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synced 2025-02-04 01:38:37 +01:00
Signed-off-by: Janos SUTO <sj@acts.hu>
231 lines
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231 lines
7.3 KiB
# Written by Rory McInerney, rorymcinerney@gmail.com
# feel free to use this for whatever, I make it public domain
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::LDAP;
use File::Find;
# LDAP user name
my $uid = "cn=piler,cn=users,dc=yourdomain";
# LDAP user password
my $bindPass = "youpass";
# LDAP password
my $ldapServer = "ldap://yourdc.yourdomain";
# dummy not found email address to use
my $notfound = "noexist\@domain.com";
# ldap base
my $base = "ou=Users,dc=domain";
# define some dirs we're going to use
my $inputdir = '/var/pst-import/in';
my $workdir = '/var/pst-import/working';
# the script runs as piler user and needs the correct permissions
sub takeownership {
system("sudo chown piler $workdir");
system("sudo chown piler $inputdir");
system("sudo chmod 755 /var/pst-import");
# quick function to trim whitespace
sub trim { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; return $s };
# this rewrites To: and Cc: headers
sub rewrite_to_headers {
#initiate variables
my @files;
my $start_dir = "$_[0]"; # top level dir to search
# find all the files and return the variable
find( sub { push @files, $File::Find::name unless -d; }, $start_dir );
# This iterates through all the email files found
foreach my $mailpath (@files) {
# REWRITE To: Headers
# this matches to see if it's a sent item, based on the file structure of the PST
if($mailpath =~ /Sent Items/i) { # if it's a sent item
# this extracts the line in the header to manipulate
my $line = `grep \"To:\" \"$mailpath\" -m 1`;
# lose the newline
my $origline = $line;
# lose the To: bit off the start of the header
$line =~ s/To: //g;
# split the mush of addresses into an array of parts on the semicolons
my @adds = split(/\;/, $line);
my $newline = "To:";
# cycle through all the address fragments
foreach my $add (@adds) {
$add = trim($add);
# if it matches the format of an email address
if($add =~ /\'.+\@.+\'/) {
$newline = $newline . " ".$add.";";
} else {
my $email = find_ldap_mail($add);
$email =~ s/\@/\\\@/gi;
$newline = $newline . " ".$add." <$email>;";
my $command = "perl -i -p -e \"s/$origline/$newline/g;\" \"$mailpath\"\n";
my $result = `head -n 5 \"$mailpath\" | grep "Cc:" -i -m 1`;
if($result) {
my $line = `grep \"Cc:\" \"$mailpath\" -m 1`;
# lose the newline
my $origline = $line;
# lose the To: bit off the start of the header
$line =~ s/Cc: //g;
# split the mush of addresses into an array of parts on the semicolons
my @adds = split(/\;/, $line);
my $newline = "Cc:";
# cycle through all the address fragments
foreach my $add (@adds) {
$add = trim($add);
# if it matches the format of an email address
if($add =~ /\'.+\@.+\'/) {
$newline = $newline . " ".$add.";";
} else {
my $email = find_ldap_mail($add);
$email =~ s/\@/\\\@/gi;
$newline = $newline . " ".$add." <$email>;";
my $command = "perl -i -p -e \"s/$origline/$newline/g;\" \"$mailpath\"\n";
sub rewrite_send_headers {
# argument is the folder containing the unzipped (from pst) email files
# get a list of the files in the directory (see subs)
my @mails = getfiles(@_);
# get the displayname from the emails (see subs)
my $dN = get_displayname(@mails);
# query active directory to get email to write from the dN
my $result = find_ldap_mail($dN);
# escape the special @ symbol to make system call work properly
$result =~ s/\@/\\\@/;
# for each email in the list of emails...
foreach my $mailpath (@mails) {
if($mailpath =~ /Sent Items/i) { # if it's a sent item
system("perl -i -p -e \'s/MAILER-DAEMON/$result/g;\' \"$mailpath\"\n"); # rewrite the mailer daemon with the correct stuff
# this sub gets the DN from the first email in the sent items folder in the pst we are working with
sub get_displayname {
my @fragments; # initialise this
foreach my $mailpath (@_) { # the argument is all the files in the pst broken open
if($mailpath =~ /Sent Items/i) { # if it's a sent item
my $line = `grep \"From:\" \"$mailpath\" -m 1`; # find the display name of the first email sent
@fragments = split(/\"/, $line); # isolate it
last; # once we've found it, we've found it
return $fragments[1]; #return it
# sub for getting the filenames, takes directory as argument
sub getfiles {
#initiate variables
my @files;
my $start_dir = "$_[0]"; # top level dir to search
# find all the files and return the variable
find( sub { push @files, $File::Find::name unless -d; }, $start_dir );
return @files;
#sub for finding the ldap mail attribute from a displayName
sub find_ldap_mail {
# escape ( and )
my $filter = $_[0];
$filter =~ s/\(/\\\(/gi;
$filter =~ s/\)/\\\)/gi;
# variables we using
my $uid = "cn=piler,cn=users,dc=multigroupplc";
my $bindPass = "M1ssion1977";
my $ldapServer = "ldap://svcadc03.multigroupplc";
# connect to ldap server
my $ldap = Net::LDAP -> new ($ldapServer) || die "Could not connect to server\n";
# bind to ldap server
my $result = $ldap -> bind($uid, password => $bindPass);
#we're looking for the mail attribute so tell it that
my $attrs = [ 'cn','mail' ];
# ask the ldap server
$result = $ldap->search( base => "ou=Servoca Plc,dc=multigroupplc",
filter => "(&(objectClass=Person)(displayName=$filter))",
attrs => $attrs
# not really sure what this does but it makes it work
$result->code && die $result->error;
# initialise this as you're not allowed inside the foreach loop
my @foundemails;
# look through the entries and put each result into an array
foreach my $entry ($result->all_entries) {
push @foundemails,$entry->get_value('mail');
if(@foundemails) {
#return what we've found as a scalar value
return $foundemails[0];
} else {
return "noexist\@servoca.com";
#unbind from the AD server
$result = $ldap->unbind;
# this processes it
sub processpst {
my @a = split(/\./, $_[0]); # chop off the first name of the pst
my $newname = lc $_[0]; # rename it in lowercase
system("mv $inputdir/$_[0] $workdir/$newname"); # move it to the working directory
system("mkdir $workdir/$a[0]"); # make output directory for readpst
system("readpst -D -M -b -q -o $workdir/$a[0] $workdir/$newname\n"); # crack the pst open into the output folder
rewrite_send_headers("$workdir/$a[0]"); # rewrite the from: header from mailer-daemon
rewrite_to_headers("$workdir/$a[0]"); # rewrite the to/cc headers for piler to read
system("pilerimport -D -d $workdir/$a[0] -r"); # import emails into piler archive
system("rm $workdir/$newname"); # tidying up
system("rm -rf $workdir/$a[0]"); # more tidying up
# get the right permissions
# do we have any files?
opendir DIR, $inputdir or die;
my @rawfiles= readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
# more importantly, do we have any psts?
foreach my $file (@rawfiles) {
if($file =~ /.*\.pst$/i) {