# proxmox-zfs-postinstall This script installs and configures basic tools for running a Proxmox Server. Following settings are made: - Disable `pve-enterprise` repo - Add `pve-no-subscription` repo - Upgrade system to latest version - Install basic tools: `sudo vim ifupdown2 net-tools dnsutils ethtool git curl unzip screen iftop lshw smartmontools nvme-cli lsscsi sysstat zfs-auto-snapshot htop mc rpl` - Configure snapshot retention for `zfs-auto-snapshot` interactively - `zfs_arc_[min|max]` will be calculated by size sum of all zpools in 512 MB steps - Configure backup of `/etc` folder to new zfs dataset on `rpool/pveconf` - Configure `vm.swappiness` interactively - Install checkmk Agent with optional encryption and registration - Added Support for Proxmox VE 7.0 - Added Proxmox SDN features # Usage Just download and execute the script, all settings are made interactively. ``` wget https://github.com/bashclub/proxmox-zfs-postinstall/raw/main/proxmox-zfs-postinstall.sh bash ./proxmox-zfs-postinstall.sh ``` # Author ### Thorsten Spille [](https://ko-fi.com/thorakel)