoftwareworld.com billing limitedsoftwareworld com ", "limitedsoftwareworld.com", "100000 100000@aaa.fu 100000 aaa fu ", "aaa.fu ", "", "Billing Summary for 100000, Processed on 2010-02-13 17:01:03", 1},
{"20-pdf-attachment-bad-mime.eml", "<20100213$2b62e942$9cc2b$sxm@61-187.reverse.ukhost4u.com>", "jennifer - billing department billing@limitedsoftwareworld.com billing limitedsoftwareworld com ", "limitedsoftwareworld.com", "100000 100000@aaa.fu 100000 aaa fu ", "aaa.fu ", "", "Billing Summary for 100000, Processed on 2010-02-13 17:01:03", 1},
{"21-register-tricky-urls.eml", "<E1IBifn-0001un-MD@admin4.theregister.co.uk>", "the register update-49363-08f0f768@list.theregister.co.uk update 49363 08f0f768 list theregister co uk ", "list.theregister.co.uk", "hello@mail.aaa.fu hello mail aaa fu ", "mail.aaa.fu ", "", "[sp@m] Reg Headlines Friday July 20", 0},
{"30-subject.eml", "<3660278814815884@pongr-fabd8067e>", "aaapsi.hu info@aaapsi.hu info aaapsi hu ", "aaapsi.hu", "hello@acts.hu hello acts hu ", "acts.hu ", "", "RE: hxx-ajajajaja.com Aaagágyi és kia ttt webstat hiba", 0},
{"31-subject.eml", "<3660278814815884@pongr-fabd8067e>", "aaapsi.hu info@aaapsi.hu info aaapsi hu ", "aaapsi.hu", "hello@acts.hu hello acts hu ", "acts.hu ", "", "Re: stanhu \"domain not found\"-dal eldobja a @fohu-ra küldött leveleket...", 0},
{"32-subject.eml", "<3660278814815884@pongr-fabd8067e>", "aaapsi.hu info@aaapsi.hu info aaapsi hu ", "aaapsi.hu", "hello@acts.hu hello acts hu ", "acts.hu ", "", "<GD-XXXX/1-2015> www.ujsag.hu new virtual host reg. --> Aaaaaaaaa", 0},
{"33-subject.eml", "<3660278814815884@pongr-fabd8067e>", "aaapsi.hu info@aaapsi.hu info aaapsi hu ", "aaapsi.hu", "hello@acts.hu hello acts hu ", "acts.hu ", "", "[JIRA] Commented: (AAAA-151) A aaa-nek kerek egy XXX-et, ZH74617282, ACC27363484944", 0},
if(open_database(&sdata, cfg) == ERR){
printf("cannot open database\n");
for(i=0; i<sizeof(tests)/sizeof(struct parser_test); i++){
if(stat(tests[i].s, &st) != 0){
fprintf(stderr, "%s is not found, skipping\n", tests[i].s);
init_session_data(&sdata, cfg);
sdata.delivered = 0;
sdata.tot_len = st.st_size;
snprintf(sdata.ttmpfile, SMALLBUFSIZE-1, "%s", tests[i].s);
snprintf(sdata.filename, SMALLBUFSIZE-1, "%s", tests[i].s);
snprintf(sdata.tmpframe, SMALLBUFSIZE-1, "%s.m", tests[i].s);
state = parse_message(&sdata, 1, &data, cfg);
post_parse(&sdata, &state, cfg);
//printf("%s, %s/%s %d / %d\n", tests[i].s, tests[i].message_id, state.message_id, tests[i].n_attachments, state.n_attachments);
for(j=1; j<=state.n_attachments; j++){
assert(strcmp(state.message_id, tests[i].message_id) == 0 && "test_parser()1");
assert(strcmp(state.b_from, tests[i].from) == 0 && "test_parser()2a");
assert(strcmp(state.b_from_domain, tests[i].from_domain) == 0 && "test_parser()2b");
assert(strcmp(state.b_to, tests[i].to) == 0 && "test_parser()3a");
assert(strcmp(state.b_to_domain, tests[i].to_domain) == 0 && "test_parser()3b");
assert(strcmp(state.b_subject, tests[i].subject) == 0 && "test_parser()4");
assert(state.n_attachments == tests[i].n_attachments && "test_parser()5");
printf("test_parser() OK\n");
int main(){
struct __config cfg;
if(!can_i_write_current_directory()) __fatal("cannot write current directory!");
(void) openlog("mydomains_test", LOG_PID, LOG_MAIL);
cfg = read_config("test.conf");
setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, cfg.locale);
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, cfg.locale);
return 0;