# `zamba.conf` options reference This is the reference of all config options you can set in `zamba.conf`
## Linux Container Section In this section all settings relevant for the LXC container.
### LXC_TEMPLATE_STORAGE Defines the Proxmox storage where your LXC container template are stored (default: local) ```bash LXC_TEMPLATE_STORAGE="local" ``` ### LXC_ROOTFS_SIZE Defines the size in GB of the LXC container's root filesystem (default: 32) ```bash LXC_ROOTFS_SIZE="32" ``` Depending on your environment, you should consider increasing the size for use of `mailpiler` or `matrix`. ### LXC_ROOTFS_STORAGE Defines the Proxmox storage where your LXC container's root filesystem will be generated (default: local-zfs) ```bash LXC_ROOTFS_STORAGE="local-zfs" ``` ### LXC_SHAREFS_SIZE Defines the size in GB your LXC container's filesystem shared by Zamba (AD member & standalone) (default: 100) ```bash LXC_SHAREFS_SIZE="100" ``` ### LXC_SHAREFS_STORAGE Defines the Proxmox storage where your LXC container's filesystem shared by Zamba will be generated (default: local-zfs) ```bash LXC_SHAREFS_STORAGE="local-zfs" ``` ### LXC_SHAREFS_MOUNTPOINT Defines the mountpoint of the filesystem shared by Zamba inside your LXC container (default: tank) ```bash LXC_SHAREFS_MOUNTPOINT="tank" ``` ### LXC_UNPRIVILEGED Defines if the LXC container will be created in `unpprivileged` or `privileged` mode (default: 1) ```bash LXC_UNPRIVILEGED="1" ``` Privileged also means the container runs as `root` user. Set this option only, if it's required for the service. `Zamba AD DC`, `Zamba AD member`, `Zamba standalone` and `mailpiler` are required to run in privileged mode. ### LXC_MEM Defines the amount of RAM in MB your LXC container is allowed to use (default: 1024) ```bash LXC_MEM="1024" ``` ### LXC_SWAP Defines the amount of swap space in MB your LXC container is allowed to use (default: 1024) ```bash LXC_SWAP="1024" ``` ### LXC_HOSTNAME Defines the hostname of your LXC container ```bash LXC_SWAP="zamba" ``` ### LXC_DOMAIN Defines the domain name /search domain of your LXC container ```bash LXC_DOMAIN="zmb.rocks" ``` ### LXC_IP Defines the local IP address and subnet of your LXC container in CIDR format ```bash LXC_IP="" ``` ### LXC_GW Defines the default gateway IP address of your LXC container ```bash LXC_GW="" ``` ### LXC_DNS Defines the DNS server ip addres of your LXC container ```bash LXC_DNS="" ``` ### LXC_BRIDGE Defines the network bridge to bind the network adapter of your LXC container to ```bash LXC_BRIDGE="vmbr0" ``` ### LXC_VLAN Defines the vlan id of the LXC container's network interface, if the network adapter should be connected untagged, just leave the value empty. ```bash LXC_VLAN="80" ``` ### LXC_PWD Defines the `root` password of your LXC container ```bash LXC_PWD="S3cr3tp@ssw0rd" ``` ### LXC_AUTHORIZED_KEY If you have a SSH key to add to the LXC container's `root` account authorized_keys, you can paste it here. ```bash LXC_AUTHORIZED_KEY="ssh-rsa xxxxxxxx" ``` ### LXC_TOOLSET Define your (administrative) tools, you always want to have instlled into yout LXC container ```bash LXC_TOOLSET="net-tools dnsutils mc sysstat lsb-release curl git" ``` ### LXC_TIMEZONE Define the local timezone of your LXC container (default: Euroe/Berlin) ```bash LXC_TIMEZONE="Europe/Berlin" ``` ### LXC_LOCALE Define system language on LXC container ```bash LXC_LOCALE="de_DE.utf8" ``` This parameter is not used yet, but will be integrated in future releases.
## Zamba Server Section This section configures the Zamba server (AD DC, AD member and standalone)
### ZMB_REALM Defines the REALM for the Active Directory (AD DC, AD member) ```bash ZMB_REALM="ZMB.ROCKS" ``` ### ZMB_DOMAIN Defines the domain name in your Active Directory or Workgroup (AD DC, AD member, standalone) ```bash ZMB_DOMAIN="ZMB" ``` ### ZMB_DNS_BACKEND Defines the desired DNS server backend, supported are `INTERNAL_DNS` and `BIND9_DLZ` for more advanced usage ```bash ZMB_DNS_BACKEND="INTERNAL_DNS" ``` ### ZMB_ADMIN_USER Defines the name of your domain administrator account (AD DC, AD member) ```bash ZMB_ADMIN_USER="Administrator" ``` ### ZMB_ADMIN_PASS Defines the domain administrator's password (AD DC, AD member) ```bash ZMB_ADMIN_PASS="1c@nd0@nyth1n9" ``` ### ZMB_DOMAIN_ADMINS_GROUP Defines the domain admins group of your active directory. ```bash ZMB_DOMAIN_ADMINS_GROUP="domain admins" ``` On Windows Servers this group depends on the configured OS language. ### ZMB_SHARE Defines the name of your Zamba share ```bash ZMB_SHARE="share" ```
## Mailpiler section This section configures the mailpiler email archive
### PILER_FQDN Defines the (public) FQDN of your piler mail archive ```bash PILER_FQDN="piler.zmb.rocks" ``` ### PILER_SMARTHOST Defines the smarthost for piler mail archive ```bash PILER_SMARTHOST="" ``` ### PILER_VERSION Defines the version number of piler mail archive to install ```bash PILER_VERSION="1.3.10" ``` ### PILER_SPHINX_VERSION Defines the version of sphinx to install ```bash PILER_SPHINX_VERSION="3.3.1" ``` ### PILER_PHP_VERSION Defines the php version to install ```bash PILER_PHP_VERSION="7.4" ```
## Matrix section This section configures the matrix chat server
### MATRIX_FQDN Define the FQDN of your Matrix server ```bash MATRIX_FQDN="matrix.zmb.rocks" ``` ### MATRIX_ELEMENT_FQDN Define the FQDN for the Element Web virtual host ```bash MATRIX_ELEMENT_FQDN="element.zmb.rocks" ``` ### MATRIX_ELEMENT_VERSION Define the version of Element Web ```bash MATRIX_ELEMENT_VERSION="v1.7.24" ``` ### MATRIX_JITSI_FQDN Define the FQDN for the Jitsi Meet virtual host ```bash MATRIX_JITSI_FQDN="meet.zmb.rocks" ```